 ==============RUMOR MILL NEWS AGENCY==============
Dateline: 04.14.99
         Plus more informative and exciting information resources

Cherry Tree Beaver Update
For the last four days I have been receiving 30 second to one minute calls
from my beaver Source. He said all lines of communication are
compromised. Therefore he is unable to give me  the full details of what
happened when the Virginia  Unorganized Beaver Militia assaulted
Washington D.C.

He was able to tell me that the Clinton Commandos were laying in wait as
the beavers hit the water of the tidal pool. The Commandos used a laser
weapon, not guns. The laser  is almost silent. It blinded the beavers and
disoriented them. The Navy SEALS and my  beaver Source  accompanied
the beavers. They  wore protective glasses. But the   beavers weren't that
lucky. No one makes laser shields for beavers. (If you are not familiar
with laser weaponry, I have an article from the European Parliament that
describes them and other high tech weaponry)

The SEALS quickly herded the Virginia Beavers into the Washington DC
sewers. My Source said that once they were inside the sewer system, they
realized that they have access to every building in Washington D.C., and
some they didn't even know existed.

My Source told me to watch for unusual happenings in Washington. The
Cherry Tree Beavers are sacrificing themselves to remind Americans that
this country was founded on truth and justice. We must do what we can to
help the Cherry Tree Beavers. Tell their story to anyone who will listen.
Send their stories to your friends and family.

The Cherry Tree Beavers are standing up  for the principle for which the
Cherry Trees were planted in Washington: TRUTH IN GOVERNMENT

Tell your politician the Beavers are right! Lying is wrong! The American
people deserve honest leaders. Support your local beaver and elect honest

This morning on the Rush Limbaugh show, Rush talked about an unusual
incident which occurred at the White House yesterday. The lights went
out. They were out only a few seconds, but over 8 fire trucks were called,
as well as ambulances. The official white House Liar, I mean spokesman,
said that it wasn't a real problem. There was a small fire in a transformer
box, nothing serious.

If it wasn't serious, then why were 8 fire trucks and an ambulance
dispatched? My Beaver Source told me during one of his abbreviated
conversations that the press isn't printing a tenth of what they know, and
the White House isn't telling them anything.

Nancy Moses, a spokeswoman for Potomac Electric Power Co., said a
small fire occurred in a bundle of wires at a transformer in a  manhole on
the White House grounds at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Rush talked about this incident for a very long time. Does he know
something that the rest of us haven't yet been told? From his comments, a
listener would believe that this transformer fire is just the beginning of a
long Tom Clancy novel.

The Cherry Tree Beavers are in the Washington sewers. Could this
transformer fire have been their doing? And if so, what else can we expect
in the near future?

Someone must ask Rush what he really knows about this strange so-called
fire. It was evident by his comments on his show today that he knows
more about this than he is telling.

Last night Art Bell had Jeffrey Nyquist as a guest. But even before Jeffrey
came on the program, Art was lambasting the New World Order and
NATO for the war in Kosovo. When Jeffrey came on, they continued
informing people about the deadly consequences of our actions in Kosovo.
They talked about Russia and China becoming enemies once more and
pointing their nuclear weapons at us.

It was very clear that Art was telling the truth,  the whole truth and
nothing but the truth about the New World Order and what is going to
happen to America if they are successful in implementing their One
World Government.

The more I listened to Art, the more afraid I became for him. I know from
a personal level what the New World Order does to whistle blowers.

The first thing they do is find out everything you have ever done in your
life. If they find a criminal record, nor matter how minor, they magnify
the story, purposely  take it out of context, and  make the whistle blower
look like the most evil person on the planet.

If the person has no criminal record, then they manufacture criminal or
perverse acts. They usually find one of their paid stooges to give a press
conference and declare that they were raped, robbed or beaten by the
whistle blower. If there is an exwife, they always seek her out to talk
about the strange sexual preferences of the whistle blower.

If this doesn't work, then they sic the IRS on the individual. Even if all the
tax records are in perfect order, the IRS can drag out their audit for years.
The high cost of attorneys usually bankrupt the whistle blower. When a
whistle blower is bankrupted, they can no longer blow the whistle.

If this fails, they incarcerate the whistle blower. If the whistle blower
keeps talking from prison, they kill him.

As I listened to Art and Jeffrey talking about the New World Order and
what is about to happen to America, I became certain that Art is going to
be targeted very soon. I quickly wrote a letter to him and tried to email it,
but, as usual, his email box is full.

Then I tried to fax it to him. The fax line was busy all last night and into
this morning. Art and I have a mutual friend, so I faxed it to this friend
and asked him to get the message to Art.

I am inserting the letter in this email. If I am right about this, then the
damage  can be minimized because the audience will have been warned.
They will understand that Art is being punished for telling the truth.

I am enclosing a link to his website:   <A HREF="http://www.artbell.com/">The
Art Bell Web Site
</A>     Pull it up and order the tapes from last night, April 13, 1999, with
Jeffrey Nyquist who writes for
News Max. Here is their link. <A HREF="http://www.newsmax.com/">NewsMax.com:
America's News Page
Here is Jeffrey's page

Here is the fax I tried to send Art last night:

                    Smear Campaign is on the Way
I have a terrible premonition that you are about to be set up
and discredited. You are telling the truth that our government
does not want the people to know. I haven't had time to listen to
you for about a month.  I tuned in tonight and was absolutely
amazed at the things you were saying about the war in Kosovo,
and the New World Order. All are very true! And you are right, it
is the New World Order who is behind this war.

You are speaking the truth too clearly. Our government cannot
allow you and your guests, with your large audience, to tell the
American people the truth about this war in Kosovo.

Art, I know what it is like to be set up by the government, and if
you keep talking this way... You are going to be set up and

It doesn't matter if you are guilty of what they charge you with.
They will manufacture anything to make you look like a pervert,
a crook, or a terrorist. Art, you must counter them before they
act. Ask John Lear about this. I would trust his advice.

You must strike before they strike you. Alert your audience to
expect a smear campaign. You are exposing the government for
what they are, and they will do everything they can to stop you.


To RMNews Readers:
I have been receiving emails from David Gould. His information is
some of the best I have received in a long time. He works like I do. He has
a list of readers and sends his articles to people on his list.  Email him and
ask to be put on his email list.

I also have a request to ask of you. Years ago,  my ex husband and I were
trying to expose the treason of  the Bush administration. Very quickly we
ended up bankrupt with him in prison. To keep him alive, I had to keep
his name in the headlines. This was a 20 hour a day, seven day a week job.
I wrote letters, made phone calls, did radio and television shows, spoke at
conferences and made sure that his name stayed in the news at all times.
Keeping him alive was my full time job for over four years!

During this time, the only money I earned was from the tapes he and I
made on radio shows. Needless to say, the sale of these tapes wasn't
enough to pay the bills, so I had to swallow my pride and appeal for
money. Good Americans supported me during this time. Without them,
neither of us would have survived.

I know how hard it is to ask for money, this is why I am doing the asking.
Once you see the quality of David's research, I know you will want to
help. Even $5.00 in an envelope will do... if enough of us send it. I am
putting my envelope in the mail tonight. I hope you will do the same.

When you read tiny sampler article, email David and ask him to put you
on his mailing list and send you the back articles. They are frightening,
but you need to know the truth so you can be prepared.

Thank you,

Date:     4/12/1999 11:05:17 AM Pacific Daylight Time
From:     [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Gould)

Bill Clinton has done everything possible to weaken the United States
military.  Read this as Gays in the military; women in combat roles;
lack of money for training, spare parts, new weapons, and pay; and now
he is rapidly depleting what weapons remains in the arsenal while
destroying  the willingness of the troops to obey orders.  If you do not
think that the military vaccinations use and scandal tie into this, you have
little understanding of Bill Clinton.

Shortly, Clinton and his friends will commit more than 200,000
ground troops, mostly American, into Serbia.  Once these troops are
committed, they are history, and are indefensible to a flank attack, or a
nuclear attack, by the Russians.

The second post that (that David sent) was about how Russia and China
are preparing for war; war against the United States.  There is another
facet to this.  In that post, (you will have to ask him to email it to you)
go back and read again about the Y2K problem that Russia is refusing to
work on with technicians from the west.  This is doubly dangerous,
because  the thinking, as reported elsewhere, in the Russian government
and armed  forces seems to be; this is the year: use the missiles and the
bombs, or lose  their use because of Y2K.

Now, if you think that Bill Clinton is stupid, just sit back and let
events occur.  But I assure you, Clinton is not stupid, and neither are
those who serve their masters alongside him.  So this information is not
new to him, and not to his masters.  They understand, so let me give you
a little warning: the only thing standing between the New World Order
taking over the world is America.  Bill Clinton and his cronies serve
their masters, just as the United States always has, who are the New
World Order.

If American and other NATO forces are committed into Serbia, and Bill
Clinton decides to take an overseas trip, I would make sure that I was
not on any bulls-eyes while he is gone.  Bulls-eyes like Chicago, Dallas,
Houston, Los Angeles, and... well, I'll let you fill in the rest of the

There is a general rule of human nature which says that once a weapon
which can kill is created, it will be used.  And this weapon was used
first by the United States, in the most callus manner possible.  The
United States used the atom bomb on two non-military targets, against
mostly women and children, ostensibly to more effectively test the
weapon on targets which had been hit very few times by conventional
bombing.  Of course, they were hit very few times because there were no
military targets located there!  It is said, what goes around comes
around, and do unto your neighbor as you would have him do unto you.  I
believe that the turn of the United States has come, judging from the
anger being generated around the world against the latest depredations of
that corporation.

And, if you doubt that the above could actually be true, think about
this: the defense forces of the United States have been stood down by
Bill Clinton.  They are no longer able to launch a counter-strike against
Russia if a missile launch by the Soviets is confirmed against America.
No one but Bill Clinton can order a counter-strike (In November 1997,
President Clinton signed a top-secret Presidential Decision Directive
(PDD-60) directing U.S. military commanders to abandon the
time-honored nuclear deterrence of "launch on warning."  This
information will be in  my next Post).  Think about that when you go to
bed tonight, then  consider if that new car is important; whether the big
game on TV might  make a difference in your life, just how important is
the cable TV, etc.   Start re-evaluating your life, and do it now.  A little
preparation could make a big difference later, for you, and for your

God Bless each and everyone of you.  I hope you pass on my posts so as
many as possible are informed.  David Gould

I am going to make a request of each of you at this time.  Something I
hoped would not be necessary.  Those of you who are reading my series
know where I live, and why, and you know how little money is available
to  me (less than $350.00/month).  My single largest expense is the
Internet  access I use, and I have no choice in the matter.  To do the
research I  do, and the posting I do, means time on the net, and I must pay
for every minute I am on the net.  My costs are now exceeding $100 a
month for this  time, and I am having trouble paying it.  A lot of trouble.  I
received a  gift from a very kind man which allowed me to pay last month
and this  month's bill, but I do not know where I will get the money for
next  month's bill.

If you can help in any small way, I deeply appreciate it.  In any event,
I will continue to bring what news I can to you, and to make my series
available to those who are serious about learning what went wrong in
America.  Please send any contribution to:
David Gould
c/o P. O. Box 1135
Why, Arizona  [85321]

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