-Caveat Lector-

Kurds Puzzled by Report of Terror Camp


RBIL, Iraq, Feb. 5 — Secretary of State Colin L. Powell's assertion today
that Islamic extremists were operating a poisons training camp and factory
in northern Iraq appeared to surprise Kurdish officials, who greeted the
claim with a mix of satisfaction and confusion.

The officials were pleased to hear an American effort to discredit their
Islamist enemies, and to sense momentum toward war to unseat Saddam
Hussein. But some also wondered if the intelligence Mr. Powell presented
to the United Nations Security Council was imprecise.


As part of his presentation to the Security

Council, Mr. Powell said a terrorist network run by Abu Musaab al-Zarqawi,
an operative of Al Qaeda, had "helped establish another poison and
explosive training center camp, and this camp is located in northeastern

As he spoke, a monitor displayed a photograph with the caption: "Terrorist
Poison and Explosives Factory, Khurmal."

The network that Mr. Powell referred to appeared to be Ansar al-Islam, an
extremist group controlling a small area of northern Iraq. Ansar has been
accused of dispatching assassins and suicide bombers, of harboring Qaeda
fighters from Afghanistan and of training several hundred local fighters.

The secular Kurdish government has been battling the group since 2001,
and, since December, there have been indications that Mr. Zarqawi may
have spent time in Ansar's territory last year.

But no Western officials had gone as far with claims of Ansar's danger as
Mr. Powell did when he showed a photograph of the Khurmal factory. Mr.
Powell also said that Baghdad has a senior official in the "most senior
levels" of Ansar, a claim apparently intended to build a case that Baghdad
is collaborating with Al Qaeda and, by extension, in a chemical factory.

Some here quickly seconded Mr. Powell's opinion. "We have some
information about this lab from agents and from prisoners," Kamal Fuad, the
Parliament speaker, said.

But Mr. Powell's assertion also produced confusion tonight. One senior
Kurdish official, a member of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan who is
familiar with the intelligence on Ansar, said he had not heard of the
laboratory Mr. Powell displayed.

"I don't know anything about this compound," he said.

Kurds also questioned whether Mr. Powell was mistaken, or had mislabeled
the photograph. Khurmal, the village named on the photo, is controlled
not by Ansar al-Islam but by Komala Islami Kurdistan, a more moderate
Islamic group.

The Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, which is allied with Washington and has
been hosting an American intelligence team in northern Iraq for several
months, maintains relations with Komala. It has been paying $200,000 to
$300,000 in aid to the party each month, in an effort to lure Komala's
leaders away from Ansar.

So Mr. Powell's photograph raised a question: Is the laboratory in Komala's
area, meaning the Kurdish opposition might have inadvertently helped pay
for it, or has the United States made a mistake?

"My sources say it is in Beyara," one Kurdish official said. "Not in Khurmal."
Ansar has a headquarters in Beyara, a village several miles from Khurmal.

Abu Bari Syan, an administrator for Komal Islami Kurdistan, the party that
controls Khurmal, took an even stronger stand about Mr. Powell's claim.
"All of it is not true," he said.
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not believe simply because it has been handed down for many genera-
tions.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and
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careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
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