-Caveat Lector-

Welcome to Vets For Justice. Our goal is to help America's Veterans
actually find justice.
Help Out! We need YOU to offer suggestions, and to help us, in our quest
to put together a Veterans Bill of Rights.

All content at this site owned, and/or copyrighted, by VetsForJustice.Inc.
may be FREELY copied and distributed.

VetsForJustice.Com, Inc., a New Veterans Group with over 20,000 visitors
at their internet site since January 2, 2003 when they were officially
incorporated as a Non-Profit Veterans Organization, has announced that
it's members will celebrate February 12, 2003 as Veterans Betrayal Day.

February 12, 2003 Veterans across the Nation will PROTEST the betrayal of
many World War II and Korean Veterans who were Firmly Promised by the
United States Government that if they served 20 or more years in the
military that they, and their dependants, would get free health care
benefits for life.

Both the United States Government, and the Federal Courts, Admit the
promise was made, however the Federal Courts have ruled that the
government may make false promises, and commit fraud, to America's
Veterans and not be held accountable.

Retired Air Force Colonel George "Bud" Day, a Vietnam Veteran, and Medal
of Honor winner, has taken this Clear Case of Mass Fraud against America's
Veterans to the Federal Courts in Washington which, for solely political
reasons, have slapped all of America's Veterans in the face, and refused to
correct this grave injustice against those who provide the very freedom
our Courts operate under.

Tana Kidwell, CEO of www.VetsForJustice.com, and wife of Disabled
Vietnam Veteran, Billy Kidwell, issued a statement saying that;

"She does not find it surprising that the Washington Federal Courts, which
have a long history of being hostile to, and betraying America's Veterans,
are again playing politics and misusing their power, to save money on the
budget, by cheating those who defend this great country. By stealing from
our Veterans. If the United States Supreme Court lets such a farce, and
mockery, of justice stand then no Veteran should ever respect, or give
any weight, to any decision by that Court.

As we prepare for another Great War it is appalling that the same
administration sending our troops into harms way, is actively pursuing a
policy of cheating, and stealing, from those who have already served. Is
this the future of those going into combat now? To be required to fight
one day for the benefits they have earned, and are firmly promised, only
to have slick, shyster Federal Judges, playing politics, steal their benefits
from them? Is this how America treats her combat troops?"

To bring awareness to the many injustices directed towards America's
Veterans VetsForJustice.Com, Inc. will direct it's many new chapters, and
all it's members, to actively spread the word about Veterans Betrayal Day.

All Veterans of conscience should protest this grave injustice against our
brothers. We STRONGLY URGE all of our new members to be active in some
way on February 12, 2003 either protesting, or passing the word to as many
other people as you can, exposing that this is the future of today's military
now going into harms way, if we all don't UNITE together in this great
cause.and Mirrors

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