-Caveat Lector-

February 5, 2003 12:42

Will Colin Powell Stand Tall?

By David H. Hackworth

While a bellicose North Korea belts out nuclear material for an assembly
line of bombs, and al Qaeda keeps blowing up people, places and things
from Afghanistan to Yemen, tens of thousands of American fighters and
their supporters are pouring into the Persian Gulf region to take out

And from every quarter of Pax America, our commanders, not unlike their
ancient Roman counterparts, say they need more toys and boys to cinch
the accomplishment of their missions around a war-weary world where
more than a million of our best and brightest are playing Supercop.

For example, our admiral running the Pacific wisely wants more forces to
deal with the paranoids from Pyongyang in case they put steel and fire
behind their words of war, while our general out in the Persian Gulf -
counting the weeks before he clobbers Iraq - isn't happy that combat units
have been cut from his order of battle. Meanwhile, his counterpart in
Afghanistan wants more troops for peacemaking that gets hotter, messier
and bloodier with the passage of each day. And the skippers responsible
for homeland defense are rightfully complaining that the USA is being left
high and dry without the men and material to handle the job.

A month ago, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld boldly said he could do it
all. But it was no big surprise when Gen. Peter Pace, his Pentagon
assistant, quietly refuted this assertion a few weeks later. Between the
reserves and active-duty forces, the Pentagon can field only about 2.5
million effective fighters and supporters, which means we just don't have
enough troops for all the missions currently on the Pentagon's military

Despite the heavy activation of reservists and even the call-up of retired
folks, many units today are badly stretched, and other units - especially
reserve outfits - are far from good-to-go. Morale, the most essential factor
in war, is not exactly over-the-top. Cooked books and ghost soldiers, along
with failed social experiments, have left many units severely undermanned.
A staggering number of soldiers, sailors and airmen have been unable to
deploy overseas for reasons such as disability, discipline and dope
problems, pregnancy and child-care issues.

The exact number is one of the Pentagon's most-guarded secrets. Perhaps
Congress should ask?

We started down this mine-laden path more than a decade ago when the
Pentagon's Paul Wolfowitz first advocated - to Bush-the-Elder and then-
Defense Secretary Dick Cheney - that the USA become the sole
superpower and dominate the world. You know, steal a few lines from
1930s Germany with a good-guy "enlightened" democratic spin on the
proposed New World Order. But Bush I turned his back on Wolfowitz's
Greater Middle East Marshall-like plans, the Cold War ended, and our
military muscle was ruthlessly whacked in half.

Then President Clinton delivered the body blow of political-correctness-
run-amok that just about brought down what was left of a once-
magnificent Desert Storm military force.

When Bush II got in the saddle, he bought into the NWO gospel according
to Wolfowitz and a coterie of like-minded, draft-dodging superhawks -
including Washington insider William Kristol - that containment, the
strategy that brought the Soviets down, should be replaced by the NWO
big stick, beginning with the democratization of Iraq.

But since none of these warmongers - who were of dying age for Vietnam
but chose to escape- and-evade - has walked the walk, Colin Powell needs
to draw on his been-there wisdom and authority and summon up the grit
to tell Mr. Bush to slow down on Iraq, at least until we rebuild our military
into a force capable of chewing what we've already bitten off. Or for sure
the NWO doctrine will do unto Bush II what Vietnam did unto LBJ as our
country sallies forth to rule the world.

Kristol told The New York Times that he lies awake at night worrying that
something could go wrong with the war with Iraq. "Chemical weapons
could be used against American troops," he says. "A biological weapon
could be set off in America." I'm sure many of us lie awake at night, too,
with the same terrible thoughts - including Robert McNamara, another
unrestrained defense intellectual who never served in the trenches and
whose similar abstract thinking fueled the Vietnam disaster.

http://www.hackworth.com is the address of David Hackworth's home
page. Send mail to P.O. Box 11179, Greenwich, CT 06831. Look for his new
book, "Steel My Soldiers' Hearts," (Rugged Land LLC, New York City).

© 2003 David H. Hackworth

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