-Caveat Lector-
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, February 07, 2003 11:48 PM
Subject: DoD to Transfer Background Investigations to OPM

By Jim Garamone
American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, Feb. 7, 2003 -- Just over 1,800 Defense
Security Service investigators will transfer to the Office
of Personnel Management under a new DoD-OPM agreement,
defense officials said.

The move, effective Oct. 1, will give the Defense
Department more flexibility and will save money.

Carol Haave, deputy assistant secretary of defense for
security and information operations, said the process of
individuals getting background security checks will speed

The Defense Security Service is responsible for roughly 1
million background security checks each year. Two years
ago, the service had a backlog of around 500,000 cases. The
wait time for a secret or top secret clearance reached up
to 18 months.

"The question became how do we fix it?" Haave said. The
investigators at the Defense Security Service were doing a
heroic job. Haave said the investigators were driving
themselves and putting in a lot of overtime. Still, there
was only so much they could do.

OPM helped DSS to whittle down the backlog. As the two
agencies worked together, DoD was examining how to speed up
the process and make it more thorough. But institutional
improvements only worked on the margins, Haave said.

At the same time, DoD officials looked at the department's
core missions and decided performing background checks
wasn't one. "As we got deeper into the analysis, what we
came to find was there was a great synergy that could be
had between the Office of Personnel Management … and DSS,"
Haave said.

Each agency has its own information technology system and
management systems. Combining them all into a single system
would cut down on duplication and save money through cost
avoidance, Haave said. Also, she said, the two agencies
found they complemented each other.

"We have resources where OPM has few, and they have
resources where we don't have that much," she said. This
means less money spent on travel and overtime.

While OPM would take over the background investigations,
DoD would retain "quality control" over the process. The
defense service and OPM already operate to the same
national standard.

The transfer of the investigators to OPM will be
transparent to them, Haave said. "The way we think it will
happen is OPM will basically provide them 'offer letters'
of employment at their same locations, their same grades
and status," she said. "Their paycheck will simply come
from OPM and not the Department of Defense."

DoD will start purchasing services from OPM in fiscal 2004.
"We are in the process right now of implementing a
transition plan in cooperation with OPM to look at how we
would transfer cases and when we will start doing that,"
Haave said. "We don't have all the details worked out yet,
but we're in the process over the next 30 days of doing
that plan."

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Visit the Defense Department's Web site for the latest news
and information about America's response to the Sept. 11, 2001,
terrorist attacks and the war against terrorism: "Defend America"
at http://www.DefendAmerica.mil.

Visit the "Department of Defense Homeland Security" Web site
at http://www.defenselink.mil/specials/homeland/ to learn more
about the Department of Defense role in homeland security.


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