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-Caveat Lector-

 22,000 Voting Machines Got a Program Fix, Right Before the Election.


Georgia's Last Minute 2002 Election Machine Fix
           Thursday, 13 February 2003, 10:41 pm
           Article: Bev Harris

Georgia: 22,000 Voting Machines Got a Program Fix, Right Before the

                                     By Bev Harris
                              This article also appears HERE

              In early February, 2003, programmers for Diebold
Election Systems
              admitted that they had been See... parking highly
sensitive company files
              on an unprotected web site, a serious security mistake
by anyone's

              The very next week officials from the state of Georgia
admitted that a
              program "patch" was administered to over 22,000
              touch-screen voting machines in Georgia. This took place
shortly before
              the November 2002 election.

              A single, certified, and carefully examined version of
the actual
              vote-counting program is allowed on the voting machines.

              However, when a program is "patched," new code is
inserted into the
              existing program, usually correcting a fault, or
sometimes adding a
              feature. If a patch is to be applied to the actual
vote-counting program, it
              must be certified to make sure no errors or unauthorized
changes are
              introduced. But no one bothered to certify this patch.

              A patch to the underlying operating system - Windows -
can slip through
              without scrutiny. Testing labs ignore it, yet this kind
of patch can contain
              new, malicious code designed to tamper with
vote-counting. Windows
              CE, especially, (the system used in Georgia), may carry
risks when used
              in voting machine patches, because its source code is
fairly accessible to
              programmers. In fact, Windows CE is very nearly open
source, and
              overwriting its files with new ones containing hidden
code is not difficult.

              Putting patches on 22,000 voting machines without
looking at the
              underlying code has put the Georgia election results in
doubt, for two

              First, when a patch is administered, whatever the
explanation, it can
              make other, unnoticed changes to the way the program
operates. In this
              case, no one bothered to see what the patch did.
Instead, certification
              officials just took the vendor's word for it. They could
not have known
              whether the vote-counting program was altered, and
especially after
              installing the patch, they had no way to find out if
rogue programs were
              being run in the background.

              Second, ignoring the possibility of an attack on the
voting system through
              the operating system is completely naive. In fact, in
testimony before
              Congress See... Douglas W. Jones identified the very
real risk of an
              attack on voting machines through the Windows operating
              specifically with the type of machines (Diebold / Global
Election Systems
              DRE machines) that were used in Georgia!

              The purpose of the 22,000 Georgia voting machine
patches, says
              Michael Barnes of the Georgia Secretary of State
Election Office, was to
              correct a problem with video screens freezing up.
According to See...
              Chris Riggall , the Press Secretary for Cathy Cox,
Georgia Secretary of
              State, Diebold attributed the problem to a "conflict
between the unit's
              firmware and a new release of Windows CE that serves as
the units'
              operating system."

              Unfortunately, no certification lab seems to have
examined exactly what
              was on this patch.

              And as for the security procedures for the memory cards
that installed
              this patch, even Dr. Brit Williams, Georgia's official
independent certifier
              for voting machines, seemed a little uncomfortable.

              Conversation with Dr. Brit Williams:

              Harris: "What was the security around the creation of
the cards used to
              implement the patch?"
              Williams: "That's a real good question. Like I say, we
were in the heat
              of the election. Some of the things we did, we probably
              security a little bit - Let me emphasize we've gone back
since the election
              and done extensive testing on all this."

              For some reason, no one at any level of the
certification process
              bothered to examine this patch.

              Conversation with Michael Barnes:

              Barnes: "Wyle said it did not affect the certification
elements. So it did
              not need to be certified."
              Harris: "Where's the written report from Wyle on that?
Can I have a
              Barnes: "I'd have to look for it. I don't know if there
was ever a written
              report by Wyle. It might have been by phone."

              Conversation with Dr. Brit Williams:

              Harris: "Did you do a line by line examination of the
              Williams: "The patch was to the operating system, not to
the program
              per se."
              Harris: "It only changed Windows files? Do you know that
it didn't
              change anything in the other program, did you examine
              Williams: "We were assured by the vendor that the patch
did not impact
              any of the things that we had previously tested on the
              Harris: "Did anyone look at what was contained in the
              Williams: "We don't look at source code on the operating
              anyway. On our level we don't look at the source code,
that's the federal
              certification labs that do that."
              Harris: "Did you issue a written report to the Secretary
of State
              indicating that it was not necessary to look at the
              Williams: "It was informal - not a report - we were in
the heat of trying
              to get an election off the ground. A lot was done by

              The other program patch files: "rob-georgia" folder

              No official at Diebold or the Georgia Secretary of
State's office has
              provided any explanation at all about the OTHER program
patch files -
              the ones contained in a folder called "rob-georgia" on
              unprotected FTP site. Inside "rob-georgia" were folders
with instructions
              to "Replace what is in the GEMS folder with these" and
"Run this
              program to the C-Program Files Winnt System32
Directory." GEMS is
              the Diebold voting program software.

              Who used the program patches in the "rob-georgia" file?

              Barnes: "That FTP site did not affect us in any way
shape or form
              because we did not do any file transferring from it.
None of the servers
              ever connected so no one could have transferred files
from it. No files
              were transferred relating to state elections."

              If, as Barnes claims, these files weren't used for
anything in particular,
              exactly why were they there?

              Diebold's unprotected FTP site contained exactly the
files most important
              to anyone intent on tampering with an election: source
codes, executable
              vote-counting programs, "patches," hardware and software
              specifications, technical drawings, and specific testing

              Who accessed the FTP site? Who downloaded the
rob-georgia files?
              Who kept a log to show chain of custody on these files?

              - Assume that the FTP folder called rob-georgia was
irrelevant to
              - Assume that the "replace files with these" folders in
it were not used
              - And assume that all 22,000 program patches did exactly
what they said
              they did: Corrected a conflict between Windows CE and
              firmware to prevent screens from freezing up.

              Did it not occur to anyone at Diebold that having a
folder called
              "rob-georgia" on an open FTP site alongside sensitive
program files,
              spec files, and testing protocols might raise a question
or two among

              If the source code for the voting programs is
proprietary and even testing
              labs and government officials are not permitted to see
it, why was it
              available for download on a public site? Was it an
error? If the open FTP
              site, and the unexamined program patch were errors, what
              does the public have that Diebold's security is at all
competent? Are there
              other sites out on the web in which one may find source
code and
              hardware specs for the bank ATMs and alarm systems
Diebold also

              Did Anyone Look At the Source Code on the 22,000 Voting

              Nowadays it's not just voting that's automated. When you
start asking
              questions, now you get auto-rebuttals, and that's what I
got when I asked
              who looked at the source code - in the patch, and also
in the original

              In the PR industry, we call these auto-rebuttals
"Talking Points."
              Somebody preps everyone: "If they ask so-and-so, answer
              such-and-such." You dance around wasting meeting time,
or talk show
              time, discussing something that doesn't answer anything.

              You've probably heard this auto-rebuttal already: "Why
can't we have a
              voter-verified paper trail that we deposit in a ballot

              Talking Point: "Oh, there are very big privacy issues
with that, and people
              might try to buy votes." (Ridiculous: We said "Deposit
it in a ballot box,"
              not "Pin it on your forehead and look for a guy to give
you twenty

              When I went looking for some sort of guarantee that
these machines
              cannot be tampered with by someone on the inside, which
means at the
              very least, doing a line-by-line examination of the
source code designed
              specifically to locate tampering, I kept hitting the
same official Talking

              (Ask whoever): "How do we know how secure these things
are from
              tampering? Who looks at the source code?"

              Talking Point: "Oh, they are tested and tested and
tested and then
              tested again."

              No wonder they keep trotting this Talking Point out. It
worked before:
              "We have counted and recounted and recounted again."

                                A Diebold Voting Machine

              Could it be that when these machines are tested and
tested and tested
              and then tested again," people aren't really doing a
              examination of the source code (including how it
interacts with operating
              systems and other devices, like video cards?) Do they
examine it
              specifically to make sure it contains no code that could
              system integrity?

              I asked: "Who are the people who test and test and test
and then test

              Here they are:

              - The state
              - An independent state certifier
              - A national "ITA" (Independent Testing Authority): Wyle
              - Another national ITA: Ciber, Inc.

              Does the state do a line-by-line examination of the
source code?

              Everyone hurries forward with their next Talking Point:
"We do a Logic
              and Accuracy test." No, that's not what I asked. See the
sidebar for why
              the L & A test doesn't function adequately for fraud

              But does anyone at the state look at the source code?

              Well, no. At least not in Georgia. My source for this is
Michael Barnes.

                   ***** TALKING POINT 1 *****

                   The "L & A" test is called a Black Box test;
                   examining the source code is called "White Box"
                   testing. And, according to Arnold B. Urken, who
                   founded the first certified voting machine testing
                   lab, you MUST do White Box testing - examine
                   the source code - if your certification is to mean
                   anything. In fact, he was so adamant about this
                   that he refused to certify ES&S (then called AIS),
                   because they would not allow him to look
                   carefully at their code.

                   L & A testing tells you nothing about tampering.
                   In an L & A test, what you do is this: You run
                   pretend ballots through the machine. If it counts
                   correctly, it passes the test.

                   When machines lose 103,000 votes, as they did
                   in Broward County, it's pretty clear that the L &
                   A test didn't catch the problem! Go to See... [this
                   page] for a staggeringly long list of actual
                   errors that prove you can't depend on L & A

                   ***** TALKING POINT ENDS *****

              Okay, make that just "tested and tested and then

              Does an independent state certifier do a line-by-line
examination of the
              source code?

              Well, apparently not. Georgia's independent auditor, Dr.
Brit Williams,
              from Kennesaw University, told me he does not examine
the source

              Well then, I guess they meant they just "test and test."

              So I looked up Wyle Laboratories, and I came across a
surprising article
              -- especially since the ES&S web site lists only Wyle as
their certifier. It
              turns out that Wyle decided to stop testing voting
machine software in
              1996. I called Edward W. Smith, at Wyle Labs, and he
confirmed this.
              Nowadays, Wyle only tests hardware and firmware. Can you
drop it off
              a truck? How does it stand up to being left in the rain?
Good things to
              know, but some of us also want to know that someone has
              every line of the source code to make sure no one
tampered with it.

              Wyle does test firmware, and Diebold said the patch
fixed a firmware
              conflict, so maybe Wyle tested this!

              Harris: "Was that patch certified?"
              Barnes: "Yes."
              Harris: "By whom?"
              Barnes: "Before we put anything on our equipment we run
through state
              certification labs and then in addition to that we
forwarded the patch to
              Wyle labs in Huntsville -"
              Harris: "They don't test software, though"
              Barnes: "They test firmware...Wyle said it did not
affect the certification
              elements. So it did not need to be certified."

              So I guess this stuff is just "tested."

              I hunted for Ciber, which tests the software for
Diebold. And here's what
              I learned: When Wyle stopped testing voting machine
software, that
              certification process went to Nichols Research. But they
quit doing it and
              it went to PSInet, and then to Metamor, and now it is
done by Ciber.

              While looking for names to call at Ciber, I found out
that we're not
              supposed to ask Ciber any questions. In fact, there are
specific See...
              instructions about this:

              "The ITAs DO NOT and WILL NOT respond to outside
inquiries about
              the testing process for voting systems, nor will they
answer questions
              related to a specific manufacturer or a specific voting
system. They have
              neither the staff nor the time to explain the process to
the public, the news
              media or jurisdictions. All such inquiries are to be
directed to The
              Election Center. . ."

              So I called See... The Election Center
              Assistant: Doug Lewis is gone for the day - his cell
phone is
              713-xxx-xxxx. And he is the only one to talk with.

              Harris: "Mr. Lewis, I understand that your organization
is the one that,
              basically, certifies the certifiers of the voting
machines, is that correct?"
              Lewis: "Yes."
              Harris: "Do you have anything in writing that shows that
a line by line
              examination of source code was performed by either Ciber
or Wyle?"
              Lewis: "No. But that's what they do. They go line by
line. They're not
              trying to rewrite it."
              Harris: "Where can I get something in writing that says
they look at the
              code line by line?"
              Lewis: "I don't know where you'd find that."

                   ***** TALKING POINT 2 *****

                   Here's another Talking Point:

                   Bring up anything about protecting voting
                   machines from tampering, and you'll hear this one

                   All in unison now:
                   "I'm not going to talk about proving a negative."

                   I think I'm going to start making ATM machines.
                   When I make my sales presentation, and the bank
                   says "Can anyone tamper with these?" I'm going
                   to reply "I'm not going to talk about proving a

                   And I'm going to make some slot machines too.
                   When the casino owner asks me, "How do you
                   know these things can't be rigged?" I won't
                   answer. I'll just say, "I'm not going to talk about
                   proving a negative."

                   ***** TALKING POINT ENDS *****

              Harris: ... "Let me be more precise. Are you saying that
Wyle and Ciber
              do a line by line check on the code, and the way it
interacts with the
              system, to make sure that no one could have put any
malicious code into
              the voting machine software?"

              Lewis: "Oh. That's what you're talking about. I don't
know if they do a
              line by line check to see if there's a problem."
              Harris: "Who can I speak with at Ciber and Wyle?"
              Lewis: "I don't think anyone there could answer your
              Harris: "Who do you speak with at those labs?"
              Lewis: "Shawn Southworth at Ciber.
              . . .
              Harris: I have one more question: Prior to taking over
The Election
              Center, you owned a business that sold used computer
parts, which
              ended up going out of business. Shortly after that you
took over The
              Election Center. Did you have any other experience at
all that qualified
              you to handle issues like the security of national
              Lewis: "Oh no no no. I'm not going to go there with
              Harris: I have newspaper articles published shortly
after your computer
              reselling company went out of business, that refer to
you as an expert in
              election systems. What else did you do that qualified
you to take over
              your current position?
              Lewis: "My background is that I owned a computer
hardware and
              software business. I've never claimed to be an expert.
That's the reason
              we have laboratories, nationally recognized

              A very brief discussion ensued about testing, during
which Mr. Lewis
              hung up on me.

              So I called Ciber. Shawn Southworth's assistant told me
that she was
              supposed to refer all questions back to The Election
Center. The only
              person at The Election Center who is authorized to
answer questions
              about certification procedures is R. Doug Lewis, see
above. I left a
              message for Southworth anyway, but he did not call me

              I called Michael Barnes again and left a message asking
if we can see a
              copy of the official opinion from Wyle that it was not
necessary to certify
              that patch. He did not return my call.

              I called Michael Barnes again, and left two messages
asking who
              specifically looks at the source code and if we can get
something in
              writing about who looks at the source code. No one
returned my call.

              I guess the answer is "None of your business."


              - Bev Harris, author of Black Box Voting:
Ballot-Tampering in the
              21st Century. This article is copyright by Bev Harris,
but permission
              is granted for reprint in print, email, or web media so
long as this
              credit is attached.

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