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'I've got secrets to sink the Blairs'
February 21 2003

The truth about Cherie Blair's relationship with lifestyle guru Carole Caplin
has yet to be revealed, the man at the centre of the Cheriegate scandal
will claim in a BBC documentary to be screened Thursday night in London.

Convicted conman Peter Foster, whose assistance in the purchase of two
flats led to weeks of damaging headlines for the Blairs last year, claimed
that the fitness adviser had secrets which could "sink" the Prime Minister
and his wife.

And he hinted that he would use an autobiography which he is currently
writing to reveal his own secrets about Caplin and the Blairs.

The fly-on-the-wall documentary, which will reopen an embarrassing
episode for the Prime Minister, follows Caplin and Foster at the height of
the scandal.

Film-maker Lynne Alleway, a personal friend of Caplin's, was invited to film
them as they dodged the press and lay low in Carole's luxurious all-white
London apartment, decorated with several pictures of the Blairs.

The cameras catch Tony Blair apparently leaving a late-night message on
Miss Caplin's answerphone, and
Carole taking several calls which she says are from Cherie.

Foster claimed that Mr Blair rang "three or four" times a week during the
scandal, and alleged that forces within Downing Street were trying to
break the couple up.

And he suggested that concern over what Ms Caplin might reveal about
them lay behind the Blairs' decision to maintain their friendship with her
despite the bad press she attracted.

"Carole's secrets could sink them," he said. "They are worried that she will
sell her story one day, so I think that is why they really want to embrace
her. I think they like her, but I think the machinery is saying, 'You must
embrace this woman'.

"My understanding is that the six-month plan for them is get rid of me and
then in six months' time they will ease Carole out."

Miss Caplin said that Mr Blair's director of communications Alastair
Campbell had had "a bee in his bonnet" since she met Cherie about the
dangers of her talking to the press.

The documentary - entitled the Conman, His Lover and the Prime Minister's
wife - chronicles the final days of the Cheriegate affair and the run-up to a
public statement by Mr Foster in which he backed up Downing Street's
version of events.

But immediately after making the statement, which effectively drew a halt
to the media frenzy over the scandal, he told the cameras he had
"concealed rather than revealed" the truth.

Asked if he will ever "open up" on what had really happened, he replied:
"Maybe in the book."

As he gave the statement, Mr Foster was wearing a T-shirt with a picture
of the Blair family on it under his shirt - "for luck", as he said.

The documentary reveals the couple's relationship becoming increasingly
tense under the pressure of media attention.

And it shows Mr Foster's growing resentment at his treatment by the Blairs
and their spokesmen.

He accused Mrs Blair of lying about her knowledge of his criminal
convictions and of handling the whole affair "atrociously".

"This whole involvement with me and Cherie and the flats could have been
put to bed in one day," he said. "I think she's handled a bad situation
atrociously, and let it get out of hand."

Miss Caplin claims that Ms Alleway has "betrayed" her by editing the
footage to portray Foster in a negative light.

Yesterday, Foster tried to block broadcast of the documentary, claiming
the producers reneged on an agreement to let him view and approve the
film before it is shown.

His lawyers sent a letter to the BBC objecting to its transmission but the
matter now appears to have been dropped.

The Conman, His Lover and the Prime Minister's Wife will be screened at
9pm (0800 Friday AEDT) on BBC1.


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