-Caveat Lector-

This whole "war" is unconstitutional, and we do not belong to the UN
because we do not pay dues....as for NATO - they have become the NAZI
Stormtroopers, right on target.....Russia has always been a big brother
to Serbia...but face it Yeltsin, is nothing but a wax dummy if that is
really him...

Now here is somethingI am wondering about.   Madame Albright it was
found out, was of Jewish descent - when they escaped to Yugoslavia was
it, and hid out, they were still Jewish.  She maintains she did not know
this - big surprise, why?  After what the Nazi's did to the Jewis people
you think she would have been proud of this heritage and would have
battled against Nazi type conduct; yet this meddesome, obnoxious woman,
reflects everything, a jew is supposed to hate.

Now - who was the gunman who shot up the library at the Mormon Temple
site....where people were researching their family trees.....where Mrs.
Albrights lineage would have been carefully recorded.  For instance when
George Bush ran they announced he was of royal descent (well, so am I
and I cana prove my pedigree), that Ronald Reagan descended from Brian
Boru, as I recall......and Jerry Falwell states the Messiah who will be
here soon, will be of royal descent.....and Jesus was, heir to the
throne of King David....a deposed King.

So, from where did this information come as to Mrs. Albright's Jewish
background; could this information have been stored in the archives of
the mormon church caves, etc., and believe me......they got me traced
back to the monkeys too if they ever want to look because they said I,
descended from Satan because the line went to the Plantagenet
line.....so much for witches, warlocks, and hoke pokey.

However, why would a gunman shoot up the library where family records
are researched.......of all the places in the world, why - well, this is
the archive which holds the key to the DNA of the world......
was someone trying to deliver a message to someone, to keep their
background checks to themselves.

How did Albright get the job as secretary of State where she would be in
line for President of the US, if 3 other people would meet with an
accident....but then, she could not take the post because just recently
I believe, she was first naturalized.....wonder if the Mormons keep a
record of that.

Now to add to the mystery.....years ago the John Birch Society got into
the Mornon Church - it is a free country, but believe me that group has
the Blue Book of Who's Who, and they never let you forget it.

Now these are what you call real family secrets, the skeleton in the
closet; Madam Albright did not know her parents were jewish....I doubt
that very much.

What did happen at the Mormon Family Tree Center that date.....as a
message delivered and did someone get the picture?

Remember too, there are those who believe the Mormon Church, which was
Chartered by the USA.....will be like the Church of England....well, no
thanks....the thought of that, makes me shudder.

In essense, this is a conspiracy list; and I toss my thoughts out about
the incident at the Mormon Church, because well face it, those archives
are the stuff spies are made of.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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