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-Caveat Lector-

1:19a ET Sunday, March 2, 2003

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Barrick Gold's lagging share price and Blanchard
& Co.'s antitrust lawsuit against Barrick and J.P. 
Morgan Chase for manipulating the gold price made 
a big story in today's New York Times, which is 
appended here.

Note particularly the description in the Times story
of Barrick's "spot deferred" forward sales of gold,
apparently based on information provided by Barrick 
itself. It often has been reported elsewhere that 
Barrick could postpone for as long as 15 years its
repayment of this borrowed gold. But the Times story 
says Barrick can postpone delivery virtually forever:

"In addition, if the dealer agrees, Barrick can 'reset' 
the time limit every year, starting the clock over on 
the 15-year deadline. If the dealer refuses, which 
Barrick says has never happened, delivery would 
be required 14 years later."

That is, Barrick's counterparty has never refused to
postpone repayment of its gold loans. 

Now who possibly wouldn't mind if a gold loan was 
never repaid? Certainly not a conventional financial
institution. But maybe a central bank whose first 
objective was to suppress the gold price through 
intermediaries like Morgan Chase and Barrick?

Maybe the author of the Times story, Kurt Eichenwald,
could be persuaded to look into the gold story a little
deeper -- starting with the question of exactly who
wouldn't mind if Barrick's gold loans are never repaid.

CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

* * *

Gold is on the rise, so what's bugging Barrick?

The New York Times
Sunday, March 3, 2003


The economy is in the doldrums. The stock market is a 
mess. War looms. Terror threatens. In other words, it 
should be time to celebrate at companies in the 
business of mining gold, long a haven in periods of 
investor anxiety. 

But one of the industry's largest players, Barrick Gold 
of Toronto, hasn't been popping any Champagne corks 
of late.

After years of top performance, Barrick's stock price 
has slid, falling nearly 11 percent over the last year, 
as prices for gold have soared nearly 18 percent. 
Randall Oliphant was recently shown the door as 
chief executive and replaced by another longtime 
Barrick executive, Gregory C. Wilkins. Now, 
Barrick has been sued by a gold dealer and gold 
investors who say its success of the last decade 
relied on manipulating gold prices.

At the foundation of many of its troubles is a wide 
perception among investors that Barrick is not set 
up to take advantage of a rising market because of 
its strategy of locking in prices for future gold 
production. That strategy — known as taking a hedge 
position — has been used by Barrick for some 15 
years, and company executives credit it with 
bringing in some $2.2 billion of additional profit 
during that time.

As the industry's glitter returns, investors fret that 
the hedging strategy might turn Barrick's gold into 
dross. "By far the biggest imputed liability to the 
stock price we estimate is related to concerns 
about the hedge book," said Chad Williams, a mining 
analyst at Westwind Partners, an independent 
institutional brokerage firm in Toronto. 

Indeed, in a recent conference call, Mr. Wilkins 
acknowledged that Barrick's hedge had become 
something of a "lightning rod" among investors. 
But company records, as well as interviews with 
mining and finance experts, suggest that the 
strategy will not have the negative impact on 
Barrick's near-term financial performance that 
investors fear. Ultimately, Barrick's largest 
risks come from the legal challenge it faces and 
from issues like production, lease rates for gold 
and whether it will miss out on a higher price a 
decade into the future. 

Barrick is cutting back the size of its hedge 
position. It now has about 20 percent of its 86.9 
million ounces of gold reserves committed to hedges, 
down from about 26 percent last June, according to 
Jamie C. Sokalsky, its chief financial officer.

Still, for gold bugs, who approach investment in 
gold with a fervor bordering on religiosity, the use of 
any such hedges, which entail the sale of borrowed 
gold into the spot market, is a heresy that damages 
the marketplace. Hedgers, led by Barrick, have warred 
with nonhedgers for years. 

Recent events have only fueled the debate. With a 
strategy described in exotic terms like "off-balance 
sheet position" and "fixed-forward contracts," the 
hedge program sounds the way the kind of toxic 
ploys used by Enron did. For conservative gold 
investors, they are the equivalent of the investment 

"As a percentage of Barrick`s total assets, its 
off-balance-sheet assets make Enron look like a 
champion of full disclosure," said Donald W. Doyle 
Jr., chief executive of Blanchard & Company, a gold 
dealer in New Orleans that is the lead plaintiff in the 
suit against Barrick in Federal District Court there.

Barrick insists — and numerous analysts agree — 
that its strategy is far simpler and more adaptive to 
market conditions than investors seem to believe. It 
begins with a contract between Barrick and a large 
bullion dealer, like Citigroup or J.P. Morgan Chase.
Under the terms of the contract, Barrick is required 
to deliver gold at some future date. The contract, known 
as spot deferred, allows Barrick to postpone delivery, 
however, for up to 15 years.

With the contract in place, the bullion dealer then 
leases that same amount of gold from a central bank, 
selling it in the spot market. The dealer then effectively 
places the cash from the sale on deposit, where it 
earns interest. During the contract's life, the dealer 
pays interest to the central bank as a fee for borrowing 
the gold. Once Barrick delivers the gold, it receives the 
cash from the spot sale and the accumulated interest, 
less the lease rate and certain fees paid to the dealer.

That can give Barrick strong protection against a 
falling market. If the spot price is $300, for example, 
the hedge strategy could lock in a price five years in 
the future of about $345. If the spot market is higher 
than that price, Barrick can sell its gold there and 
defer the delivery against the contract. As a result, 
Barrick, on average, has made about $65 an ounce 
above spot market prices on gold sales the last 15 
years, the company said.

Barrick, which analysts say has the mining industry's 
highest credit rating, has been able to gain particular 
advantages in its deals with bullion dealers. It is 
allowed to deliver gold against its hedging contracts 
at virtually any point, whether in 2 days or 15 years. 
In addition, if the dealer agrees, Barrick can "reset" 
the time limit every year, starting the clock over on 
the 15-year deadline. If the dealer refuses, which 
Barrick says has never happened, delivery would 
be required 14 years later. Most important, Barrick 
does not have to post cash — known as margin — 
if the price of gold rises significantly.

It is those features that make Barrick's program far 
different from hedging efforts that have hobbled other 
gold producers. For example, in 1999, when gold 
prices spiked unexpectedly, margin calls and other 
immediate financial consequences brought Ashanti 
Goldfields of Ghana and Cambior of Canada close to 
ruin — troubles that the Barrick program is structured 
to avoid. 

None of this is free of risk. If gold's spot price rises 
above the hedge price for more than a decade, Barrick 
would be forced to sell its gold for less than its 
nonhedged competitors would receive. Moreover, the 
bullion dealers could demand delivery if Barrick 
violated certain financial and performance requirements 
— for example, if a disaster occurred at its production 
facilities that impeded its ability to deliver gold. 

The hedging strategy also now faces a legal challenge. 
In the federal lawsuit filed late last year, Blanchard and 
the other plaintiffs accused Barrick of using its hedge 
program to manipulate gold prices in violation of federal 
antitrust laws.In essence, the lawsuit says Barrick and 
J. P. Morgan Chase, which has participated in the 
hedge program for years, used the strategy to force 
down prices, allowing them to profit at the expense 
of other market participants. 

"If you look over the past six years, you will see that 
when Barrack's hedge position has gone way up, the 
price of gold has gone way down and vice versa," 
said Mr. Doyle of Blanchard. "Barrick created an 
anticompetitive environment through the manipulation 
of the price of gold, and they did it with the knowledge 
and assistance of J. P. Morgan and perhaps some of 
the other bullion banks.

"With the hedge program bringing future sales of gold 
into the immediate spot market, Mr. Doyle said, Barrick 
had the ability to cripple any rally in the price of the 

Because the program also allowed it to profit in markets 
that left competitors in poor shape, he said, Barrick was 
able to use its competitive advantage to acquire other 
companies, fueling huge growth. 

So while he is no fan of Barrick, Mr. Doyle says 
investor concerns about the hedge program's impact on 
the company are misplaced — a conclusion largely 
based on his belief that Barrick still has the power to 
manipulate prices. 

"The risk to the company from the price of gold going 
up is not all that great so long as Barrick still has the 
ability to push the price back down again," he said. 

A spokesman for J. P. Morgan Chase declined to 

Barrick, which has formally notified Mr. Doyle that it 
intends to file a slander suit against him and Blanchard, 
dismissed the accusations in the suit as nonsense. 

"Eighty percent of our gold is not subjected to any 
hedge, so we are delighted with gold prices rising," said 
Mr. Sokalsky, Barrick's finance chief. "For us to hope 
against the value of our commodity going up would be 

"Moreover, antitrust experts who reviewed the Blanchard 
complaint said that they did not hold out any 
expectation that the suit would be successful, primarily 
because it misapplies antitrust laws.

"The antitrust laws are here to protect competition, not 
competitors," said James Mutchnik, a partner at 
Kirkland & Ellis in Chicago and a former prosecutor with 
the antitrust division of the Justice Department. The 
plaintiffs "are complaining of lower prices in the market, 
and that is exactly what the antitrust laws are trying to 
accomplish, which is to benefit consumers rather than 
gold retailers." he said.

Mr. Doyle said the antitrust claim was also based on 
what he described as Barrick's ability to use the hedge 
program to drive up prices at particular times, 
essentially by announcing its intention to suspend its 
use. "With their spot-deferred contracts, they were in 
the position to push up the prices periodically," he said. 

But some analysts said that proving that Barrick's hedge 
program significantly affected gold prices long term would 
be challenging because of the many factors underlying 
them. "Anyone with a legitimate understanding of how 
the U.S. dollar-denominated gold price is derived would 
not target any producer or any central bank for manipulating 
it," said Mr. Williams of Westwind Partners, which 
receives no banking fees from Barrick. The price, he 
said, "moves mostly on the U.S. economy, interest 
rates and inflation."Indeed, it was signals from such 
economic indicators that led Barrick to cut back its 
hedge position, according to Mr. Sokalsky. 

Hedging "is a tool as opposed to a religion for Barrick," 
he said. "And we have been adjusting it to reflect 
changing economic and financial situations. And with 
the gold price going up, the reduction of our position 
has been a good decision, in hindsight." 


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Centennial Precious Metals
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European Union 00-800-2760-2760
Australia 0011-800-2760-2760

Colorado Gold
222 South 5th St.
Montrose, Colorado 81401
Don Stott, Proprietor

Investment Rarities Inc.
7850 Metro Parkwa
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55425
Greg Westgaard, Sales Manager
1-800-328-1860, Ext. 8889 

Lee Certified Coins
P.O. Box 1045
454 Daniel Webster Highway
Merrimack, New Hampshire 03054
Ed Lee, Proprietor

Miles Franklin Ltd.
3601 Park Center Building
Suite 120
St. Louis Park, Minn. 55416
1-800-822-8080 / 952-929-1129
fax: 952-925-0143
Contacts: David Schectman, 
Andy Schectman, and Bob Sichel

Resource Consultants Inc. 
6139 South Rural Road
Suite 103
Tempe, Arizona 85283-2929
Pat Gorman, Proprietor
1-800-494-4149, 480-820-5877

Swiss America Trading Corp.
15018 North Tatum Blvd.
Phoenix, Arizona 85032
Dr. Fred I. Goldstein, Senior Broker



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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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