-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 3/12/2003 9:07:19 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

No, I don't believe that everyone opposing the military action to
unseat a dangerous, amd dictator who has killed hundreds of thousands
of his own citizens are communists.

However I do believe they either refuse to look at the facts, or
they're incapable of grasping them.

So now it's our job to be the world's supercop?
There are "dangerous dictators" all over the world...many who are far more dangerous than tin-horn Saddam Hussein. Why not go after Castro? Or Mugabe? Why Saddam?

The facts are clear, this is none of our business and we are simple doing the bidding of Israel and big oil. War of aggression is illegal under international law and Nazis were hanged for it at Nuremburg. What's the difference here? We're going to attack and decimate a country that is not a threat to us in any way, shape or form. And then we're going to do the same to Syria, Iran, Libya, the Sudan and god knows who else. It's insanity. Meanwhile, as Napoleon Bush crosses the Rubicon our economy is failing...

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