-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 3/13/2003 10:08:39 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

There a bazzillion of them on-line at Amazon (or if you don't like that
source, use one of their colleagueal cources (those that are independent
bookstores affiliated with Amazon) as I did yesterday).

I know Amazon has Sutton's books but I must admit that I was pleasantly surprised to see my Borders carrying it.  I am very familiar with their "conspiracy" section - mostly UFO and Atlantis books - and get a little thrill to see worthy and substantive books added. Even though I have a copy I almost feel compelled to buy it so that the PTB at Borders get a clue and perhaps add others of note. Of course when the new Sitchin or Hal Lindsey book comes out my there will be no room on their shelf for books on the real conspiracy.

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