-Caveat Lector-
This week I've put Police State II The Takeover by Alex Jones on my website. It's the full length film folks. You'll need RealPlayer....size is 201 megabytes comprising both parts.
http://control-alt-delete.ca/page2.html   (for other clips/films)
The film details how the government uses agents provacateur to disrupt peaceful
protest by causing vandalism, violence, and assaulting police by throwing
projectiles. The police are told not to "break ranks" (ie: suffer the abuse) until
they are in a very heated, frustrated fenzy. When they are "cut loose", they
go rampant billy-clubbing, macing, pepper spraying, tazing anything they can.
There's some really good footage from the Seattle WTO riot that is cleary indicative
As we all know, the story ends by the constitution being effectively suspended in Seattle.
The film also documents the ever increasing militarization of the police, and integration
with the armed forces, contrary to posse comitatus.
I can tell by the fwd's here on CTRL that some of you are on other lists. Please fwd this.
I don't care about the hits.... I do care about waking up sheep.
BTW... coming soon....Bohemina Grove... full length.
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector. ======================================================================== Archives Available at: http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html <A HREF="">Archives of [EMAIL PROTECTED]</A>

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