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Islam's Other Victims: Africa
    By Serge Trifkovic


        February 14, 2003

 One in a series of excerpts adapted by Robert Locke from
Dr. Serge Trifkovic's new book "The Sword of the Prophet:
A Politically-Incorrect Guide to Islam."

 The Koran commands Moslems to wage jihad for the forcible
conversion of the whole world. Africa, with its generally low level
of civilizational development and corresponding lack of the power
to defend itself, has been singularly vulnerable to these aggressions,
particularly after the hiatus imposed by colonialism (whatever its

 Take Nigeria, a nation burdened by ethnic and religious diversity
which has been plagued by all the standard African post-colonial
experiences, from civil war and a procession of corrupt and brutal
military dictatorships to bouts of strife rooted in the clashing tribal
and religious loyalties of its 100 million-plus people. Its oil riches
have been squandered, stolen, or mismanaged. Its countless
economic and social problems would test the abilities of its rulers
even without the specter of a religious conflict. How could things
be worse?

Enter militant Islam.

 Only about a half of all Nigerians are Moslem, but they are a
majority in several northern states. The fault line between Arabized
and Moslem North Africa and the real black Africa closer to the
equator splits Nigeria in two, as it does Mauritania and Sudan.

 For years, Nigeria's corrupt military rulers came from the Moslem
north. They treated the rest of the country as occupied territories
to plunder at will. They sought to give a Moslem stamp to the country
as a whole, to the point of joining the Islamic Conference Organization,
creating the impression that Nigeria is Moslem in its entirety.

 Their long-term strategy is apparent from the opening communique
of  the Islam in Africa Organization, (IAO) founded at a conference
in Abuja in northern Nigeria in November 1989. It insists on
"re-instating a strong and united umma" (Islamic community) in Africa and on
"restoring the use of Arabic script in the vernacular." 1 In addition:

 "The Conference notes the yearning of Moslems everywhere on the
continent who have been deprived of their rights to be governed by
the sharia and urges them to intensify efforts in the struggle to
reinstate the application of the sharia." (Islamic law)

 The implication is that once there had been an umma in Africa,
within which the local languages were written in Arabic lettering,
and that Africans were under sharia. This is not true; it is fantasy
history. The Conference also demanded "the appointment of only
Moslems into strategic national and international posts of member
nations." It pledged:

 "To eradicate in all its forms and ramifications all non-Moslem
religions in member nations (such religions shall include Christianity,
Ahmadiyya and other tribal modes of worship unacceptable to Moslems)"

 The members pledged to pursue those objectives not only in Islamic
states, but also in those with Moslem minorities. The IAO had huge
funds at its disposal from the very first day, including $21 billion
which was "generously donated by the government and people of Nigeria"
for the Islamic Development Fund.

 Fast-forward to the end of Nigeria's military government in 1999.
Unhappy with the loss of power following the collapse of the military
regime, traditional rulers of predominantly Moslem states in northern
Nigeria are now seeking to apply the IAO communique at the level of
their own communities, most visibly by introducing sharia. In late
1999 the state of Zamfara, whose two million people are predominantly
Moslem, was the first to adopt a bill to introduce sharia. Its devoutly
Moslem state governor, Alhaji Ahmed Sani, approved it in spite
of the objections of the Christian minority in Zamfara and protests
from the rest of the country. Within weeks all bars were closed,
cinemas and video parlors were shut down, and boys and girls were
divided into separate schools. The rest of the novelties are familiar
o any visitor to the Middle East: women now must cover themselves;
amputations of limbs, stonings to death and beheadings are on the
statute book for a variety of offences; consumers of alcohol in any
form are "severely flogged" if caught drinking. Governor Sani has
asserted that he would replicate the sharia code used in Saudi

 The consequences have been predictable. Moslem fanatics have
been emboldened to demand sharia in all northern Nigerian states
where they have a majority. Resulting clashes in mixed areas included
two bouts of bloody riots, in February and May 2000, in which over two
thousand people were killed when another northern Nigerian state,
Kaduna, tried to introduce sharia there. Dozens of Christian churches
have been burned and desecrated all over northern Nigeria.

 Christians have been told not to fear Islamic law. "Islam," declared
Usman Bugaje, Secretary General of the Islam in Africa Organization,
based in Nigeria, "has a great capacity for tolerance." But he left his
peculiar meaning of "tolerance" unclear, because it is in fact limited
to those who believe in the principles of sharia to start with ö i.e.
Moslems. Nigerian proponents of sharia say that non-believers must
be persuaded by argument, dialogue and example. Central to their
argument, however, is the thesis that all people should eventually
adhere to the tenets of Islam. Like their coreligionists everywhere,
they hold that Islam must unify Moslems over and beyond the confines
of the nation state and provide one single center of authority. Africa
"craves for Islam," says Usman Bugaje, as a part of its quest for
"cultural freedom" and search for "an alternative world view that can
stand up to challenge the West." If true, this is an astonishingly frank
confession that even the Islamists don't really believe in Islam as
a matter of religious conviction: they just want something to stick
in the eye of the West. Resentment and the desire for blind
self-assertion are the primary motivation.

 Sudan is another African nation victimized by Islamist aggression.
The military regime of General Omar Hassan al-Bashiri imposed
sharia in 1989. This move immediately pitted the northern Sudan
Arabs and Arabized blacks against the Christians and animists
(adherents of the old pre-colonial tribal religions) of the south, and
caused the long-running civil war in which at least two million
Christians have been killed.2 Tragic as it was for the people
of Sudan, the resulting mayhem was welcomed by some Arabic
countries -- often America's Middle Eastern "allies" -- that are
actively promoting the Islamic onslaught in black Africa. This,
of course, is from a religion that loudly proffers itself to black
Americans as having a better record of treating blacks than
does Christianity. But as I have written in FrontPageMag.com ,
the only places in the world today where one can buy a black
man as a slave for ready cash are in Moslem nations.

 Or take the case of Egypt, supposedly a friend of the United
States and the second largest recipient of the U.S. taxpayers'
largesse after Israel. Egypt failed to convict a single murderer
following the January 2000 massacre of 21 Coptic Christians
in the village of Al-Kosheh, 300 miles south of Cairo. The court
convicted only four of 96 defendants, and only on lesser charges.
All four men convicted were Moslems; not one was convicted for
murder, but two for "accidental homicide and illegal possession
of a weapon" and the other two were each sentenced to one
year in prison for damaging a private car.3 From the outset,
the government of Egypt had sought to cover up the gravity
of the case and to avoid the political minefield of punishing
Moslems for the murder of Christians. After the verdict, Egypt's
 Christians feared for their lives.

 The worst offender in Africa, however, is that richly-endowed
non-African center of Moslem expansionism: Saudi Arabia.
 In 1983, Saudi Arabia exerted pressure on Sudan to declare
 itself an Islamic state. It ensures that those who join the Islamic
Conference Organization are given speedy access to the funds
of the Islamic Development Bank and the Arab-controlled "Bank
for Economic Development in Africa." Just as the Arab proselytizers
of Islam were unconcerned about the welfare of Black Africans
when they ventured to hunt them and sell them into slavery centuries
ago, their heirs see them but as canon fodder in the project of global
Islamic expansion. Or else they simply deny their existence. The
Mauritanian Moslem regime in particular is notorious for denying
the existence of the black majority in the country, while simultaneously
ruthlessly repressing it. It ex-President Ould Taya once declared that
"Mauritania cannot be in the process of Arabization as it is already
an Arab country."4 This weird outburst of black self-denial is typical
of the self-hatred that Islam imposes on its conquered peoples,
who are made to repudiate their past ethnic identities.

 At the same time, according to Africa Watch (1990), there was
not a single Arab among the 200,000 Mauritanian citizens who
were deported to Senegal or Mali. While black Mauritanians were
being driven out of their homes to refugee camps, Arab refugees
from Senegal, Mali, and Western Sahara were welcomed into
Mauritania, where they were given citizenship and resettled on
land whose rightful owners had been ethnically cleansed. Slavery
is practiced exclusively by Arab Mauritanians and Sudanese on
non-Arab citizens in both countries, and upon the introduction of
sharia laws in Mauritania (1980) and Sudan (1983) savage
punishments like amputation and flogging have been applied
mainly on non-Moslem blacks by exclusively Arab-Moslem judges.

 Sudan shows that genocide need not be perpetrated by huge
Nazi or Bolshevik-style massacres. There are more insidious but
equally effective ways of killing large numbers of people. The
government in Khartoum is doing so by attrition: it is slowly and
methodically grinding down the society and economy of the Nuba
and starving the entire population. Meanwhile, in the garrison towns
and Orwellian-sounding 'peace camps' the government is remolding
the political and social identity of the non-Moslem Nuba people by
force: the aim is to transform them into a deracinated underclass,
the loyal servants of an extremist Islamic state. In each army attack,
soldiers first arbitrarily gun down anyone they find. The government
does not pay them salaries: their pay is the booty from the raids
on Southern villages. The elderly and sick are usually killed on
the spot and their food granaries set ablaze. The main objective
of 'combing' is to capture live, fit civilians:

 "Thousands of men, women and children are captured when their
villages are surrounded, or are snatched while tending their crops,
herding their animals, or collecting water. Many people run to hide
in caves to escape government attacks, but they are driven even
from these refuges by hunger and thirst, or by attacks using tear
gas. Captives are taken to garrisons, forced to carry their own
looted possessions, or drive their own stolen animals in front of
them. These captives - or 'returnees,' as the government calls them
- usually never see their families or villages again. Men are either
killed or forcibly conscripted into a militia known as the People's
Defense Force. Many are tortured. Women are raped and forced
to work, often in special labor camps. All but the youngest children
are separated for 'schooling' - i.e. conversion to Islam and training
for a role in the new, extremist Islamic Sudan."5

 The government also uses food as a means for luring Southern
Sudanese Christians into its "peace camps" located in the desert.
Food distribution in them is carried out exclusively by Islamic
organizations, which use the promise of food as a means of
converting Christians to Islam. The technique is very simple: if
one does not bear an Islamic name one is denied food. Without
any means of alternative support the choice is, as ever, Islam or

 Rt. Rev. Bullen Dolli, an Episcopal Bishop from Sudan, was
puzzled by the cold reception when he came to Washington in
October 2001 to talk about the predicament of his much-abused
flock under Islam. "It is a militant religion," he said at a scantily
attended press conference, and warned on behalf of the victims
against those who act as its character witnesses. He pointed out
that Sudan's death toll is larger than the combined fatalities suffered
in Bosnia, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Chechnya, Somalia, and Algeria.
Twice as many Sudanese have perished in the past two decades
than all the war-related deaths suffered by Americans in the past
200 years.7 But hardly anyone listened. The Bishop's hosts could
not get him a slot on NPR, on the Big Four, or any other high-profile
venue previously so eager to accommodate any itinerant mullah
praising the "Religion of Peace and Tolerance."

 To Bishop Dolli it may seem incomprehensible that the U.S. has
intervened militarily and politically to "save" the Moslems in Bosnia
and Kosovo from non-existent genocides allegedly perpetrated
by their Christian neighbors while it remains indifferent to the very
real genocide of Christians that has been perpetrated by the ruling
Moslems in Sudan for two decades. He does not understand that
his flock's very Christianity barred them from certified victimhood
in the eyes of the ruling Western elites. Political correctness has
imposed a set of blinkers on American thinking in which anyone,
no matter how murderous, from the Third World is a "good guy"
and Christians, no matter how many of them die at the hands
of brutal Islamic-inspired governments, are the automatic villains,
or at least irrelevant victims.


 1. <http://www.islaminafrica.org/backG.htm>

 2. 107th US Congress, 1st Session (H. CON. RES. 113)
"Regarding human rights violations and oil development in Sudan."

 3. Associated Press, February 5, 2001.

 4. Jeune Afrique January 1, 1990.

 5. Facing Genocide: The Nuba of Sudan, published by African Rights
on 21 July 1995.

 6. Sabit A. Alley's paper delivered at the 19th Annual Holocaust
and Genocide Program, Institute for Holocaust and Genocide Studies,
New Jersey on March 17, 2001.

 7. Testimony of Roger Winter, Executive Director, U.S. Committee
for Refugees on America's Sudan policy to the U.S. House of
Representatives Committee on International Relations (March 28, 2001).


Serge Trifkovic received his PhD from the University of Southampton
in England and pursued postdoctoral research at the Hoover Institution
at Stanford. His past journalistic outlets have included the BBC World
Service, the Voice of America, CNN International, MSNBC, U.S. News
& World Report, The Washington Times,  the Philadelphia Inquirer, The
Times of London, and the Cleveland Plain Dealer.  He is foreign affairs
editor of Chronicles.

Libertarianism: To African-Americans

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