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Developer Gets Rent-Free Deal on Federal Land

March 13, 2003

WASHINGTON, March 10 - The Army Corps of Engineers owns 456
lakes in 43 states, and under federal rules, private
developers must pay fair market value to lease land from
the corps along those lakes. But Ronald W. Howell, an
Oklahoma lobbyist, a consultant and a prominent Republican
fund-raiser, is one developer who recently found a cheaper

Last month, Mr. Howell and his company, StateSource L.L.C.,
signed a 50-year rent-free lease on 280 acres of lakefront
at Skiatook Lake in Oklahoma, not far from Tulsa.

The deal was a sublease, between StateSource and the
Skiatook Economic Development Authority, which had just
leased the land free from the corps under an exemption that
allows such arrangements for government agencies.

The authority then handed off the property to Mr. Howell,
with the corps' full approval. Mr. Howell and his lobbying
and communications company plan to build a $10 million
marina, golf and cabin complex and, in the process, turn a

The corps has granted roughly 1,300 rent-free leases to
states, localities and other public agencies, and officials
said they did not think the Oklahoma deal was atypical. But
they make little effort to monitor such arrangements and
keep no central records of them.

Critics of the arrangement say that the deal violates at
least the spirit of the federal rules and that the deal is
notable because of what is at least a curiosity: Mr. Howell
has been finance chairman for Senator James M. Inhofe, the
Oklahoma Republican who, as the new chairman of the Senate
Committee on Environment and Public Works, oversees the
corps. In letters and other communications, Senator Inhofe
urged the corps to grant swift approval to the lease,
agency officials said.

In interviews, officials at the corps defended Mr. Howell's
arrangement as consistent with the corps' efforts to
promote recreational development on public lakes.

"We're not in the business of telling the states how to
operate," George Tabb, who heads the corps' natural
resources division, said. "If they decide that they want to
put this in the hands of a private developer at no cost, to
stimulate the economy, then that's not our business."

A corps spokesman, David Hewitt, said the agency could
provide details about rent-free leases only after
soliciting information from its offices around the country,
in what he said would be a time-consuming process. A spot
check of several dozen rent-free leases in three states -
Georgia, Mississippi and Washington - turned up no similar
transactions, officials said.

In a telephone interview, Mr. Howell defended the rent-free
lease as appropriate and said his company's development
would help meet the corps' goal of promoting recreation at
Skiatook (pronounced SKY-took) Lake. He said he did not
believe that the corps' approval of the project reflected
special treatment because of his ties to Senator Inhofe.

"All of what we're building is available for public use,"
Mr. Howell said. "We actually don't think that profit is a
bad thing."

But some federal officials involved in the project said
they wondered whether the corps was in part seeking to
curry favor from Mr. Inhofe. He had urged the corps to
speed development on the lake, which the agency chose in
2000 as one of a handful of demonstration sites that
qualified for accelerated decisions on recreation projects.

"My whole impression of this since the beginning was that
they were trying to railroad this thing through, trying to
ram it down our throats, the corps and the Skiatook
development agency and the developers behind them," said
Kevin Stubbs, a biologist with the Tulsa office of the Fish
and Wildlife Service.

The officials did not allege any improper behavior on
Senator Inhofe's part, and a spokesman for Mr. Inhofe,
Danny Finnerty, said, "Neither the senator nor the
senator's staff did anything for Mr. Howell over and above
what they would do for any constituent."

Several critics of the agency, who said they had not been
aware of the arrangement until contacted by a reporter,
said they regarded it as an effort to circumvent federal

"If we're going to do economic activity on federal lands,
the federal government should be getting some return from
investments," said Steve Ellis, a vice president at
Taxpayers for Common Sense, an advocacy group. "In this
case, they're essentially laundering land to be used for
private development, and the corps seems to have been a
willing accomplice."

The Army Corps of Engineers owns 11.7 million acres of
federal land, or about 2 percent of the total federal real
estate. It attracts about 30 percent of visitors to federal
land, primarily because of the popularity of recreation on
corps lakes, said Mr. Hewitt, the agency spokesman.

Neither the corps nor the Skiatook authority tried to
determine the fair market value of the 280 acres being
leased on the lake.

As a matter of practice, the corps does not try to
determine the market value of its property, even in the
more than 500 existing deals in which corps land is
directly leased to private concessionaires for a fee, said
Dennis A. Hogan, chief of real estate for the corps'
southwestern division, in Dallas, which oversees the Tulsa
district. Those deals are awarded on the basis of
competitive bidding, and as a rule, they require only that
the corps receive a fair return, which usually amounts to a
share of any profits or revenues, Mr. Hogan said.

In the case of the 1,300 leases of corps land to state or
local agencies, all are rent free, Mr. Hogan said. He and
other corps officials said the corps had never tried to
estimate that property's value.

"We're not out to make money," Mr. Hogan said. "We're out
to provide a recreational opportunity."

Still, at a minimum, federal officials who spoke on
condition of anonymity estimated that a 50-year lease of
the 280 acres involved in the Skiatook deal would be worth
hundreds of thousands of dollars, even at the kind of
highly concessionary rate being paid by another tenant on
federal land on the lake, the Crystal Lake Marina.

"If anyone else in the world had approached the corps
without the political influence, there'd be no way this
would have been approved," said John Gruninger, the
co-owner of that marina, who contends that the rent-free
terms offered to the new project will undercut his

The rules governing lease agreements are spelled out
explicitly in the corps' real estate regulations. The rules
allow rent-free leases to government agencies but say in
general that "when federally owned property is leased or
sold, fair market value should be obtained."

In the case of the Skiatook deal, Blu Hulsey, the town
manager for the community of 4,500, said it had been Mr.
Howell and his associates who first approached the local
development authority to propose the deal, rather than the
other way around.

"This was our decision as far as giving the property to
them because we wanted to aid them any way possible and to
make this development feasible," said Mr. Hulsey, who also
serves as the principal staff member for the development

Mr. Howell confirmed that he had made the approach, but he
and his associates said the idea of using the development
agency as an intermediary to obtain a free lease had been
recommended by officials at the corps' district office.

"They said, `Look, the way our regulations look and the way
we do business, this sort of thing works best,' " said
Kevin C. Coutant, a partner in the firm.


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