-Caveat Lector-

Sorry folks this is again tedious number crunching stuff done this very

Yet it could be worth a glance says I.

Iraq and the New World Order

An ‘American Babylon?’

OK, now imagine something out of a science fiction paper-back where Iraq is
the very shadow of Paradise, Hades, that is Earth’s supernatural twin which
is ‘within’ the natural Earth, with Babylon at it’s heart.

For months the people of United States have been advised that the United
States will go to war against Iraq in order to remove Saddam Hussein from
power, eliminate Iraq's alleged stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction,
and prevent Baghdad from blackmailing its neighbors or aiding terrorist

"I think we're going to be obliged to fight a regional war, whether we want
to or not," says Michael Ledeen, a former U.S. national-security official.
And Ledeen speaks about himself and many others in the administration of
President Bush who are the driving force for war, those who desire to see
the conflict with Iraq. "It may turn out to be a war to remake the world.”
says Ledeen.

So could this war with Iraq be a very special war in the sense it that it
could unleash dark spiritual forces that usher in the start of a New World
Order in the Middle East, an American New World Order, the establishment of
an American Babylon?

And the price could indeed be high for the American military who would be
recreating and reorganizing the new ‘American Babylon’ because Ledeen says
"As soon as we land in Iraq, we're going to face the whole terrorist
network," he says, including the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO),
Hezbollah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad and a collection of militant splinter groups
backed by nations -- Iran, Syria and Saudi Arabia -- that he calls "the
terror masters."

Lets assume that there is a supernatural ‘Gate’ near to Baghdad in the area
of the ancient ‘Hanging Garden’ city of Babylon, a ‘Gate’ that has been
closed since Adam and Eve were ejected from Paradise, the real ‘Garden of
Eden’, and yet remained on Hades. This ‘Gate’ that once permitted selected
angelic spirit beings to ascend from the real ‘Garden of Eden’ into the
‘Shadow of the Garden of Eden’ the region of Iraq on Earth, a stairway from
the supernatural Gardens of Babylon of Earth’s twin into the ‘Fertile
Crescent’ now known as Iraq.

So in my sci-fi thinking I am wondering if the time is soon for ‘Babylonian
Gate’ to be reopened, hence the re-establishment of a ‘New World Order
American Babylon’.

In the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the 15th century painting, ‘The Creation
of the World and the Expulsion from Paradise’, by Giovanni di Paolo presents
a vision of ‘Paradise’ with Universe shown as a celestial globe, with the
Earth at the center surrounded by a series of concentric circles
representing first the four elements, the known planets (including the Sun,
in accordance with medieval and Renaissance cosmology), and finally the
constellations of the zodiac. Presiding over the event is God the Father,
clothed in a glowing celestial light as he is borne aloft by seraphim.
Beside the ‘mappamondo’ (map of the world) is the Garden of Paradise, its
four rivers issuing from the ground at the lower right, with three pyramid
mountains in the center. And shown is Adam and Eve being guided by an angel
from the Garden of Paradise. So I have this idea that the Hades, is a land
of Pyramid cities, and the Pyramid three pyramids, the ‘Pyramid Complex’ of
Giza, Egypt speaks of this.

So to the first reference number for the Earth is 2598 and this is found in
the Earth’s volume at 2.598000e+11 cubic miles with an average radius of
3,958.374 miles.

Whereas Earth’s twin, that is Hades, has a reference number 2520 (1260 +
1260) because the volume at 2.520000e+11 cubic miles, a radius of 3,918.35

Thus a difference in radius, a ‘stairway’ of 40 miles, the white rabbit did
not say to Alice.

So the natural Earth at 2598 less the supernatural Earth at 2520 is 78 + 40
miles is 59 + 59, the reference number for the mark of the Pharaoh, that the
symbol of a Ruler of Darkness, which is the combined symbols of the Serpent
protector goddess of Delta Egypt with the reference number 17, and the
Vulture protector goddess of Upper Egypt with the number 42 which add up to

 And like the natural Earth, which is not a perfect sphere, I guess that the
supernatural Earth, where many instantly go when dead, is also not a perfect
sphere but nearly so. Now assuming a polar radius of say 3,918.876 miles
(compared to 3,918.35 miles) the polar diameter squared twice x 20 and
square root once and /3 is as cubic feet, 91,575,000 cubic feet, the volume
of the Great Pyramid.

 So the Great Pyramid is the symbol of Hades, a symbol of Death.

And the circumference of this polar diameter of Hades is 24,623.023 miles
and from the natural Earth’s equatorial circumference of 24,900 miles is
some 277 miles and so a reciprocal shows 277 as 361, and 361 is a reference
number of the Ancient Egyptian god, King Judge Osiris, the number on the
‘Gate of Judgment’.

And ‘Truth’ has the reference number 420 and the ‘Gate’ the Judge at 361 +
the ‘stairway of Darkness’ that is down to Hades, at 59 adds up to 420.

So, using some sci-fi thinking about the war with Iraq which will cause the
establishment of the ‘American Babylon’ we can see that the ‘Gate’ could
soon be opened and all manner of demonic spirits let loose upon the world.
And then the end... by fire not water.

And so to something different...

Sign and Wonder SN1987A

I feel that not enough is made of the ‘signs and wonders’ of natural events
such as the Supernova SN1987A.

And of course 99% Christian teachers leave well alone the measurements of
the Bible and those set into nature, so cannot read the ‘message in the

Now the stellar explosion SN1987A was some 168,000 light years ago  ± 3.5%
(126,000/0.75). Todd S. Greene and his ‘Greene's Creationism Truth Filter’

I now offer up my thoughts about SN1987A, a supernova formed out of the
progenitor star (known as Sk -69 202; the Sk means Nick Sanduleak catalogued
the star) in the Large Magellanic Cloud galaxy, which is the second closest
galaxy to the Earth.

Supernova 1987A’s explosion was seen on Earth on the evening of February
23rd, 1987, and addition to light, a particle emission was detected from the
supernova, and received into a neutrino container of about 3,000 metric tons
of water; located in the Kamioka mine in Japan, some 3,300 feet underground.
On February 23rd, around 7:36 am Greenwich time, the scientists recorded the
arrival of 9 neutrinos within an interval of 2 seconds, followed by 3 more
neutrinos 9 to 13 seconds later. Simultaneously, the same event was revealed
by the IMB detector (located in the Morton-Thiokol salt mine near Faiport,
Ohio USA), which counted 8 neutrinos within about 6 seconds.

These neutrinos arrived on Earth some hours before the light waves on the
evening of February 23rd, 1987, when Canadian astronomer named Ian Shelton,
walked outside the Cerro Tololo InterAmerican Observatory and took a
photograph of a nearby galaxy, the Large Magellanic Cloud,  with his Nikon
camera. And when Shelton developed the photograph he immediately noticed a
bright star where none had been seen before. He told his colleagues, and
within hours the word had sped around the world, that this was a nearby
supernova, the brightest one to be seen since AD1604, when Johannes Kepler
observed a supernova in our own galaxy.

Counting the Sign and Wonder SN1987A

Now ‘Shroud Day’ is September 11th 2001, which is 4,300 ‘Hades’ years of 360
days, some 4,238.283 Earth years, when counting from ‘Rainbow Day’ the day
Noah’s Ark was opened on May 30th 2238BC.

And so from ‘Rainbow Day’ until 11pm February 23rd 1987, ‘Wonder Day’ it is
4,285.2433 ‘Hades’ years.

And counting down from ‘Wonder Day’ at 11pm February 23rd 1987 until ‘Adam’s
Day’ that is the formation on Hades, Earth’s twin, on April 7th 3871BC
(3,900 years before the Crucifixion of Adam Two), is 5,942.1708 years.

Then adding together the period from ‘Rainbow Day’ to ‘Wonder Day’ of
4,285.2433 ‘Hades’ years and the period from ‘Adam’s Day’ to ‘Wonder Day’ of
5,942.1708 ‘Hades’ years is 10,227.41414 ‘Hades’ years and squared is

Thus the first reference number for the SN1987A supernova, a ‘Wonder’ is

The other reference number for the 'Wonder' is 2598.

Counting next down from ‘Wonder Day’ to very soon after midnight on Friday,
April 7th AD30, that is ‘Crucifixion Day’ is 1,958.88489 Earth years.

And adding the 1,958.88489 Earth years to the square root of 104,600,000 at
10,227.41414 ‘Hades’ years is 12,184.29903 and squared x 7/4 is 259,800,000
and a reference number for planet Earth is 2598 in that 2.598000e+11 cubic
miles is the Earth’s volume.

So from ‘Wonder Day’ to ‘Adam’s Day’ + ‘Wonder Day’ to ‘Rainbow Day’ added
to ‘Wonder Day’ to ‘Crucifixion Day’ reveals the reference for the ‘jewel in
the crown’ of the Universe, the planet Earth, at 2598.

And I can then play with both references of 1046 and 2598. For example 1046
+ 2598 is 4 x 911 days, that is from the commence of the ministry of Jesus
Christ on November 18th AD27 to Ascension Day on May 17th AD30.

Or I could deduct from 2598 the ‘Wonder’ number 1046 and 1046 leaves a
balance of 253 + 253, that is Adam at 126 + Eve at 127, and September 11th
is day 253 of the year.

Now the reference number for ‘Light’ is 1204 (because light speed in a
vacuum at 186,282.43mps cubed x 10 and cube root x 3 is 1,204,000) and add
‘Light’ at 1204 to the reference number for ‘Darkness’ at 1770 (because the
speed of Gravity is 177,000mps) is 2974. And 2974 less the ‘Wonder’ number
1046 and again 1046 is 882, the reference for the Menorah, that is God’s
golden seven branched candle stick with each branch at 126, that is ‘Fire’
at 109 + the ‘Lamp’ the ‘Serpent’ at 17.

And the Menorah at 882 symbolizes the seven burning lamps before the Throne
of God, that is the seven spirits of God, which is the Spirit of God
himself, the seven eyes that go forth all over the world.

So the ‘Wonder’ number at 1046 + 1046 + the Spirit of God at 882 reveals the
reference number for both ‘Light’ at 1204 and ‘Darkness’ at 1770, (and
Darkness that shows the ‘Black Trinity, the Dragon, the Beast and the False

Or I can use the reference for the Plumed Serpent at 2310 which is made up
of twice the ‘Wonder’ at 1046 + the ‘Fire’ of God at 109.

Not forgetting that ‘Light’ at 186,282.465mps less Darkness at 177,000 is
9,282.4654 x the mind (the frog) at 156.75 x the spirit within at 12.6 x
12.6 is the Plumed Serpent at 231,000,000.

And so to the reference number for the Coffer, the internal volume of the
sarcophagus within the King’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid, is 7244 (because
the cube root 72,440 is 41.686248 cubic feet). And the ‘Coffer’ at 7244 less
a son of God at 1530 and again a son of God at 1530 is ‘Wonder’ at 1046 x 4

And the granite frame of the granite sarcophagus is 40.80 cubic feet and 408
+ Osiris, the god, King and Judge of the Dead, at both references 361 and
277 is ‘Wonder’ at 1046.

And to Horus, that is Satan, the falcon masked god of Ancient Egypt, at 610,
(and the number for both blood and gold), + ‘Fire’ at 4 x 109 is the ‘Wonder
’ at 1046. Thus the great Adversary, is a god of ‘Blood and Fire’, and the
love of gold is the root of all evil.

Whereas the manifestation of Satan as the Serpent Rouge, the Beast at 1222 +
the crown at 870 is the ‘Wonder’ at 1046 + 1046. (And 1222 is made up of the
Serpent Rouge at 289 + the Beast at 933, and 1222 is both the ‘Alien Flag’
the Serpent Rouge at 289 + 289 and the ‘Skull and Bones’ at 322 + 322).

The reference number 59 is the mark of the Pharaoh, that is the symbol of a
Ruler of Darkness, which is the combined symbols of the Serpent protector
goddess of Delta Egypt with the reference number 17, and the Vulture
protector goddess of Upper Egypt with the number 42 which add up to 59. And
the Serpent at 170 x 590 + the ‘Shroud’ at 4300 is the ‘Wonder’ at 104,600.
Not forgetting that September 11th 2001 is ‘Shroud Day’ some 4300 ‘Hades’
years after ‘Rainbow Day’ of May 30th 2238BC.

So the supernova SN1987A, the ‘Wonder’ reveals that the ‘Antichrist’ system
has entered into a new phase since September 11th 2001, a period of ‘Terror’
and a sign and wonder that deserved to be measured, and a Wonder’ reference
which changes into that of the Earth, when ‘Crucifixion Day’ is added,  but
then Christian teachers don’t measure, and so are both deaf and blind to
‘measurement messages’.

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