-Caveat Lector-

Protesters denounce Princeton's hiring of controversial bioethics

Copyright © 1999 Nando Media
Copyright © 1999 Associated Press


PRINCETON, N.J. (April 17, 1999 8:01 p.m. EDT http://www.nandotimes.com)
- More than 100 protesters denounced Princeton University on Saturday
for hiring a philosopher whose controversial views include allowing
parents to end the lives of severely disabled infants.

"Nazi Germany did the same thing to the disabled, judging their lives
not worth living. We object to that," said John Scaturro, 49, who
protested near the Ivy League school along with his wife and young

University officials stood by the appointment of Peter Singer, a
professor whose academic work they say will contribute to scholarship
and ethics debates at Princeton.

Singer, a professor at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia, was
appointed last year to the Ira W. DeCamp Professorship of Bioethics at
the university's Center for Human Values. He is to begin work in July.

The 52-year-old academic is widely considered the father of the
international animal rights movement, and has argued parents should have
the right to euthanize newborn children who have severe handicaps.

In his books, Singer has said that children less than one month old have
no human consciousness and do not have the same rights as others.

"Killing a defective infant is not morally equivalent to killing a
person," he wrote in one book. "Sometimes it is not wrong at all."

His appointment at Princeton has drawn fierce opposition from
anti-abortion groups, the disabled and others.

Daniel Robert, 51, who uses a wheelchair, protested while wearing a
black T-shirt that said "Not Dead Yet."

"I don't want people killing babies like me or adults like me," Robert
said. "We're just as proud to be alive as anyone else. And we have that

Many protesters said Singer's hiring gives inappropriate legitimacy to
his views.

Princeton spokesman Justin Harmon defended Singer's hiring and suggested
that some of his harshest critics have not read his books.

"According to the experts in the field, he is the one of the strongest
bioethicists out there," Harmon said. "He's been hired because of the
strength of his teaching and his research, not because of any particular
point of view he holds for or against any issue."

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