-Caveat Lector-

Phew! But number crunching with a difference...

The Fountain of Prometheus!

There is the Art Deco sculpture, a 20th century work by sculptor Paul
Manship, that has long become a landmark of central New York City, it is the
‘Fountain of Prometheus’ at the Rockefeller Center.

So thanks to Rockefeller, we may think of the Akkadian beginning of
humankind in the Babylonian ‘Fertile Crescent’ and maybe think about a new
era for humankind.

OK, the story goes that with all of the monsters out of the way the world
was ready for mankind. This job of creating man was given to Prometheus
(Forethought) and his brother, Epimetheus (Afterthought). And having given
all the best gifts to animals, Prometheus discovered he had nothing left to
give to man. So he asked his brother for help. Prometheus agreed and thought
of ways to make man superior to animals. So, he made them walk upright like
the gods and gave them fire. And for a long time, only man roamed the Earth
(Earth’s spiritual twin). There were not even one woman as yet in the Garden
of Eden.

Zeus was really mad at Prometheus for giving fire to man. Zeus was not
happy, and he sought revenge on mankind and Prometheus...

Zeus went to Hephaestus and had him create a beautiful woman out of clay.
The Four Winds blew life into her, and the gods have her a beautiful box,
warning her to never open it. Her name was Pandora which means ‘gift to all’
, and she was the first woman. She was then sent as a gift to Epimetheus,
who became his wife. Now his brother Prometheus had warned him never to
accept gifts from Zeus, but Epimetheus didn't listen. Eventually, curiosity
got the better of Pandora and she opened the box. Plagues, sorrow, and
mischief flew out, but she closed the lid in time to save Hope.

Then Zeus focused on punishing Prometheus. He sent Force and Violence to
fetch Prometheus, and they took him to Caucasus where they chained him to a
rock. Zeus also wanted information from him because he knew that one day he
would have a son who would dethrone him. Only Prometheus knew the name of
the mother who would bear this child. Hermes was sent to plead with him, but
still Prometheus refused to tell. So Zeus had Prometheus chained to a rock,
and an eagle (or a vulture) came to feast on Prometheus' liver each day. And
each night the liver would grow back (since Prometheus was immortal and
couldn't be killed) only to be eaten again the next day by the eagle, and on
and on each day for eternity.

After many years Heracles eventually happened upon Prometheus, and so
pleaded his case to Zeus. And Zeus relented and allowed Heracles to free him
from the rock, and to kill the menacing eagle. Prometheus, the great rebel
of injustice, never told who was to become the mother of his child. Now on
his release, Zeus made Prometheus wear a ring with a stone setting, a stone
cut from the rock to that which he had been chained, a ring as a permanent
reminder of his punishment.

OK, now to making men and women and the first Jewish person, maybe Abraham
of the Fertile Crescent, that became Babylon.

And the importance of water in the making of the ‘New World Order’ of people
can be seen when standing in front of the ‘Fountain of Prometheus’ at the
Rockefeller Center.

Thus to using numbers to form and fashion the new people.

Prometheus made man into soul men with use of fire and water.

Hephaestus made Pandora, a woman of the world, the woman with that of Eve’s
and Sarah’s reference number 127 that came out of man and fire and water
(12.6 x 12.6 x 0.8 is 127.0080).

Yahweh made the Jewish people, the people who were as shepherds but with
seemingly an attitude of Ishmael, having the symbol of Sun time, the Sabbath

Now whereas the reference number for the ‘Fire’ of Zeus remains at 109 for
all three, the numbers for water are different.

The water-number Prometheus would have used for man into men is nearly the
most dense natural water is at 62.4232 pounds per cubic foot, whereas the
natural water Hephaestus used was also the most dense using the equivalent
to 62.4254 pounds per cubic foot, at 316.3577 pounds per Ancient Egyptian
cubic cubit (5.06776 cubic feet). And the same natural ‘Egyptian’ dense
water was seemingly used by Yahweh and equivalent to 7.517051 pounds per
Ancient Hebrew Omer (208.080 cubic inches).

OK, Prometheus made ‘spirit man’ at 126 x ‘Fire’ at 109 x water at 62.4232
pounds and squared x 2 is 1.47000e+12. And 147 is the reference for the soul
men and also for the sheep of the Church.

Whereas, Hephaestus used the ‘spirit man’ at 126 x ‘Fire’ at 109 x the most
dense ‘Ancient Egyptian’ natural Nile water at 316.3577 pounds and squared
thrice is 1.270000e+53, hence the reference number for worldly and beautiful
Pandora at 127.

And so to Yahweh, the God of History, used ‘spirit man’ at 126 x ‘Fire’ at
109 x a sacred Omer of natural water at 7.517051 pounds and squared twice is
4 x 2.84000e+19, that is Sun time, a Sun’s Day at a revolution of 28.4 Earth
days. And sun men at 284 is made up of the soul at 147 + Ishmel at 137.

Thus Prometheus made soul men at 147 and Hephaestus made worldly woman at
127 and Yahweh made the Jew, the Sun men, at 284.

And when all three are brought together at 147 + 127 + 284 is 558.

Now 558 is made up of 279 + 279 and 279 is of a son of God at 153 + a son of
Man at 126 and 279 is also made up of God at 170 + ‘Fire’ at 109.

So all three people, the soul men, the worldly women, and the sun men is 558
that is 279 x 2 and 279 is either Yahweh at 279 or Lucifer at 279.

The Ancient of Days at 4233 + 4233 is made up of Yahweh of 2790 + 2790 + 279
+ 279 + 279 + 279 (24 x 279) + Darkness at 1770.

Thus, when you stand in front of the ‘Fountain of Prometheus’ at the
Rockefeller Center, close your eyes and forget the coming New World Order,
and look up to Heaven and think of the soul men who are as sheep, those of
the Church.


PS ‘Invented’ this morning!

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