-Caveat Lector-

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Time to Renounce the United Nations?

by Rep. Ron Paul, MD

Our anticipated war in Iraq has been condemned by many
around the world for the worst of all reasons: namely,
that America is acting without United Nations
approval. The obvious implication is that an invasion
of Iraq is illegitimate without such approval, but
magically becomes legitimate when UN bureaucrats grant
their blessing. Most Americans rightfully resent this
arrogant attitude toward our national sovereignty and
don’t care what the UN thinks about our war plans.
Perhaps our heritage as a nation of people who do not
take kindly to being told what to do is intact. Still,
only the most ardent war hawks connected with the
administration have begun to discuss complete
withdrawal from the UN. I have advocated this for
twenty years, and have introduced legislation to that

The administration deserves some credit for asserting
that we will go to war unilaterally if necessary,
without UN authorization. But it sends a mixed message
by doing everything it can to obtain such
authorization. Efforts to build a “coalition” through
the promise of billions in foreign aid dollars only
reinforce the perception that we’re trying to buy
support for the war. The message seems to be that the
UN is credible when we control it and it does what we
want, but lacks all credibility when it refuses to do
our bidding. The bizarre irony is while we may act
unilaterally in Iraq, the very justification for our
invasion is that we are enforcing UN resolutions!

Our current situation in Iraq shows that we cannot
allow U.S. national security to become a matter of
international consensus. We don’t need UN permission
to go to war; only Congress can declare war under the
Constitution. The Constitution does not permit the
delegation of congressional duties to international
bodies. It’s bad enough when Congress relinquishes its
warmaking authority to the President, but disastrous
if we relinquish it to international bureaucrats who
don’t care about America.

Those bureaucrats are not satisfied by meddling only
in international disputes, however. The UN
increasingly wants to influence our domestic
environmental, trade, labor, tax, and gun laws. Its
global planners fully intend to expand the UN into a
true world government, complete with taxes, courts,
and a standing army. This is not an alarmist
statement; these facts are readily promoted on the
UN’s own website. UN planners do not care about
national sovereignty; in fact they are actively
hostile to it. They correctly view it as an obstacle
to their plans. They simply aren’t interested in our
Constitution and republican form of government.

The choice is very clear: we either follow the
Constitution or submit to UN global governance.
American national sovereignty cannot survive if we
allow our domestic laws to be crafted by an
international body. This needs to be stated publicly
more often. If we continue down the UN path, America
as we know it will cease to exist.

Noted constitutional scholar Herb Titus has thoroughly
researched the United Nations and its purported
“authority.” Titus explains that the UN Charter is not
a treaty at all, but rather a blueprint for
supranational government that directly violates the
Constitution. As such, the Charter is neither
politically nor legally binding upon the American
people or government. The UN has no authority to make
“laws” that bind American citizens, because it does
not derive its powers from the consent of the American
people. We need to stop speaking of UN resolutions and
edicts as if they represented legitimate laws or
treaties. They do not.

The UN is neither wise nor neutral. All of the member
nations have national interests that don’t simply
disappear when their representatives enter the UN
general assembly hall. Like any government or
quasi-government body, the UN is rife with corruption
and backroom deals. Worst of all, it serves as a forum
for rampant anti-Americanism. Perhaps the time has
finally come when more Americans will choose to
rethink our participation.

March 20, 2003

Dr. Ron Paul is a Republican member of Congress from

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