-Caveat Lector-

Some more religious number crunching.

The Black Ark of the Covenant Conspiracy

I was reading an extract from the `Lost Secrets Of The Sacred
Ark' by Laurence Gardner, who writes about the sacred gold powder and the
power of the Ark of the Covenant.

The Book of Exodus chapter 28:33-35 tells us that the High Priest had
to wear robes which had both symbols of the Pomegranate fruit and
golden bells attached to the hem of the material.

What is especially interesting about the Pomegranate tree is that its
wood is the most dense in the world at 84.2 pounds per cubic foot,
compared to English Oak at 58 pounds and African Teak at 61 pounds
per cubic foot.

The Bible gives only one volume measurement for the Ark of the
Covenant at 5.625 Hebrew cubic cubits, some 29.293334 cubic feet. And
I feel that this is only the internal volume, and to ascertain the
full volume I have used about the ratio of the full volume of the
granite sarcophagus in the King's Chamber of the Great Pyramid
compared to its internal volume. Thus a full volume for the Ark of
the Covenant at some 11.1288 Hebrew cubic cubits, and so a frame
volume of 5.50382 Hebrew cubic cubits, some 28.66226 cubic feet.

And the frame's volume at 5.50382 cubic cubits and squared thrice
is 842,004.647 and so related to the Pomegranate tree, and if I
continue to square thrice more x 10 the square root twice is

And 12,607.5 days is 34.5181 years, the life of Jesus Christ from
birth at 2:30am October 1st 6BC until 3am Omer Day, that is Passover
Day, on the Sabbath of Saturday, April 8th AD30 and precisely 12
hours after death on the Cross. And 12 hours after death the soul of
Jesus Christ was preaching in prison to others who were dead.

Thus the symbol of the Pomegranate fruit on the High Priest's hem
of his robe, not only represents the frame of the Ark of the
Covenant, but the Son of Man.

In that from the circumcision of the Jewish Jesus Christ was on the
eighth day after birth and so 12,600 days until 3am Omer Day AD30.

The Bible says that 1,260 days is `time, times and half a time'.

OK, now the Ark of the Covenant was certainly not made of Pomegranate
wood, but Acacia wood, at about 51.1 pounds per cubic foot, so the
wooden frame of the Ark of the Covenant weighed 1,464 pounds, that is
24 times the Falcon with the reference number 61. Whereas
Christ's own reference number is 9333 that is one tithe less than
1037 which is 17 times 61, a difference of 7 Falcons x 61 at 427,
(and as feet the length of the finest Gothic cathedral, namely
Chartres Cathedral, the church of the Virgin Mary.

So the weight of the frame of the Ark of the Covenant show tremendous
power, that of the Heavenly number 24 x the Falcon, the merciless
killer of the sky, a frame that is `formed' by measure, from
that of the Pomegranate wood, the Son of Man.

And the `Golden Bell's' sewn to the hem of the High
Priest's robe and the gold color represents the Sun at 865,000
miles in diameter and the bell symbolizes `sound' at 1087 feet per
second, increased to 10,870,000 + 865,000 + 865,000 is the Son of Man at

So the 12,607.50 days for the Son of Man and related to non Jews,
whereas 12,600 days is related to the Son of Man for the Jewish people.

And the Pomegranate at 84.2 pounds per cubic foot at 842,000 x 4 +
the Sun at 865,000 miles is the Ancient of Days at 4,233,000.

So to the Black Ark of the Covenant, the `Merciless Throne'
of the Prince of Darkness.

It was Pentecost, at 9am Sunday morning May 28th AD30 that Church
began with the disciple Peter preaching to the Jews of visiting
Jerusalem. And so 1,924 years + one day, to the first Bilderberg Group
meeting in Holland.

And 1,924 x 100 is Darkness, the `Black Trinity' at 177 x sound at 1087.0056
feet per
second, thus 1924 is the reference for the `Sound of Darkness'.

Bilderberg Group, the world's most secret society?

Bilderberg, reputedly the most secretive organization in the world,
comprising presidents, royal families, ministers, top industrialists
and financial leaders.

The Bilderberg delegates, comprising some of the world's most
powerful decision makers discuss highly classified issues which are
not supposed to be disclosed to the public by the press before or
after the meeting.

The principal feature of Bilderberg is that it seeks `One Global

Bilderberg takes its name from the Bilderberg Hotel in Oosterbeek,
Holland where the first meeting took place May 29th – 31st of 1954.

This elite group usually consists of 115 members but can go to 120 of
the most powerful men and women on Earth. Eight are supposedly from
Western Europe and the remainder from North America. And one third
are from government and politics, and the remaining two thirds from
industry, finance, education, and communications.

And the Son of Man's reference number for non Jews at 1,260,750 x
1,260,750 and squared twice x 126.0750 x 7/8 and square root twice
and cube root once, is 17,270.532 days, some 47.28514 years, that is
8:30pm on the evening of May 29th 1954, the foundation weekend of the
Bilderberg Group.

A Meeting of Darkness

And as the annual Bilderberg meeting is invariably the weekend before
the G8 summit, hence someone suggests it will probably be on Thursday
22nd to Sunday 25th May 2003, and so 618 days after September 11th

Or counting from noon on September 11th 2001 it is 617.9746 days to
very soon after midnight on Thursday May 22nd 2003, and 617.9746
cubed x 0.75 is 177,000,000, that is `G' for Gravity and so

Thus, if the date for the next Bilderberg meeting is May 22nd 2003 it
is a meeting of Darkness, when locked into September 11th 2001.

So yet again and again and again, up comes September 11th 2001 as an
historical `Time Marker' which I should not mention feel some
Americans, and shown in time, is the `Black Ark of the Covenant'.


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