-Caveat Lector-


                                   March 24, 2003

The IRAQWAR.RU analytical center was created recently by a group of journalists and
military experts from Russia to provide accurate and up-to-date news and analysis of 
war against Iraq. The following is the English translation of the IRAQWAR.RU report 
on the Russian military intelligence reports.

[ < previous report | next report > ]

March 24, 2003, 0800hrs MSK (GMT +3), Moscow - As of morning (MSK, GMT +3) March 24 the
situation in Iraq can be characterized as quiet on all fronts. Attacking coalition 
have settled into positional warfare, they are exhausted, lost the attacking momentum 
are in urgent need for fuel, ammunition, repairs and reinforcements. The Iraqis are 
busy regrouping their forces, reinforcing the combat units and setting up new defense

Exceptionally heavy fighting continued for two days and nights near An-Nasiriya. Both
warring sides employed large numbers of tanks and artillery. More than 20,000 troops of
the US 3rd Motorized Infantry Division, supported by 200 tanks, 600 other armored
vehicles and 150 artillery pieces, were opposed by the Iraqi 3rd Army Corps consisting 
up to 40,000 troops, up to 250 tanks, more than 100 artillery, up to 100 mortars and 
rocket propelled grenade launchers (RPG) and anti-tank guided missiles (ATGM). The two-
day battle ended without any significant results.

The Americans have failed in trying to use their momentum in capturing An-Nasiriya and
attempted to encircle the town from the west, where they encountered strong layered 
defenses and forced to withdraw. The Iraqi forces used this opportunity to attack the 
flanks with two brigades, breaking the US combat orders and causing panic among the US
troops. The US command was forced to halt the advance of its forced toward An Najaf and
once again redirect several tank battalions to support the attacked units. Nearly 6 
was needed for the US aviation to stop the Iraqi attack and restore combat order of the
US forces.

During the past day the coalition aviation flew more than 2,000 close support missions 
this area [An-Nasiriya]. "We can only thank God for having air dominance!” said the
commander of the US 15th Marines Exp. Corps Col. Thomas Waldhauser in a private
conversation with one of the CNN reporters. Later the CNN journalist cited the Colonel 
a phone conversation with his editor. The conversation was intercepted.

According to the intercepted radio traffic, the US forces have sustained up to 40 
up to 10 captured and up to 200 wounded during the fighting near An-Nasiriya. There is
confirmed information about one lost attack helicopter and an unconfirmed report about 
lost ground attack plane. The US forces have also lost up to 40 armored vehicles,
including no less than 10 tanks. Several intercepted reports by the US field commanders
stated that their troops are unable to advance due to their soldiers being demoralized 
the enemy's fierce resistance and high losses.

Four days of continuous advance exhausted the coalition forces, which now have settled
into defensive positions nearly on every front to rest and regroup. As of this morning
(MSK, GMT +3) the coalition forces are in control of the western part of An-Nasiriya 
have no foothold on the left bank of Euphrates. The left bank of the river is 
by the Iraqi forces, which are conducting engineering works to reinforce their 
A part of the Iraqi forces have been deployed to strengthen the defense of An-Najaf,
where they expect the next coalition attack.

Around 2300hrs (MSK, GMT +3) March 23 a British platoon was ambushed by Iraqi Special
Forces unit near Basra. Following a powerful initial artillery barrage the Iraqis 
the British in close combat and destroyed several armored vehicles. After the Iraqis
withdrew the British commander reported up to 8 killed, two missing and more than 30
wounded British soldiers. Thus over the 30% of the unit's troops have been disabled in
the attack. Reinforcements and medevac helicopters have been dispatched by the 
to the scene of the attack.

During the past day there has been a sharp increase in combat activity in the 

Reports have been intercepted showing at least 5 attacks on the coalition military
convoys, 8 vehicles destroyed by landmines and 2 ambushes. Iraqi special operation 
are mining the roads, setting up ambushes and conduct search and reconnaissance
operations. The coalition forces have been ordered to halt the movement of convoys 
dark hours and to provide each convoy with combat escort units and air cover.

The situation around the borderline town of Umm Qasr (population 1,500) still remains
unclear. Radio intercepts and satellite images show that the town was under constant
bombardment throughout out the night. The morning photos indicate its complete
destruction. This shows that the coalition command, fed up with the Iraqi's stubborn
resistance, ordered the complete destruction of the town using aviation and artillery.
However, according to reports by the British troops ordered to "clean up" Umm Qasr the
town still contains many pockets of resistance. The overall coalition losses at Umm 
during the past four days amounted to up to 40 killed and up to 200 wounded. Currently 
is impossible to estimate the Iraqi losses at Umm Qasr. As of yesterday's morning the 
Qasr garrison consisted of 1600 troops.

The units of the British marine infantry have failed to establish control over the
strategically important Fao peninsula. After yesterday's counterattack by the Iraqis 
British forces have been thrown back some 3 to 5 kilometers and were forced into
defensive positions. Intercepted radio communications indicate that today the British
command will attempt to regain the lost ground after spending the night reinforcing 
units on Fao with two additional marine infantry battalions. The overall British losses
on the Fao peninsula during the past four days of fighting include up to 15 killed and 
to 100 wounded. The Iraqis lost here up to 100 killed and around 100 captured.

A heated exchange of fire continues near Basra. The coalition units hesitate to enter 
city and limit their actions to constant artillery and aviation bombardment of Basra. 
far the coalition forces have failed to completely surround the city and to cut off the
defending Iraqi garrison from the main Iraqi forces.

The US troops continue landing in northern Iraqi territories controlled by the Kurds. 
is expected that as early as tomorrow morning these forces supported by the Kurdish 
will make an attempt to capture the town of Kirkuk.

Aerial strikes against Iraq continued throughout the night. A total of up to 1,500 
flights were carried out by the coalition aviation. Additionally, B-52 bombers launched
more than 100 cruise missiles from the so-called "Turkish corridor". Some 150 more 
missiles have been launched by the US and British naval forces.

Intercepted radio traffic indicates another lost coalition plane this morning. There 
a confirmed loss of a "Predator" unmanned aerial reconnaissance aircraft.

Any further advances by the coalition within the next 8-12 hours are unlikely. The
coalition command in Qatar has been in meeting since the early morning and is expected 
come up with significant changes to the overall operational plan. According to most
experts the coalition command made a most serious strategic error by starting the 
phase of the operation nearly at the very start of the war. The Americans have violated
their own doctrine where the ground phases of a military operation coincide in time 
the destruction of the enemy from the air.

The US made serious errors in their estimates of the Iraq's army strength and combat
readiness. The US military intelligence and the CIA failed to uncover the true 
of the Iraqi forces and, in essence, misinformed the top military and civilian 
of the coalition member countries.

(source: iraqwar.ru, 03-24-03, translated by Venik)

"If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so
long as I'm the dictator."

 -GW Bush during a photo-op with Congressional leaders on
12/18/2000. As broadcast on CNN and available in transcript on
their website http://www.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0012/18/nd.01.html

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