-Caveat Lector-
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2003 6:45 PM
Subject: Perle Resigns as Chairman of the Defense Policy Board

NEWS RELEASE from the United States Department of Defense

No. 164-03
March 27, 2003


        Below is the text of a letter received today by
Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld from Richard Perle,
chairman of the Defense Policy Board:

        With our nation at war and American troops risking their
lives to protect our freedom and liberate Iraq, I am dismayed
that your valuable time, and that of others in the Department of
Defense and the administration, might be burdened by the
controversy surrounding my chairmanship of the Defense Policy

        I have been privileged to serve you and my colleagues as
chairman of the Policy Board for nearly two years.  It has been
an honor to work with the Board to assure that you have had the
best advice and counsel that its many experienced and wise
members can provide.

        I have seen controversies like this before and I know
that this one will inevitably distract from the urgent challenge
in which you are now engaged.  I would not wish to cause even a
moment's distraction from that challenge.  As I cannot quickly
or easily quell criticism of me based on errors of fact
concerning my resignation as chairman of the Defense Policy

        You have my assurance that I have respected and abided
by the rules that apply to the Defense Policy Board and other
advisory boards.

        Finally, I am advising Global Crossing that I will not
accept any compensation that might result from their pending
acquisition and that any fee for past service would be donated
to the families of American forces killed or injured in Iraq.

        With respect and good wishes.

[Web version: http://www.defenselink.mil/news/Mar2003/b03272003_bt164-03.html]

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