-Caveat Lector-

Arab News
Cities May Prove Quicksand for Invaders
Christopher Bellamy, The Independent
Published on Saturday, March 29, 2003

LONDON, 29 March 2003 — Four centuries before Christ, China’s Gen. Sun-
Tzu wrote in his
Art of War: “The worst policy is to besiege cities.” Nearly two and a half
thousand years later, the Americans and British invading Iraq and trapped
outside Baghdad and Basra have again become aware of this.

Six months ago, on the first anniversary of the attacks on New York, Tareq
Aziz gave an interview to Dr. Toby Dodge, of the University of Warwick. Aziz
said: “People say to me, you (the Iraqis) are not the Vietnamese. You have
no jungles and swamps to hide in. I reply, let our cities be our swamps and
our buildings our jungles.”

This interview is cited in Dr. Dodge’s perspicacious and prescient article,
Cake Walk, Coup or Urbanwarfare: the Battle for Iraq, in the Adelphi Paper
No 354, Iraq at the Crossroads, published by the International Institute for
Strategic Studies. Maybe, this time, the academics got it right. So the Iraqi
plan to frustrate and hold the Americans was clearly well thought out six
months ago. As Thomas Ricks, a Washington Post reporter wrote
Wednesday, the unexpectedly bad weather, long and insecure supply lines
stretching 300 miles and surprising Iraqi resistance have led to a “broad
reassessment of timelines”. In other words, a longer and harder war than
was expected a week ago.

An operational pause is in the offing. The 3rd US Infantry Division
(Mechanised) is a relatively small force (though more than double the size
of even the best-appointed Iraqi division), more than 300 miles from its
base. Its 100 Apache helicopters, its main hi-tech, anti-armor assets, are
grounded by sandstorms. It is even having emergency supplies of water and
food trucked in from Kuwait. The logistics people in their soft-skinned
vehicles are probably even braver than the front-line soldiers. And they
are the people the Iraqis, striking at the vulnerable supply lines, will go
for. Senior US officers were cited as saying the 3rd Division must “run out
of steam soon”. A sobering thought, if true.

The US and British commanders must be concerned about the cities they
never wanted to besiege. Baghdad has a population of five million. Najaf,
the main jumping-off point for an attack on the capital, has 600,000. Basra
has 1.5 million. That is the same population as Northern Ireland. The British
have still not brought total peace to Northern Ireland after having
deployed, on average, 17,000 troops there, for nearly 34 years. If the main
Iraqi cities do not come over to the allies, and so far they have not, we
face a very different strategic problem — the one we faced on the
outbreak of war more than a week ago.

And the southcentral Iraqi theater will be the operational area of the US
4th Infantry Division (Mechanised). Its heavy equipment is in 35 ships
heading for Kuwait from the Mediterranean via the Suez. The division,
originally intended to strike Iraq’s northern front through Turkey, will not
be be ready until April.

In southern Iraq, where resistance has been far tougher than expected,
its appearance will, nevertheless, be hugely welcome. As one retired US
general said: “I wouldn’t like to go into Baghdad before I had another
division up into my rear.” That can only be 4th Division, and it will not be
there until next month.

In the interim, 3rd Infantry’s long and vulnerable supply lines, attacked by
Iraqi stay-behind parties, can be reinforced only by the 82nd Airborne
Division, based near Kuwait City, and the 101st, who are, to quote The
Washington Post, “deep inside Iraq”. Part of one US airborne brigade, the
173rd, dropped to hold an airfield an hour’s drive north of Irbil on
Wednesday night.

Quite why the Americans felt they had to drop 1,000 men by parachute 50
miles behind the front line in safe, secure, Kurdish territory to an airfield
on which they were already landing helicopters is unclear.

It could only have impressed the Western media. There is no way it could
have impressed Iraqis. The British Paras don’t parachute if there is an
airfield to land on, and some of them were not impressed, either. But it
made good TV in the absence of much other good news.

Over the past 24 hours, the overwhelming lesson has, again, been: Be
skeptical. On Wednesday night and Thursday morning there were reports
of a huge Iraqi armored force — 1,000 vehicles, about a brigade — trying to
cut off the vulnerable US main supply route, and of the breakout of an
Iraqi battle group — 120 tanks — from Basra down into the Al-Faw

In the cold light of dawn, the great brigade counter-sweep dissolved. The
battle group was shot up by well-prepared US and British armor, artillery
and air power.

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not believe simply because it has been handed down for many genera-
tions.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and
rumoured by many.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is
written in Holy Scriptures.  Do not believe in anything merely on
the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
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Then accept it and live up to it." The Buddha on Belief,
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