-Caveat Lector-

>On the same day that Mr Blair spoke of the
>"executions", the Defence Secretary Geoff Hoon claimed that the
>discovery of protection suits in Iraq was "categorical proof" that Saddam
>possessed chemical weapons. He withdrew the claim within 24 hours.

As of last night, CNN was still running the story as gospel truth....

I noticed something odd, though, which no one else seems to have caught...

Namely that every single crate in which these protection suits were shown in
this hospital-turned-military-HQ were addressed to "Ministry of Defense" --
in English.

What few crates had any Arabic printing seemed to have added the Arabic as
an afterthought -- IOW, the Arabic was squeezed into a corner or on the side
of the English phrasing.  Most crates didn't even have this
Arabic-as-afterthought touchand only had English printing...

Now can anyone explain just why the Iraqui military -- not to mention the
Iraqui postal service -- seems to use English as their primary language?

>Most preposterous of all, Mr Blair and
>the US leaders said with certainty in advance that the "liberators" would
>be cheered in the streets. Now we are told that our war leaders always
>knew the cheers would be delayed and that they are not at all surprised
>that Iraqis are resisting their liberators.

The current spin is that the southern Iraquis really DO want to not only
greet us but to help us, but the fact that they are ferociously fighting us
is 'proof' that they are being coerced by Iraqui troops whom they fear...



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