-Caveat Lector-


Residents Say Hussein Loyalists in Full Control
Impact of British Siege Described as Minimal

By Keith B. Richburg
Washington Post Foreign Service
Wednesday, April 2, 2003; Page A19

SHATT AL-BASRA BRIDGE, Iraq, April 1 -- For 13 days now, British artillery
and U.S. helicopters have pounded Iraqi tanks, mortar positions and
government targets inside Basra. The Baath Party headquarters has been
hit twice. British commandos regularly raid the strategic port to abduct
militia leaders -- all, British officials say, intended to pave the way for
British troops to seize control of Iraq's second-largest city.

But to hear some Basra residents tell it, the punishing artillery barrages
have had little effect in weakening the hold of President Saddam Hussein.
At the Shatt-al-Basra Bridge on the city's southern limits and along the
highway linking Basra to the nearby town of Zubair, ask residents who is in
charge of Basra today and the universal answer is, the same force that has
held sway for the last three decades.

"The Baath Party and the army," said Ali, 39, who was on his way to the
Zubair market to buy tomatoes to sell in Basra. "They are still very strong."

Ali, who once worked for the Korean carmaker Hyundai and speaks
passable English, paused for a moment on the bridge while British soldiers
at a checkpoint searched his truck for weapons. On condition that only
his first name be used, he provided an account of a city where life
functions almost normally, despite the standoff between British forces
ringing the city and militiamen and soldiers holed up inside.

"The markets are functioning normally in Basra," he said. Dismissing reports
that civilians in the predominantly Shiite Muslim city had tried to rebel
against Hussein's government, he added, "There's been absolutely no

Ali's view was more or less echoed by other Basra residents, who are
allowed to come and go with relative freedom over this single bridge left
open by the British. The only restriction is that cars must pass through a
British military checkpoint, where any vehicle deemed suspicious --
"dodgy," as the soldiers put it -- is singled out for a complete search.

"It's great. No problem," said a young man with a neatly trimmed beard and
wearing a traditional loose-fitting black robe. Asked who was in charge in
the city, he replied, "Baath Party. No army, just Baath."

Another man in brown, with a moustache and flecks of gray in his hair, said
the main problems for Basra's 1.3 million residents are on-again, off-again
electricity and a shortage of water, but not a reign of terror by Hussein
loyalists, as described by British and U.S. officials.

"The people are living normally," said Falih, a teacher, speaking in English as
he waited at the roadside with other passengers as their packed minibus
was searched. "They go to the market, they go shopping, they go to the
hospital when they are sick. Just there is this checkpoint here."

He added, "Life is normal."

The accounts of travelers moving back and forth from the besieged city
seem to belie the depiction of Basra as gripped by fear, with a restive
population under the sway of a ruthless militia that uses people as human
shields. People here crossing to the town of Zubair, mostly on the way to
markets, said they are free to come and go, and most intended to return
to Basra after shopping.

"You see the same faces," said Sgt. Ian Pickford of the Irish Guards, who
was posted at the bridge checkpoint from midnight until noon. "A lot of
them come out with nothing, but go in with vegetables."

Among those he recognized was an old man riding on a rickety donkey cart
who was a regular passer at the checkpoint.

The residents moving back and forth also seemed to counter some of the
more dire predictions from aid groups that Basra faced a humanitarian
crisis. Most said clean drinking water is a problem. But with markets open,
and traffic flowing to Zubair, where the streets are now crowded with
vendors, food appears to be less of a problem.

British commanders in the area said their information, from local residents,
is that people in Basra should have enough food to last about one more
month. A U.N. aid official contacted in Kuwait said the Iraqi government
had been distributing extra food rations since summer in anticipation of a
war and that the average family staying at home should have enough food
to last until the end of April.

The residents did confirm what British commanders in the area have been
saying since the siege began, that the army and militia fighters inside have
interspersed with the civilian population, making it difficult for the British
to pinpoint their positions. "The Baath Party people stand near the civilian
homes," said the driver of a dark blue minibus, speaking through an
interpreter. "And then the Americans and British fire on them."

With few foreigners having access to Basra, it is difficult to determine the
accuracy of the British artillery and U.S. airstrikes or the extent of Iraqi
casualties in the city. Ali, the vendor and former Hyundai worker, said,
"Two or three died yesterday. Why are they killing our children? We are
innocent. The children are scared."

The British believe the Iraqi fighters inside Basra are trying to draw them
into a battle in the city's teeming streets -- an urban battle that could
result in significant casualties. They fire at British positions with mortars,
and they tempt counterattacks by moving tanks close to the edge of the
town before quickly reversing back up the city's main arteries.

On the bridge today, a brief moment of commotion erupted when British
troops noticed a van moving from a factory building on the edge of town,
from which several rocket-propelled grenades where fired Monday night. A
Warrior armored vehicle fired a burst of machine-gun fire toward the
vehicle, sending civilians on the bridge scampering for cover behind
mounds of dirt, cars and an old cement guard post once used by Iraqi

For now, British commanders said their strategy is to wait out the Iraqi
defenders in Basra until conditions on the ground are right for a full-scale
assault. As part of creating those conditions, British troops have launched
operations in outlying villages dotted with date palms southeast of Basra.
The British also said they want to scour the surrounding area for weapons
caches and arms that could be used by army or militia fighters to attack
British rear positions after any push into the city center.

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