-Caveat Lector-

The Neocon Con: Deception and the Drive to WWIII

by Maureen Farrell

"Nothing Saddam does can save him, says Powell"

"Even if Baghdad readmits United Nations arms inspectors, the United
States will still pursue a 'regime change' policy, with or without the
support of its allies."

- The Sydney Morning Herald, February 8, 2002
(nine months before U.N. inspectors returned to Iraq)

Anyone who's been paying attention recognizes the prescient futility
expressed in the article above. Serving as a marker of sorts, it's but a sliver
in a body of evidence regarding the duplicitous nature of Bush's United
Nations "diplomacy." Yet many Americans, equating blindness with
patriotism, are convinced the president acted in good faith and went the
"extra mile" to reach a diplomatic solution. And sadly, in confusing our
allies' disarmament intentions with Bush's regime change imperative, they've
funneled angst and anger towards the French, while missing vital subplots
to this saga. In short, "patriotic Americans" have failed to notice that: 1)
The Bush administration relied on a series of fabrications and forgeries to
make its case 2) This war was planned before Sept. 11 and 3) The neocons
are deliberating driving us towards World War III.

A Madman's Guide to Chaos

The Project for a New American Century has been on the radar for some
time. Largely described as a group of neoconservative interventionists
dreaming of empire, their impact was succinctly explained by University of
Pennsylvania political science professor Ian Lustick. "After 9/11, (PNAC) was
able to benefit from the gigantic eruption of political capital, combined
with the supply of military preponderance in the hands of the president,"
Lustick said during a recent Nightline appearance. "And this small group,
therefore, was able to gain direct contact and even control, now, of the
White House."

Connected to the president through Paul Wolfowitz, Dick Cheney, Donald
Rumsfeld, Lewis "Scooter" Libby and Jeb Bush, PNAC foretold America's
future foreign policy in its 2000 report, Rebuilding America's Defenses.
"America's 'core mission,'" they announced, would be to "fight and
decisively win multiple, simultaneous major theatre wars." And so, the con
was on. Article Link

As moderate Arabs become radicalized by the war in Iraq, an even more
disturbing picture unfolds. While spouting platitudes about peace, this
administration, as columnist Joshua Micah Marshall asserts, is gunning for
"a full-scale confrontation between the United States and political Islam."
Even more to the point is Marshall's claim that, "Chaos in the Middle East is
not the Bush hawks' nightmare -- it's their plan."

Exposing these neoconservatives' "willingness to deceive," Marshall writes:

"In the [Bush Administration's] view, invasion of Iraq was not merely, or
even primarily, about getting rid of Saddam Hussein. Nor was it really about
weapons of mass destruction. . . . Rather, the administration sees the
invasion as only the first move in a wider effort to reorder the power
structure of the entire Middle East. Prior to the war, the president himself
never quite said this openly. But hawkish neoconservatives within his
administration gave strong hints. In February, Undersecretary of State
John Bolton told Israeli officials that after defeating Iraq, the United States
would "deal with" Iran, Syria, and North Korea. Meanwhile, neoconservative
journalists have been channeling the administration's thinking. Late last
month, The Weekly Standard's Jeffrey Bell reported that the administration
has in mind a "world war between the United States and a political wing of
Islamic fundamentalism. . ."

In other words, The Weekly Standard, edited by PNAC co-founder William
Kristol, is admitting that the neocons are actually hoping to spark a world
war - and even worse, they're willing to sacrifice U.S. citizens to do so.
Marshall explains:

"So events that may seem negative -- Hezbollah for the first time targeting
American civilians; U.S. soldiers preparing for war with Syria -- while
unfortunate in themselves, are actually part of the hawks' broader agenda.
Each crisis will draw U.S. forces further into the region and each
countermove in turn will create problems that can only be fixed by still
further American involvement, until democratic governments -- or, failing
that, U.S. troops -- rule the entire Middle East."

There is a startling amount of deception in all this -- of hawks deceiving
the American people, and perhaps in some cases even themselves."
http://www.washingtonmonthly.com/features/ 2003/0304.marshall.html

Military Matters

A more troubling deception lies in the ways neocons have misled American
troops. Though the CIA warned the Bush administration about possible
Iraqi tactics, Ken Adelman, Dick Cheney and Richard Perle brayed about
quick and certain success. "I believe demolishing (Iraqi President Saddam)
Hussein's military power and liberating Iraq would be a cakewalk," Adelman
wrote in the Washington Post last year, making Sgt. Mark N. Redford's
comments all the more poignant. Serving with the Third Infantry Division in
central Iraq, Redford said, "I expected a lot more people to surrender.
>From all the reports we got, I thought they would all capitulate."

Though some stories, like those about Marines living on one daily meal
ration or soldiers "war- gaming" against the wrong enemy sound more like
byproducts of incompetence and hubris than deception, one overriding
question arises: How do the neocons propose to wage "multiple,
simultaneous major theatre wars"?

With half of the U.S. armed forces deployed in Iraq and others stationed in
various global hot spots, PNAC's "cavalry on the new American frontier" will
need to be replenished. And as one reporter recently observed, "If the
presence of 10,000 American soldiers is generating a resistance movement
in Afghanistan, one can conjecture what the presence of more than
250,000 soldiers will do in Iraq?" Article Link

In 2000, (when PNAC's plan was published), Delaware became the first state
to link drivers' license applications to Selective Service registration. Since
then, 28 states, 2 territories, and the District of Columbia have enacted
similar legislation. http://www.sss.gov/FSdrivers.htm. In January, the
Universal Service Act 2003 (H.R. 163) was introduced, and if passed, the bill
would reinstate the draft, while insuring, according to Rep. Pete Stark,
that "the well-off or the well- connected" won't be able to "dodge military
service for their country, as did our President."

'Dixie-Chicked' and Bamboozled

The military/media meld notwithstanding, ("Can we please demand that the
U.S. military remove its troops from ABC/CBS/NBC/CNN/MSNBC/Fox?,"
Michael Moore recently asked), the fact that America's "free press" is
being used to repress dissent is disconcerting. Michael Savage uses
MSNBC's airwaves to pine for a return to Sedition laws, pro-war and Nazi-
like Dixie Chick CD demolition rallies are organized by Clear Channel and
this summer, Ann Coulter will be invading TV Land to accuse liberals of

Ensuring that U.S. citizens receive their daily requirement of government-
issued pabulum, the Pentagon is desperately trying to prevent
independent journalists from reporting in Iraq, while bombarding others
with Pentagon-approved spin. One BBC news source complained that, "The
misinformation in this war is far and away worse than any conflict I've
covered," adding, "We're getting more truth out of Baghdad than the
Pentagon at the moment." http://

Meanwhile, reporters based at Center Command in Qatar are complaining
"about a credibility gap between what reporters see and hear on the
battlefield and what the top brass at headquarters are saying, or not
saying," and are defecting. ABC News, which had nearly 70 journalists
stationed at Centcom is down to 12 and when Michael Wolff, the media
critic at New York magazine, openly asked "why should we stay? What's the
value to us for what we learn at this million-dollar press center?" the room

Unanswered Questions:

Following Sept. 11, the media lobbed fluffballs at the Bush administration.
When Donald Rumsfeld appeared on Larry King in Dec. 2001, for example,
he admitted that at 8:00 a.m.on Sept. 11, he told a congressional
delegation that "sometime in the next two, four, six, eight, ten, twelve
months there would be an event that would occur in the world that would
be sufficiently shocking that it would remind people again how important it
is to have a strong healthy defense department." Did that raise an eyeball?
Or inspire follow-up questions? No. King responded, "You were pretty
prophetic that morning." http://www.defenselink.mil/news/

As the president's recent visit to Andrews Air Force base reminded, we're
still paying for the media's ineptitude and complicity. Why, once again,
weren't jets scrambled from Andrews to at least save people in the
Pentagon? And why, 19 months later, do we still not know the answer to
that and other disturbing questions? Though the PNAC neocons
suspiciously admitted that it would take "some catastrophic and catalyzing
event like a new Pearl Harbor" to set their WWIII plans in motion, shouldn't
the press and American citizens be demanding accountability?

Although the alternative media and various organizations have researched
911 oddities, and Greg Palast http://www.gregpalast.com/detail.cfm?artid=
104&row=1 Gore Vidal http://
www.observer.co.uk/review/story/0,6903,819932,00.html and Michael
Moore http://
www.observer.co.uk/international/story/0,6903,925548,00.html have
expressed misgivings about the official story, mainstream sources are finally
questioning the Bush administration's reluctance to investigate 911. In
March, Newsweek reported on Florida Sen. Bob Graham's "911 outrage"
over FBI and CIA failures, as well as "facilitation" of the hijackers by a
"sovereign nation" (reportedly Saudi Arabia). He also accused the Bush
administration of suppressing information. "There's been a cover-up of
this," he said.

Later, Time asked "Is the Bush White House trying to put the brakes on the
congressional panel created last fall to investigate 9-11 attacks?"
http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/ 0,8599,437267,00.html, while
the New York Times reported that while an estimated $14 million is needed
to fund the 9-11 independent commission, and find out how terrorists
were able to conspire to kill 3000 Americans, only $3 million has been made
available. "In comparison," the Times said, "the inquiry into the shuttle
disaster's loss of seven lives may cost an estimated $40 million, and the
inquiry into the Whitewater controversy ate up more than $30 million."

Nonetheless, with the first public hearings on 9/11 underway, hopefully
some answers will be forthcoming. http://www.9-

The Con Lives On

Sadly, however, it's become impossible to trust this White House. And it
doesn't help that Bush's messianic mission to "liberate" the Iraqi people
reeks of conquest instead. U.S. forces have informally named a captured
Iraqi airfield, "Bush International Airport," Halliburton leads the war-
profiteering parade and Colin Powell says we won't be ceding control of
Iraq to the U.N. "We didn't take on this huge burden with our coalition
partners not to be able to have a significant dominating control over how
it unfolds in the future," he said. Article Link

Nor does it help that, even as pundits bray about the Afghanistan
successes, Al Qaeda and the Taliban are regrouping; women and children
are brutalized; and the only sure sign of success is the highly-prized
pipeline that's going to transport gas and oil through Afghanistan from the
Caspian Sea basin. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/2608713.stm

Bombarded with orange alerts, duct tape and other fear-mongering
tactics, many citizens believe Bush's serial wars will save America. But with
secret detentions, secret bunker governments, oppressive stealth
legislation and martial law/internment camp contingencies
http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2002/07/27/1027497418339.html, we're
already losing what we've vowed to protect. And face it. This county is
only one terrorist attack from becoming the kind of country our parents
and grandparents fought against. And sadly, it seems that many Americans
have been conned into thinking that's exactly as it should be.


Maureen Farrell is a writer and media consultant who specializes in helping
other writers get television and radio exposure.

© Copyright 2003, Maureen Farrell
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