-Caveat Lector-



      "We are, therefore, now trapped in a war for which no foreseeable
      exit is provided. It is not an "Iraq War"; it is a virtually
      endless world war, unless we stop it: unless you, personally,
      contribute to stopping it.  It is a war already spreading, as the
      military forces of Turkey invade northern Iraq, in preparation to
      deal with a Kurdish campaign to carve a Kurdish state out of a
      region including large chunks of Turkey and Transcaucasia. This is
      a war of incalculable implications, being pushed by dangerous, and
      largely morally demented lunatics, such as Mother Cheney's

War, Hitler, & Cheney
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

The immediate situation of the U.S. is summed up as follows: At this
moment, as I had forewarned you in 1999-2000, we are plunging into a
world depression comparable to, but worse than that of the Herbert Hoover
Depression of 1929-1933. As I forewarned you in an address, broadcast at
the beginning of 2001, new would-be Adolf Hitlers have now appeared, this
time inside the U.S.A.

Those would-be Hitlers now threaten the whole world with the kinds of
wars for which the world later hung Nazi leaders, at Nuremberg: the new
Hitlers from inside the U.S.A. and Blair's government, who act exactly as
Hitler threatened Czechoslovakia in 1938, and invaded Poland in 1939.

The pivotal feature of that warfare, into which an already bankrupt U.S.
has just been plunged, is the de facto usurpation of the function of a
still-sitting President by Halliburton's Vice President Cheney, and by a
gang of his organized-crime-linked lackeys polluting not only the
Departments of Defense and State, but also polluting, and virtually
castrating elected and other leaders of the nominal opposition, the
Democratic Party.

Ironically, but not accidentally, the present war-like situation in the
Department of Defense, including the public rug-chewing exhibitions by
Secretary Rumsfeld, reminds today's serious historians of the way in
which Adolf Hitler and his Roman Legions-modelled SS, ultimately
destroyed that German military which would-be Caesar Hitler's gang feared
and hated so intensely.

All too obviously, the leading war-makers inside the Bush Administration
today are mere lackeys, nasty pimps like the Leporello of Mozart's famous
opera. These real-life Leporellos, such as the politically pimpish
Wolfowitz and Ashcroft, were spawned, chiefly, by Chicago University and
associated circles of a prominent fascist ideologue, the late Professor
Leo Strauss.

This Strauss was a follower of the Carl Schmitt who crafted the law under
which Hitler became dictator of Germany; so, are Strauss's ardent
followers inside the Bush Administration today. This fascist, Strauss,
who created Wolfowitz, was imported to the U.S. from the Germany of Carl
Schmitt and Hitler-midwife Hjalmar Schacht, at the time that also the
later Robert Hutchins-sponsored Strauss was already known to be a
fanatical follower of the leading Nazi ideologue Martin Heidegger.

However, like the Nazi SS enforcers, lackeys Wolfowitz, Perle, Bolton,
Wurmser, Feith, and so on, are merely expendable hoodlums adorned with
political motley. To understand them, you must look to those who created
them and put them into their present positions. You must look to the
London-backed Hjalmar Schachts and von Papens of the modern U.S.A.,
including the likes of the Conrad Blacks, the Rupert Murdochs, George
Shultz, and the Shultz-allied forces behind the Halliburton firms'
government and other connections.

The essence of the matter is exactly what I warned you might happen, in a
broadcast address I delivered just before the inauguration of President
George W. Bush, Jr. We are in an accelerating world depression, while
this year's U.S. Federal deficit already soars in the direction of the $1
trillions mark. The U.S.A. experienced its "Reichstag Fire" on September
11, 2001, and the storm-trooper legions of Vice President Cheney marched
forth from those smoking ruins, brandishing their Mein Kampf doctrine of
"preventive nuclear" war. This is the Nazi-like doctrine which Cheney had
adopted in 1991, then in his capacity of Secretary of Defense. Led by
Cheney's and Rumsfeld's lackeys, the depression-wracked U.S. is presently
marching down the road toward self-inflicted Hell, unless the war is
stopped about now.

We are, therefore, now trapped in a war for which no foreseeable exit is
provided. It is not an "Iraq War"; it is a virtually endless world war,
unless we stop it: unless you, personally, contribute to stopping it. It
is a war already spreading, as the military forces of Turkey invade
northern Iraq, in preparation to deal with a Kurdish campaign to carve a
Kurdish state out of a region including large chunks of Turkey and
Transcaucasia. This is a war of incalculable implications, being pushed
by dangerous, and largely morally demented lunatics, such as Mother
Cheney's Chickenhawks.

This is a spreading war, which threatens to topple most, or even all of
the existing governments of the Middle East. As a result of the earlier
foolishness of the Bush Administration policy toward the government of
South Korea, President Bush's brainless launching of an absolutely
unlawful war against Iraq, has created the grave possibility of an
otherwise unlikely, nuclear-warfare incident between the U.S.A. and North
Korea, with the possibility of a third nuclear-weapons detonation against

None of this insanity could have happened this way, had the U.S.A. been
given the option of choosing a qualifed Presidential candidate for the
2000 elections, instead of being presented with no real option but the
utterly incompetent, but bad-tempered patsies Al Gore and George W. Bush.
This war could not have begun as it did, without the role of Conrad
Black's Hudson Institute in crafting the campaign to split both the
Republican and Democratic Parties, to elect a "Bull Moose" ticket of a
pair of pro-war fanatics, Senators John McCain and Joseph Lieberman, in
2004. Whatever wrong the under-qualified President Bush has done, he
remains the poor patsy from whom the pack of Cheney-Rumsfeld lackeys have
managed to gain almost anything they wished, so far. However, this would
not have been possible had the Democratic Party itself not fallen under
the top-down control of the same behind-the-scenes forces which control
Dick "Lady Macbeth" Cheney.

Already, bad as the present, thuggish National Committee leadership of
the Democratic Party is, at this moment, President George Bush's chances
of reelection are less than zero. Karl Rove must face the painful truth:
With the outbreak of this war, Rove's candidate has just shot his own
wad. Therefore, the more important, remaining question is, will there
actually be a 2004 election conducted under the auspices of the actual
U.S. Constitution? If the U.S. does not get out of the present war, by
such possible means as returning the Iraq issues to the UNO, the chances
for civilization as a whole quickly become very, very grim.


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