-Caveat Lector-

For more than a week we've been shown images of Baghdad under a pall of
smoke that, we've been told, was due to trenches of oil set afire by Saddam
s forces as a protective measure...

Yet for the past day and a half we've also been shown images that, we've
been told, show Coalition forces on the outskirts of Baghdad (and indeed at
this very moment Fox New's embedded journalist is reporting live that the
unit he is with is actually IN Baghdad, altho it isn't being explained why
this 'live' report is showing "Baghdad" in the daytime when it is now well
past sunset there)...

Yet in these reports from Coalition forces which are ostensibly in and/or
around Baghdad, the only smoke seen is limited to individual burning trucks
or tanks; the sky itself is blue, remarkably blue considering the grey haze
we've been seeing in Baghdad the past week...

Indeed, in the video from Iraqui TV yesterday purporting to show Saddam out
and about in Baghdad greeting residents, shaking hands, kissing babies, the
sky in the background is a light grey....

Yet at the very same time we were being shown videos purporting to be of
Coalition forces fighting on the highway to Baghdad from the airport, a trip
of 12 miles or less -- and all those videos showed a bright blue sky; it
doesn't matter whether the Iraqui TV report showing "Saddam" really IS
Saddam, the point is that the sky where they filmed the event was grey, and
yet just a few miles away (so we were told) the sky was not only bright blue
 there was no general grey haze of smoke to be seen anywhere, even on the
horizon (notably no shots showing greater metropolitan Baghdad in the
background were shown, either)...

The live report Fox is currently broadcasting of their embedded reporter who
just claimed to be IN Baghdad also shows a bright blue sky without a cloud
-- water vapor or smoke -- anywhere in the sky...

So what happened to all those burning oil trenches?  How come not one video
or still photo purporting to show Coalition forces in or just outside
Baghdad shows a pall of smoke from these trenches which have been burning
for more than a week?  Did these fires somehow become extinguished all at

Or could it be that the Coalition forces purportedly at Baghdad really are
NOT at Baghdad?


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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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