-Caveat Lector-

------- Forwarded message follows -------
To:                     ".Dennis Kucinich USA Presidential Campaign Support - 
Discussion -
Networking Group" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Copies to:              "CA Power Authority CEO David Freeman attn Elizabeth Berta"
From:                   "David Crockett Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date sent:              Fri, 30 May 2003 10:49:25 -0700
Subject:                !b_a_Act: cottoning to hemp, suggestion for Kucinich 
mention/action in
Davis CA on Monday, June 1, 2003

To Kucinich Campaign via www.kucinich.us contact form, lists...

Dennis Kucinich has a great opportunity to set the energy agenda for
California and the nation in his talk on Monday, June 1st in Davis,
California, near Sacramento where Governor Davis is under fire and target of
a Republican recall effort due to his mishandling of the energy crisis
situation.  At that same time his Energy advisors including CA Energy Czar
David Freeman, apparently beholding to large energy corporate interests
according to inside reports, have virtually ignored since August 2000 our
advise and technical data supporting the new energy technology (so-called
"free-energy" technologies) genre to replace nuclear and fossil fuel power
coupled with an interim transition acceleration of biofuels featuring the
superiority of hemp biofuels, a new industry which California should take
lead to develop given its agricultural, scientific, and technology
manufacturing resources to create the new machines needed to implement this.

The fraud on the US Congress of 1937 by which the present hemp prohibition
statutes were initiated stands in the way of this hemp biofuels industry
which can help otherwise significantly ameliorate climate change by reducing
greenhouse gas emissions, fixing atmospheric carbon dioxide, etc., while
creating jobs and the new energy economy. http://www.jackherer.com

The Achilles Heel of this situation is the medical marijuana prohibition
statutes according to former LAPD cop and leading internet investigative
journalist on drugwar corruptions, Mike Ruppert. http://www.copvcia.com

I pray Dennis may begin to shine the light of truth on this in Davis and
suggest these ideas for him there:

Announce he will help Governor Davis lobby federal government to recognize
California State Medical Marijuana Laws and correct related injustices

Address the five important marijuana bills pending in California
Legislature, see below

Address Ed Rosenthal's Case

Make a commitment to federally change cotton regulations from fiber to food
catagory as per below, the cotton pickin' truth for peace and sustainability
Cotton Law.  By addressing the cotton issue it can open up interest to find
out the truth about the superiority of hemp by seeing related cotton
industry monopoly outrages such as described in two of the articles below,
ie, stance on industrial hemp issue as it relates to reviving family farms,
rejuvenating US economy, alternative as viable superior biofuel source to
replace fossil fuels which we continue to conduct wars to access.

David Crockett Williams, member

Subject: Five important marijuana bills pending in California Legislature
Date: Wednesday, May 28, 2003 4:19 PM

Please distribute this memo widely. Forward to family and friends who
live in California, or ask them to visit http://www.mpp.org/CA

TO:      California residents*

FROM:    Larry Sandell, MPP assistant director of state policies

DATE:    Wednesday, May 28, 2003

SUBJECT: Five important marijuana bills pending in California


This is an exciting year for marijuana policy reform in California. If
all goes well, by this September, California will have improved its
medical marijuana law, legalized "paraphernalia" for medical purposes,
downgraded the classification for marijuana possession from a
misdemeanor to a civil infraction, demanded that the federal
government accept Proposition 215, and continued funding the
University of California's Marijuana Research Program. There is a lot
of work to be done, both before and after these bills reach Gov. Gray
Davis' (D) desk, and we need your help.

Introduced by Sen. John Vasconcellos (D-Senate District 13), S.B. 420
expands and clarifies California's medical marijuana law. Among other
improvements, this bill mandates the creation of a state registry and
the distribution of state medical marijuana ID cards. Registration
would be optional, but it would ensure that medical marijuana patients
in less "tolerant" areas of California are protected from arrest. This
legislation passed the Senate Committee on Public Safety by a vote of
5-1 and the Senate Committee on Appropriations by a vote of 7-5. The
Senate vote may take place as soon as tomorrow, and you have the power
to help pass this bill into law.

Please take a few moments to visit http://www.mpp.org/CA/action.html .
After you choose your favorite pre-written letter and type in your
address, our site will automatically e-mail your letter to your
assembly member and your senator ... all with the click of a few
buttons. The whole process takes less than two minutes, but it makes a
world of difference. Also, you can print the letters and send them to
your legislators through regular mail.

On May 14, Assemblyman Marco Antonio Firebaugh (D-50th Assembly
District) amended A.B. 1534 into a drug paraphernalia bill. This bill
explicitly allows devices used for the inhalation of medical marijuana
(including distribution -- see http://www.mpp.org/CA/bills_697.html ),
granting additional protections to medical marijuana patients.
Further, it could help to legally protect and restore the industries
within California that provide such devices.

The California Senate passed S.B. 131 by a commanding 21-13 vote on
May 8. This legislation, introduced by Sen. Byron Sher (D-Senate
District 11), would change the classification of possession of less
than one ounce of marijuana from a misdemeanor to a civil violation.
While the penalty of a $100 fine would not change, marijuana offenders
would no longer be given a criminal record. Students caught possessing
small amounts of marijuana would no longer be subject to losing
scholarships under the Higher Education Act. Amazingly, more than
2,400 letters supporting S.B. 131 have already been sent to
legislators through the MPP Web site. There is no doubt that your
efforts here helped to push the bill though the Senate. If you have
not already sent letters in support of S.B. 131 to your legislators,
please take a few minutes to visit http://www.mpp.org/CA/action.html .

Through A.J.R. 13, the California Legislature asks the U.S. Congress
and President George W. Bush (R) to acknowledge marijuana's medical
benefits under federal law. After its introduction by Assemblyman Mark
Leno (D-13th Assembly District), this resolution passed the California
Assembly by a vote of 42-32 on April 24 and is now in the Senate
Committee on Health and Human Services. It is an important declaration
of California's state's rights. Passing this resolution would show the
federal government that California will stand by its medical marijuana
patients and caregivers, even as the DEA continues to harass and
intimidate them.

Another bill introduced by Sen. Vasconcellos, S.B. 295, would
eliminate the three-year limit on the California Marijuana Research
Program. The important research conducted at the University of
California under this program cannot continue without S.B. 295's
passage. Currently, the bill has passed the Senate by a vote of 26-12
and is awaiting a committee referral in the Assembly.

MPP will keep you updated as these five bills continue to make their
way through the legislative process. Thank you for your activism in
changing California's marijuana laws, and please pass this message on
to other interested California residents. For the full text of these
bills, see http://www.mpp.org/CA/bills.html .



MPP's state legislative alerts service is funded entirely by the
contributions of MPP allies and members nationwide. If you find MPP's
state legislative alerts service helpful, please consider making a
donation at: http://www.mpp.org/MoneyForStates

Because MPP devotes 100% of its efforts toward influencing public
policy, contributions are not tax-deductible. However, the above link
also provides a way to make a tax-deductible donation.

*If you live outside of California, please reply with your city and
 state or zip code so that we can stop sending you alerts that are of
 local interest only.  Thank you.

Subject: Get active in support of medical marijuana
Date: Wednesday, May 28, 2003 8:47 AM

Please distribute this memo widely. Forward to family and friends who
live in any of the eight states listed below.

TO:      MPP subscribers in the medical marijuana states*

FROM:    Alexis Baden-Mayer, MPP national field director

DATE:    Wednesday, May 28, 2003

SUBJECT: Grassroots activity needed to get federal medical marijuana
         legislation passed!


Wednesday, June 4, 2003, Ed Rosenthal will be sentenced in federal
court for the crime of growing marijuana for sick and dying patients.
Rosenthal had been acting in accordance with "Prop. 215," California's
Compassionate Use Act, and with the express consent of the City of

On the day of Rosenthal's sentencing, hundreds of medical marijuana
supporters across the country will be going to the home-state offices
of their U.S. representatives to demand that Congress pass federal
legislation that would keep law-abiding citizens like Ed Rosenthal out
of federal prison.

Please help us with our grassroots lobbying campaign. Reply to this
e-mail or call me at 202-462-5747, ext. 114, today to learn what the
Marijuana Policy Project is doing in your congressional district to
push your federal legislator to sponsor federal medical marijuana

Please look below to see if your U.S. representative is on our target
list of federal legislators who have failed to support their states'
medical marijuana laws. If you don't know who represents you in
Congress, please take a moment to find out by entering your zip code
at http://www.congress.org .

Thank you in advance for taking action in support of medical marijuana
patients and providers in your state.


    U.S. Representatives Who Have Failed To Support Their States'
                 Medical Marijuana Laws in Congress:

Don Young (R-At Large)

Joe Baca (D-42)
Xavier Becerra (D-30)
Mary Bono (R-45)
Kevin Calvert (R-44)
Dennis Cardoza (D-18)
Christopher Cox (R-48)
Duke Cunningham (R-50)
Susan Davis (D-53)
Calvin Dooley (D-20)
John Doolittle (R-04)
David Dreier (R-26)
Elton Gallegly (R-24)
Jane Harman (D-36)
Wally Herger (R-02)
Duncan Hunter (R-52)
Darrell Issa (R-49)
Jerry Lewis (R-41)
Robert Matsui (D-05)
Buck McKeon (R-25)
Juanita Millender-McDonald (D-37)
Gary Miller (R-42)
Grace Napolitano (D-38)
Devin Nunes (R-21)
Doug Ose (R-03)
Richard Pombo (R-11)
George Radanovich (R-19)
Ed Royce (R-40)
Loretta Sanchez (D-47)
Bill Thomas (R-22)

Bob Beauprez (R-07)
Diana DeGette (D-01)
Joel Hefley (R-05)
Scott McInnis (R-03)
Marilyn Musgrave (R-04)
Thomas Tancredo (R-06)

Neil Abercrombie (D-01)

Thomas Allen (D-01)
Mike Michaud (D-02)

Jim Gibbons (R-02)
Jon Porter, Sr. (R-03)

Darlene Hooley (D-05)
Greg Walden (R-02)
David Wu (D-01)

Brian Baird (D-03)
Norman Dicks (D-06)
Jennifer Dunn (R-08)
Doc Hastings (R-04)
Jay Inslee (D-01)
Rick Larsen (D-02)
George Nethercutt (R-05)
Adam Smith (D-09)


From: "David Crockett Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Kucinich to speak in Davis on Monday
Date: Thursday, May 29, 2003 7:45 AM

Please alert your network in Davis about this and see if folks who go can
bring up the marijuana issue and get Kucinich to expound more deeply on his
recent drugwar position paper decrying imprisonment statistics and in favor
of the feds leaving states alone who want to have medical marijuana legal in
their states.  I sent him Jack Herer's book over a month ago so a good
question would be to ask if he agrees that the 1938 marijuana prohibition
statute was passed by a fraud by Anslinger et al on Congress and if so what
can be done legally to remedy such a fraud on Congress.

See his positions etc at http://www.kucinich.us



----- Original Message -----
From: Tammy Ballard
Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2003 11:58 PM
Subject: [Kucinich4President] Kucinich to speak in Davis on Monday

If you are in the Davis CA area, you might be interested.


Arriving in a biodiesel bus, presidential hopeful Dennis Kucinich
will bring his platform and his singing voice to the Varsity Theatre on


The California Aggie

May 29, 2003

Democratic hopeful Kucinich to speak in Davis on Monday

Joe Jaszewski / Aggie

By Jessica Mosby
Aggie City Editor

May 23, 2003 - Arriving in a biodiesel bus, presidential hopeful Dennis
Kucinich will bring his platform and his singing voice to the Varsity
Theatre on Monday.

Kucinich, a Democrat currently representing Ohio in the House of
Representatives, was the youngest person ever to be elected mayor of a major
American city when he became mayor of Cleveland in 1977 at the age of 31.

During his political career, Kucinich has taken a strong stance against war,
most recently opposing the war in Iraq and proposing a federal Department of
Peace. He also advocates the United States' withdrawal from NATO and the
World Trade Organization and contests the USA PATRIOT Act.

Recently, Kucinich has made a name for himself with his presentation style,
which often features him singing patriotic songs, namely "My Country 'Tis of

It was this flair for singing and his sense of humor that inspired Will
Lotter, a Davis resident and former UC Davis athletic coach, to ask Kucinich
to speak in Davis.

Lotter said he knew of Kucinich from his active role in the peace movement
and wanted to hear him speak after learning of his Department of Peace

Lotter and his wife heard Kucinich speak to a crowd of over 2,000 people in
March in Marin County, Calif. He said Kucinich was "fantastic" and "a breath
of fresh air."

"He was talking about things we need to talk about in this country," he

Lotter cited Kucinich's platform on health care reform, education,
decreasing the military budget and unemployment.

After the Marin County event, Lotter said he and his wife thought that many
Davis residents would enjoy hearing Kucinich's ideas and "decide on their
own" whether they agreed.

Monday's talk is being sponsored by the Davis Peace Coalition and a number
of other local organizations.

Lotter said that neither he nor the coalition is endorsing Kucinich's
campaign, and that the $5 admission fee will not go to his campaign, but
toward American Friends Service Committee's Iraqi relief efforts.

"The purpose of bringing him here is to let people hear what he has to say,"
Lotter said.

Kucinich's bus, named Green Light, runs on a diesel engine that uses
recycled vegetable oil. The bus was provided by Off the Grid consulting
services and is part of an effort to create alternative fuel technology that
would lessen U.S. dependence on oil from other countries - an endeavor that
Kucinich supports.

The Davis College Democrats are not sponsoring this event.

Kucinich will speak Monday from 4 to 6 p.m. at the Varsity Theatre on 616
Second St. A question-and-answer section will follow Kucinich's speech.
Tickets cost $5 and are available at Armadillo Music on 205 F St.

-----end article


Kucinich & Granny D. May 30, 7PM New Hampshire Institute of Art (148 Concord
Street) Televised on WMUR Channel 9 TV "Meet the Candidate" on an upcoming
Friday Contact Robert, [EMAIL PROTECTED], 756-3347.

Kucinich Rally Madison Wisconsin on May 31, PM Contact Jessica 515-633-0400.

"One person can make a difference" -- Dennis Kucinich

To subscribe to this group, send an email to:

----end fwd post from

From: "David Crockett Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: ".Dennis Kucinich USA Presidential Campaign Support - Discussion -
Networking Group" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Cures Not Wars Global Cannabis March Committee"
Subject: the cotton pickin' truth for peace and sustainability Cotton Law as
the Achilles Heel of American Fascism
Date: Tuesday, May 27, 2003 8:47 AM

The below two articles point to a no-brainer action that can be taken to
open the mind of the public to the truth about so many related issues to
global peace, resolving the drug war, healing the atmosphere and
environment, etc., and as more evidence why pesticide and fertilizer
independent hemp agriculture should be relegalized and made widespread for
its superior and chemical-free fiber and seed oil food, and how this
information action approach can expose "The Emperor's New Clothes" of the
cotton corporations' contribution to American Fascism (corporate-government
collusion and monopolization) http://www.jackerer.com read on, the Achilles
Heel is covered by cotton.

----article excerpts

"Contact your congressman with this information and request his assistance
in changing cotton from the fiber catgory to the food catagory

"It is a little known fact that cotton is regulated as a fiber, not a food,
even though a major part of the crop is destined for human consumption in
one way or another.  Cotton growers regularly use chemicals that have been
banned from food crops because of their high toxicity.  Cotton consumes
10 percent of the world's pesticides and 25 percent of its insecticides.

"Because of the heavy oil content, laden with toxic pesticides
and syntheitic fertilizers, and grown with genetically modified organisms,
much of the total weight of cotton is in the oil, widely used in cooking of
all kinds

"America's 25,000 cotton farmers collected $4bn from Washington last year,
allowing them to sell their goods abroad at half the cost of production"

An old friend of my mother's recently mailed her a clipping from
a magazine with the following column excerpted above sourced to

---begin article


There are so many things to comment on in this wholistic world, I almost
hesitate to share this because cotton is sacred to some people.  But a
growing number of concerned individuals are leading a movement to grow
"organic" cotton.  Why do we need organic cotton?  We don't eat cotton!

Yes we do -- in the form of cottonseed oil which is used in a wide variety
of baked goods and is a primary oil for the deep frying of chips of all
kinds.  So what?  Here are the facts.

Cotton is one of the most pesticide intensive ang genetically altered crops
in the world.  Pesticides used on cotton not only harm the natural
environment but can also directly affect human health since 60 percent
of cotton actually ends up in the food chain.

Because of the heavy oil content, laden with toxic pesticides
and syntheitic fertilizers, and grown with genetically modified organisms,
much of the total weight of cotton is in the oil, widely used in cooking of
all kinds.  And it is in the oil that the DDT and other pesticides tend to
reside.  You may not know it but cotton is the only crop on wich DDT is
still allowed.

Children who drink non-organic milk can be exposed to these harmful
chemicals because cottonseed is fed to dairy cows, which accumulate
pesticide residues in their tissues and particularly in the milk.  It is a
little known fact that cotton is regulated as a fiber, not a food, even
though a major part of the crop is destined for human consumption in one
way or another.  Cotton growers regularly use chemicals that have been
banned from food crops because of their high toxicity.  Cotton consumes
10 percent of the world's pesticides and 25 percent of its insecticides.

The only way this will change is if you, the consumer, demand such a
change.  Do not eat any product that has cottonseed oil on the label.
Contact your congressman with this information and request his assistance in
changing cotton from the fiber catgory to the food catagory.  Organic cotton
farming is quite feasible and several companies have begun to introduce
"certified organic" cotton products on the market.  If you purchase such in
preference to non-organic, the market will soon shift to a healthier

-----end article
----and another, on time on target:

"America's 25,000 cotton farmers collected $4bn
from Washington last year, allowing them to sell their goods abroad at half
the cost of production"

French plan to aid Africa could be sunk by Bush
Friday May 23, 2003 The Guardian

President Bush is preparing to bury a radical French plan which would help
some of the world's poorest farmers by ending the dumping of subsidised
western food in Africa. A war of words over the plight of the world's
poorest continent was brewing last night after European officials accused
the US of blocking the ban on export subsidies. In a separate attack, Mr
Bush blamed European opposition to GM foods for causing hunger in Africa.
Mr Bush said opposition in Europe to GM had forced several starving
sub-Saharan African countries to refuse American GM food aid. "European
governments should join - not hinder - the great cause of ending hunger in
Africa," he told the Coast Guard Academy in Connecticut on Wednesday night.

Last week Washington mounted a legal challenge at the World Trade
Organisation to Europe's moratorium on GM food imports. Aid agencies say
that while European subsidies are more transparent, America's support for
its farmers is equally damaging to poor countries which cannot compete with

highly subsidised imports. America's 25,000 cotton farmers collected $4bn
from Washington last year, allowing them to sell their goods abroad at half
the cost of production, at the expense of far more efficient producers in
West Africa. Without government support most American cotton farms would go
out of business, but Oxfam estimates they cost West Africa $200m a year in
lost exports.

San Francisco Chronicle, May 29th


Democrat Kucinich endorses medical pot use

He says he'd issue executive order if elected president

Carla Marinucci, John Wildermuth, Chronicle Political Writers

Thursday, May 29, 2003

Rep. Dennis Kucinich of Ohio became the first Democratic
presidential candidate to endorse the legalization of medical
marijuana when he told The Chronicle on Wednesday it should be
available "to any patient who needs it to alleviate pain and
suffering," regardless of the current federal drug laws.

"Compassion requires that medical marijuana be available" Kucinich
said during a telephone interview after a campaign stop in
Cupertino. "We must have health-care systems which are
compassionate . . . so I support it without reservation."

Federal law enforcement authorities have raided medicinal marijuana
clinics in California arguing that despite the voters endorsement of
the drug for medical purposes, its distribution still violates
federal laws. Federal law lists marijuana as an illegal substance
under the Controlled Substances Act, regardless of its use, U.S.
authorities say.

Ed Rosenthal, an advocate of legalizing marijuana, was arrested and
convicted in federal court of cultivating marijuana, even though
Oakland had made him an official supplier for a city-approved pot
dispensary. He is scheduled to be sentenced next Wednesday and faces
up to five years in federal prison.

Kucinich said that as president, "I'd sign an executive order that
would permit its use."

"I think that we're at a point where we understand that the
maintenance of human health and the alleviation of human suffering
involves a dialogue between the physician and the patient," Kucinich
told The Chronicle. "This is a matter that many people find quite
vexing. I have known people who have had cancer and who have been in
horrible pain. Anything that can alleviate their suffering should be

According to the Medical Marijuana Project, the position outlined by
Kucinich makes him the first major Democratic candidate to endorse
the use of the drug for medical purposes.

"Dennis Kucinich has come a long way since 1998, when he voted for a
congressional resolution condemning state medical marijuana laws,
and we expect many other Democratic contenders to follow suit," said
Robert Kampia, executive director of the Washington-based Marijuana
Policy Project in a statement posted on the organization's Web site.

Kucinich's policy on the issue has the potential to resonate with
voters in California -- and beyond. California voters approved the
use and distribution of marijuana with a doctor's prescription in
1996. Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Hawaii, Maine, Nevada, Oregon and
Washington have similar laws.

An October 2002 CNN/Time poll showed that 80 percent of Americans
believe that medical marijuana should be legally available.

"This is a natural issue for the Democrats: The Bush administration
is completely out of step with the public, which doesn't want to see
sick people hauled off to jail for taking their medicine," Kampia
said in his statement.

With his statements, Kucinich -- who has made headlines with his
strong anti-war stance and proposals to create a U.S. Department of
Peace -- has stepped out in front of the Democratic presidential

"I wouldn't change the (marijuana) law now, but I would set up a
committee to see if pain relief is different with marijuana," North
Carolina Sen. John Edwards told reporters Wednesday after a San
Francisco speech.

Edwards, however, showed little sympathy for people arrested for
behavior that's legal under California law.

"It's the job of the Justice Department to enforce the law as it
presently exists," said Edwards, a lawyer.

Former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean, a doctor, is another candidate who
has called for a study of the medical use of marijuana. But he
threatened to veto a measure that would have legalized that use in

Kucinich, a former mayor of Cleveland, is seen as a longshot in the
Democratic presidential derby. He is scheduled to appear today at
noon at the San Francisco's federal building and at 7:30 p.m. at the
First Congregational Church in Berkeley.

E-mail the writers at [EMAIL PROTECTED] and

------end fwd messsages compilation, commentary for...

*spiritual unity understanding*

Torahkum, The Law Stands Up

David Crockett Williams, Jr, CLU, BS
Chartered Life Underwriter
Bachelor of Science, Chemistry

For Global Peace and Sustainability Now!

"One person can make a difference"
Dennis Kucinich, the real deal
for America and The Earth
Spirituality is The Highest Form of Politics

Realistic Approach to Global Nuclear Disarmament
Proposition One -- http://www.prop1.org

Stop Weaponizing Space! Exploit Peaceful
Space-Age  New-Energy  Technologies
http://www.peaceinspace.com - http://www.tewari.org

Humanity's Divine Spiritual Unity Teacher --- Sathya Sai Baba
http://www.sathyasai.org -- http://www.saibabamiracles.com
Peace Service  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sathya-sai

------- End of forwarded message -------

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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