-Caveat Lector-

Good morning,

My thoughts about the Coronation Conspiracy of June 2nd 1953, as a Believer in God.

I began number crunching in January 1987 and have spent all 16+ years full time trying to build a 'Bridge of Faith' so that the unbelievers can consider reaching God.

Yet, most Christians stay in the same mode as those Christians who lived NOT in scientific times, and think that it is wrong to 'prove' God in his very own measurement standards. Yet Satan is running so much right under our noses.

I repeat Satan is such a brilliant Deceiver, the Arch Deceiver, and yet so many Christian leaders and front-men seem not to understand this, and so the Church has failed to do its job properly.

So I am a 'Message in the Measurement' number cruncher for all Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece and ancient everywhere else + the Bible.

At the end of last November, I was told spiritually that there would be a problem on February 1st 2003, so I called it a 'Ring of Fire Day', and so when the day arrived, there was a fire in an orbital ring, the destruction of STS 107 Columbia, and this date became the second 'Time Marker' to support September 11th 2001.

And at my celebration supper on Friday, I told them that it was now all over... for the Devil is seriously in the detail, and I need to advertise this.

Thus, if you have time, why not glance at the copy below?

Yours sincerely

John D. Miller

London, UK

Coronation – the Devils in the Detail

This June 2nd 2003 marks the 50th anniversary of the coronation of The Queen. Coronations have taken place at Westminster Abbey for over 900 years and on June 2nd 1953 Queen Elizabeth II, aged 27, became the 39th monarch to be anointed in the solemn religious ceremony of the coronation.

The Earl Marshal – The End Time Keeper

It was the Most Noble, 16th Duke of Norfolk, Bernard Marmaduke Fitzalan-Howard (1908-1975) Premier Duke and Earl of England, Baron Beaumont, Baron Howard of Glossop, Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, Earl Marshal, and Hereditary Marshal of England who was the ‘Time Keeper’ for the coronation of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second on June 2nd 1953.

The ‘Time Keepers’ the Earl Marshal, is Roman Catholic.

The Roman Catholic Duke of Norfolk, is the premier Duke, the title having been conferred on Sir John Howard in 1483 by his friend King Richard III. The Dukedom carries with it (since 1672) the hereditary office of Earl Marshal of England. This means that the Duke is in charge of state ceremonial such as the coronation and funeral of the sovereign and such occasions as the sovereign declares shall be a state occasion, e.g. the investiture of HRH The Prince of Wales and the funeral of Sir Winston Churchill. The relationship of the English sovereign to the Dukes of Norfolk: is that they share a common ancestor in King Edward I (1239-1307) and also King Edward III (1312-1377). As Earl Marshal, the Duke is head of the College of Arms, founded in 1484, the official authority on heraldry and genealogy in England and Wales. And Arundel Castle, in Sussex, is the home of the Duke and Duchess of Norfolk.

A total of 8,251 guests attended The Queen's Coronation ceremony at Westminster Abbey. One hundred and twenty-nine nations and territories were officially represented at the Coronation service. The officers and men taking part in the procession or lining the route totaled 29,200: 3,600 from the Royal Navy, 16,100 from the Army and 7,000 from the RAF, 2,000 from the Commonwealth and 500 from the 'Colonies'. There were 6,700 reserve and administrative troops, while 1,000 officers and men of the Royal military police were bought in to assist the Metropolitan police. A further 7,000 police were drawn from 75 provincial forces.

So on the wet and grey morning of June 2nd 1953, friends and families who had camped on London pavements awoke to find themselves joined by other people hoping to secure a good position. According to contemporary estimates, more than 130,000 camped along the route of the procession the night before. Throughout the morning troops assembled along the procession route, an array of uniforms from the Army, Navy, Air and Police forces. Scarlet banners bearing the Royal monogram linked four twin-spanned arches of steel supporting huge suspended crowns and lions.

The Time Keeper set the time at 10am for a line of carriages to move down The Mall conveying to the Abbey foreign dignitaries representing countries from Afghanistan to Vietnam. At precisely 10.26am, the Gold State Coach appeared through the arch of Buckingham Palace, drawn by eight grey horses with postillions wearing gold embroidered tunics.

The Sovereign's escort of the Household Cavalry, Foot Guards and the Band of the Welsh and Irish Guards began its journey towards Westminster behind the Gold State Coach. All the way along Northumberland Avenue and Victoria Embankment to Parliament Square, people leaned out of windows, waved from lampposts or used a homemade periscope to see The Queen as she passed. And television cameras in the Abbey, positioned high up in the vaulted roof and down in front of the Coronation dais, filmed the service in its entirety from 11.15am onwards.

Stepping out of the Gold State Coach and assisted by her maids of honour, The Queen was greeted by the Time Keeper, who is the Earl Marshal, the Duke of Norfolk.

Fanfares echoed around the packed Abbey announcing the arrival of The Queen and the Coronation procession, made up of knights and the clergy. The choir sang out 'Vivat!' as she approached a specially-built platform in the centre of the Abbey, the State Diadem glittering under the powerful television lights. And gathered around the dais stood peers and peeresses, wearing coronets and cloaks trimmed with ermine. Seated in the Royal Gallery between The Queen Mother and Princess Margaret sat the six-year-old Prince Charles. The current Duke of Kent also witnessed the Coronation.

The Coronation service was composed of six parts, following the order of service first used in the fourteenth century and last used by The Queen's father George VI in 1937. The Coronation moved through six phases: recognition, oath, anointing, investiture, enthronement and homage. Led by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Geoffrey Fisher, the service reached its climax at the moment of crowning. As The Queen was seated in the Coronation chair with the orb, the armills (gold bracelets), the Coronation ring, and the sceptre, the Archbishop raised the King Edward's crown above her head and slowly lowered it. A cry rang out around the Abbey: 'God Save The Queen!'

In one of the last acts of the Coronation service, The Duke of Edinburgh paid homage to his wife before she rose from the throne. Carrying her regalia, the orb in her left hand and sceptre in her right, The Queen stepped into the Gold State Coach for a second time at 2pm, and so from the leaving of Buckingham Palace at precisely 10.26am, when the Gold State Coach appeared through the arch of Buckingham Palace, the proceeding had lasted 214 minutes, finishing at 2pm.

The return route taken to Buckingham Palace had been designed so that The Queen and her procession could be seen by as many people in London as possible. The 7.2 kilometre route took the 16,000 participants two hours to complete. The procession itself stretched for three kilometres. Those on foot marched 10 abreast while those on horseback were six abreast.

The Queen appeared with her family on the balcony of the palace still wearing the Imperial State Crown and the Royal Robes to greet the cheering crowds. The Queen appeared again on the balcony at Buckingham Palace at 9.45 pm to turn on the 'lights of London'.

And so from the start of the Coronation Service at 11:15am to the Lights were swiched on at 9:45pm is 10.5 hours some 630 minutes, the reference for Anubis, the Ancient Egyptian jackal masked god of the Dead.

And counting from the leaving of Buckingham Palace at precisely 10.26am, when the Gold State Coach appeared through the arch of Buckingham Palace, until the lights were switched on at 9:45pm is 11 hours 19 minutes, at 679 minutes.

And I repeat, from when the Queen stepped into the Gold State Coach for a second time at 2pm, and so from the leaving of Buckingham Palace at precisely 10.26am, when the Gold State Coach appeared through the arch of Buckingham Palace, the proceeding had lasted 214 minutes.

So 630 minutes x 679 minutes x 214.075 minutes is 91,575,000 cubic minutes, as cubic feet, the volume of the Great Pyramid, the world’s symbol of Death.

And all thanks to the ‘Time Keeper’, the Earl Marshal, the Roman Catholic Duke of Norfolk.

The Coronation of the Shroud

The Time Keeper, the Earl Marshal, the Duke of Norfolk, had decided on precisely 10.26am for when the Gold State Coach appeared through the arch of Buckingham Palace, drawn by eight gray horses.

So 10:26am June 2nd 1953 is equivalent to 1953.4173524.

The Two Time Markers are 9am September 11th 2001 and 9am February 1st 2003 (space shuttle Columbia STS 107 was destroyed at 9:00:23am. Thus both periods are as 4004.779620).

Now the area that clothes the four triangular sides of the Great Pyramid is 924,500 square feet, so a ‘Shroud’ formed out of 4300 x 430/2 is 924,500. (And 430 x 3 is 1290 that is the Biblical statue of the Abomination).

And 4.300000e+13 x 4.30000e+13 and /2 is 9.2450000e+26 and squared x 10 and square root 5 times is 52.07378938 Martian years (686.97923 days per year), some 97.9449030 Earth years.

And I repeat, from 10:26am June 2nd 1953 is equivalent to 1953.4173524 x 2 + 4004.779607 is equivalent to 8:53am September 11th 2001 and 9am February 1st 2003.

So I turn to the moments when the two aircraft struck the Twin Towers, that is 8:46:26am: Flight 11 crashes into the World Trade Center’s north tower and 9:02:54am: United Flight 175, crashes into World Trade Center’s south tower, a mean time of 8:54am.

So that’s it, for this shows obviously the diabolical work of the so called ‘Invisible Hand’ that is the Adversary.

For how can men perform this, and so the ‘Time Keeper’s role is rather questionable.


The ‘Martian Clock’, that is the Antikythera Device primarily shows the Martian year of 686.97923 days (usually rounded up to 686.98 days). To do this you simply use its clockwork mechanism revolutions and ratios, namely 254/19 x 2,356/2 /19 and squared /1,000 years is 686.97923 days, one Martian year. Or another way to the same result is to take another set of ratios rather more personal for me, that is Satan’s reference number 155 x the Devil’s reference number 508 x 2 and /1900 and squared and /10 is equivalent to one Martian year at 686.97923 days.

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