-Caveat Lector-
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2003 4:38 PM

June 4, 2003
Contact: 202-646-5172


Judiciary Committee Dodges Responsibility Concerning Former Senate
Colleague, Fearing Political Consequences of Honest Investigation

(Washington, DC)   Judicial Watch, the public interest group that
investigates and prosecutes government corruption and abuse, expressed
outrage that the Senate Judiciary Committee and its investigative staff of
the Majority and Minority, for being derelict in its duty to conduct a
full and complete investigation of Mr. Michael Chertoff, a nominee for the
Third Circuit Court of Appeals, and a previous Senate Whitewater Majority
Counsel, who is close to senators on the Judiciary Committee.  Judicial
Watch provided Committee investigators with a detailed chronology of
alleged Justice Department misuse of organized crime operatives by the FBI
and other U.S. government agencies in the District of New Jersey (among
other northeastern U.S. jurisdictions), while Mr. Chertoff served as the
U.S. Attorney.  The investigators were also provided with a tape of
recorded telephone conversations, transcripts, video and public documents
as evidence.

During a two hour meeting with Committee investigators on Thursday, May
29, 2003, Judicial Watch Chairman and General Counsel Larry Klayman, and
President Tom Fitton, made a detailed presentation, including audio and
video exhibits, with direct evidentiary admissions by an FBI crime
operative.  Messrs. Klayman and Fitton also presented the staff with a
recommended witness list of persons with first-hand knowledge of the
alleged crimes.  Today's joint press statement from Senators Hatch and
Leahy confirms that the Senate Judiciary Committee investigators failed to
pursue any of the investigative leads or conduct any meaningful interviews
in an effort to unravel the controversy surrounding Mr. Chertoff's
actions.  Indeed, they merely asked Mr. Chertoff if he is "implicated or
not."  The investigative staff could not possibly have scratched the
surface of the evidence presented to it in merely three working days.

"The Committee did a fraudulent investigation of serious allegations
concerning Mr. Chertoff.  The Senators are going to ram his nomination
through the process without doing their duty, because to open up this 'can
of worms' would only expose a whole new level of deceit and corruption,
that directly touches Hillary Clinton and Justice Department corruption.
The Judiciary Committee betrayed its constitutional duty," stated Judicial
Watch Chairman Larry Klayman.

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