-Caveat Lector- also has Imams in Iraq preach anti-U.S. sermons

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two from L Moss Sharman Ice storm babies have lower IQ scores: study - Researchers also found a greater incidence of premature births due to natural disaster Peggy Curran, with files from Zev Singer CanWest News Service 6/20/03 "Babies born to mothers who suffered the full brunt of the January 1998 ice storm had lower IQ scores and took longer learning to speak, a study by researchers at McGill University and the Université de Montréal reveals. And women who were four to six months pregnant when the ice storm hit Eastern Ontario and Quebec ran a far greater risk of giving birth prematurely than those at the beginning or end of the gestation period, according to the study, which tested children in the Montreal area, which was affected by the same ice storm that hit Ottawa. "The children with the lowest IQ and with the slowest language development were those that were exposed in the first or second trimester to high objective stress," said Douglas Hospital researcher Suzanne King." http://www.canada.com/search/story.aspx?id=df95b6e6-f6d4-4a57-8cf1-034be61253e5

Book Review - Mormons and a massacre: Was Young at all responsible?  American Massacre: The Tragedy at Mountain Meadows, September 1857; Sally Denton; Alfred A. Knopf By Anthony Day, Special to The Times American Massacre - The Tragedy at Mountain Meadows, September 1857  by Sally Denton "The wagon train, composed of prosperous emigrants from Arkansas, was denied the sustenance in Utah it had reasonably expected. In Mountain Meadows they were set upon and slaughtered with guns and knives, about 140 men, women and older children....their clothes, belongings, cattle and the gold they were said to have carried confiscated by Mormons. Only a few young children were left alive. The Mormons first blamed Paiute Indians. As Denton and others have demonstrated, that is false. Mormons did the deed themselves. The question is, was Young responsible? From that day to this the church has said no. The commander of the attackers, John Doyle Lee, was a fervent Mormon and believer in Young. Denton chillingly presents him as Young's fall guy. Lee was tried and convicted by the Mormon authorities and executed by firing squad on March 23, 1877." http://www.calendarlive.com/books/cl-et-book20jun20,0,4907960.story?coll=3Dl=a-headlines-books-manual

Battlefield Aid for Soldiers' Battered Psyches by Steven Lee Myers "The psychological strain he continues to endure has had many names over the years. In World War I, it was shell shock. In World War II, it was combat fatigue, or, officially, psychoneurosis. But soldiers being soldiers, it was truncated to "psycho."  Today, it is called combat stress reaction, and in Iraq hundreds of soldiers like Private Labier have suffered at least some of its symptoms, medical officials here said.....Symptoms of combat stress or, in noncombat situations like today's, "operational stress," include anxiety and irritability, agitation and apathy and, in more severe cases, memory loss and psychotic episodes." http://www.nytimes.com/2003/06/21/international/worldspecial/21ARMY.html?ex=1057189950&ei=1&en=e6889082e640e690

Arizona's child porn law under attack Judges, defense attorneys fight harsh sentences Carol Sowers The Arizona Republic 5/19/03 "Research, prosecutors say, demands such stiff penalties.  They point to a 2000 study conducted in a federal prison that found that of 62 men convicted of computer crimes involving children, 76 percent also had sex with them....Cindi Nannetti, chief of the county attorney's sex crimes unit, said that even without studies, the connection between child porn and pedophilia is obvious. Search warrants on computers of suspected child molesters often turn up images of children in sexual situations, she said. "Child molesters use those pictures to groom children," Nannetti said. "They tell them, 'Look, these children are having a good time.'  "Children are being kidnapped to fill the demand for child pornography." http://www.azcentral.com/specials/special21/articles/0519sexlaw.html

from mparent
I. Summary "Children are abducted in record numbers by the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) in northern Uganda and subjected to brutal treatment as soldiers, laborers, and sexual slaves. ..Children have been targets of LRA abductions throughout the conflict between the LRA and the Ugandan government in the northern part of Uganda, which began in 1986. Conservative estimates place the total number of children abducted at more than 20,000." http://hrw.org/reports/2003/uganda0303/uganda0403.htm

Imams in Iraq preach anti-U.S. sermons By Tarek al-Issawi June 20, 2003 - FALLUJAH, Iraq (AP) -- Attacks against U.S. forces showed no sign of letting up Friday after a rocket-propelled grenade slammed into a power station in Fallujah, injuring two American soldiers and blacking out much of the city -- a center of anti-American hostility.  At Friday prayers, imams preached anti-American sermons
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