-Caveat Lector-
Is Dean telling the CFR I can be whichever you want me to be, a dove or a hawk? -JR
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Washington Wrap
WASHINGTON, June 25, 2003

Dotty Lynch, Douglas Kiker, Steve Chaggaris, Nicola Corless, Smita Kalokhe, and Joanna Schubert of The CBS News Political Unit have the latest from the nation's capital.

Commander Dean: In a speech Monday to the Council on Foreign Relations in Washington, former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean said his stance against war with Iraq does not mean he lacks the toughness to be commander in chief. Dean also said being against the war showed a willingness to go against the politically popular grain.

"I stood up to this administration and even when 70 percent of the American people supported the war, I believed the evidence was not there and I refused to change my view," Dean said to the standing-room only crowd.

"I do not accept that a candidate's national security credentials should be considered suspect for opposing a war in Iraq," said Dean, who acknowledged on Sunday’s "Meet the Press" that there are concerns about his awareness and positions on national security. "Sure there are because just like President Reagan, President Clinton and President Bush, I did not have extensive -- I do not have extensive experience with national security," Dean said.

On Wednesday morning, Dean compared his lack of foreign policy experience to that of President Harry Truman when he took office in 1945. Like Truman, Dean said, his underlying morals would guide him.

"Harry Truman had faith, as I have faith, and as I believe the American people have faith, that if we are wise enough and determined enough in our opposition to hate and our promotion of tolerance, in our opposition to aggression and our fidelity to law, we will have allies not only among governments but among people everywhere," Dean said.

In another attempt to portray himself as the heir to the Democratic presidential mantle, Dean compared his anti-war position with Kennedy’s handling of the Cuban Missile Crisis.

"Some in the Democratic Party claim that a candidate who opposed the war cannot lead the party in the great national debate that lies ahead. I remind them that during the Cuban Missile Crisis, President Kennedy took on the hawks among the Joint Chiefs of Staff as well as the me-too’ers in Congress. The president and his advisers used toughness, patience and diplomacy. The missiles came out of Cuba," Dean said.

Dean also unveiled a new ad slated to run in Iowa as part of a $300,000 television campaign, the first by any of the presidential candidates in any state. In the ad, Dean says: "I opposed the war with Iraq when too many Democrats supported it."

The format of the ad is similar to the first one he ran in Iowa, beginning earlier this month, with the candidate looking straight into the camera and speaking. Dean says, "The only way to beat George Bush is to stand up to him."
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