-Caveat Lector-
Hello all,
Following this morning's post.
Mount 9.11 St Helens Eruption
I find it rather curiously that thousands of Bible teachers cannot grasp the real meaning of a Biblical ‘Sign and Wonder’ so these leaders in this area of teaching is where the teachers remain on milk, for they are happy with drinking milk. But that is not where it’s at in these last of the last days.
And these so called Bible teachers cannot tell you the date of the Crucifixion, even though they follow the Deity who planned the ‘Cross’ before the world was made. And the same goes with the Jewish teachers in the synagogues who do not come together with the teachers of the Church to agree a date for the Passover at the end of ‘Good Friday’ on the day of the Crucifixion. So, I will tell them, the date for the Crucifixion was Friday, April 7th (Old Style) AD30, and so 1,470 years after the first Passover in 1441BC. So at midnight on Friday, April 7th AD30, the Jewish people, who, having by now eaten their Passover meal, would remember the Angel of the Lord, (called the Angel of Death) swooping down and selecting and killing thousands and thousands of Egyptian first born, including the first born animals. So Egypt would have been truly and horribly amazed that when midnight struck, the first born sons were suddenly dead. But not so the first born sons of about 2.8 million Israelites who were waiting to leave Egypt in the great Biblical Exodus. For the Jewish first born sons and their animals were protected by the blood of the lamb they had by now eaten that had earlier been daubed on the door posts of every Jewish home.
Anyway, at sun-up that first ‘Passover’ morning all the Israelites were on the move, for the Exodus had begun, they were going to the ‘Promised Land’, but it took them 40 years to get there. Now, this is where Christianity began, that is back in 1441BC, for it was some 60 days after the Exodus, that Yahweh came down on Mount Sinai and gave Moses all the new measurements for time and space, and the instructions necessary for the Israelites to understand who they really were. By, the way, the Ark of the Covenant has within its volume the very volume of the Great Pyramid number-wise.
So to the demonic ‘Sign and Wonder’ of the eruption of Mount St. Helens.
On May 18th 1980, at 08:31am Pacific Daylight Time, a magnitude 5.1 earthquake shook Mount St. Helens, triggering a major pumice and ash eruption. With over 1,300ft of the peak having collapsed. As a result, 24 square miles of valley was filled by a debris avalanche, 250 square miles were damaged by a lateral blast, and an estimated 200 million cubic yards of material was deposited directly by lahars (volcanic mudflows) into the river channels. Fifty-seven people were killed.
08:32:21am The entire mass began to ripple, without moving laterally.
08:32:47am The north side and summit collapsed into two huge landslide blocks.
08:32:53am  A series of explosions ripped through the second landslide block. And a
landslide moved down the volcano at high speed and a low eruption cloud began to form above the summit area.
08:33:03.am The explosions were triggered both by the sudden release and expansion of gas contained in the magma that had risen into the volcano.
08:33:18.am The lateral blast accelerated to as fast as 540 km per hour in the first minute of the eruption and quickly overtook the moving landslide. The initial explosions hurled hot rocks and magma northward above the volcano's flanks, and the mountain had by now lost 1,313ft. from its pre-eruption height of 9,677ft.
OK, we have a remarkable demonic ‘Sign and Wonder’ in the eruption of Mount St. Helens, and an event ‘locked’ into 10am Tuesday, September 11th 2001, when the World Trade Center’s South Tower collapsed.
Of course, if a Christian had bothered to read these first paragraphs, I can imagine they would read no more, for they are ‘blind and deaf’ to such observations, for they would scream “Numerology!” Sad indeed, for they remain ignorant of the Truth, as do the Godless Skeptics, but for them it is very much more serious.
Now, my earlier calculations have shown that it was probably on the eighth day, at 10am on the morning of October 8th 6BC that Jesus Christ was circumcised, a very important blood covenant by the new born child with God. And counting from the time of the circumcision to the striking of the midnight hour on Friday, April 7th AD30, and in remembrance of the Angel of the Lord who went looking for the blood of tens of thousands of lambs daubed on the doorposts of the Israelite homes, is precisely 12,599.81809 days. Thus, it was not until 4:22am on Saturday morning, that is Omer Day, the day of the ‘First Fruit’ that the clock showed that 12,600 days had passed since the circumcision. And 12,600 days is 10 times the Bible’s ‘time, times and half a time’ probably the most important time period in the Bible.
Now reference number the Great 1096 San Francisco Earthquake is 1343, which is made up the Devil’s reference 508 + 508 + Fire at 109 + 109 + 109. So the burning down of the city of San Francisco has shown it was by the Devil’s Fire. Yet, the Devil is mocking and laughing at the American Skeptics, because September 11th at 9.11 is also day 253 (spirit man ‘Adam’ 126 + spirit feman ‘Eve’ 127 = 253) and the reference number 1343 is made up of 253 + Fire at 1090. Now that is definitely mocking the Americans, for 1343 says, “I will burn your spirit bodies too!”
 And so to why this Mount St. Helens ‘Sign and Wonder’ exercise.
Counting from On May 18th 1980, at 08:31am when the earthquake shook Mount St. Helens, until 10:00:40am Tuesday, September 11th 2001, when some 3,000 totally innocent Americans were now dead, in the collapse of the South Tower of the World Trade Center, it is 21.31776809 years x the 12,599.81809 days from Christ’s circumcision to Passover at midnight Friday, April 7th AD30, is twice 134,300, the reference number for the ‘Devil’s Fire’.
So, I say, start counting the previous ‘Signs and Wonders’ and then look up.
But, then the Skeptics cannot take such stuff and the Christians remain drinking milk.
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