Title: Re: Uplink beams?
-Caveat Lector-

Does anyone know what this is about?

Lockheed Martin Space Systems Co., Sunnyvale, Calif. and Northrop Grumman, Los
Angeles, Calif., are being awarded a $16,000,000 contract modification for the
following: 1) provide capability to assign any single uplink transmission security
(TRANSEC) key to any beam; 2) provide capability to blank 2nd key contiguous
bandwidth within any one permute group in multiples of wideband channels for every
hope of the date frame. The blanking timing error shall be factory selectable and
upload able from mission control segment (MCS); 3) allow extra high data rate users
to acquire high gain earth coverage, reposition medium resolution coverage area
(beam shared and full-time) and high-resolution coverage area beams without using
super high gain earth coverage (SHGEC) uplink resources; 4) provide capability for
all users to acquire and communicate in the same coverage requests, and the SHGEC
which is only used for communications and time tracking terminals acquiring or
communicating in any particular beam will do so using only one uplink TRANSEC key
that is currently configured to that beam; 5) allow for permute group 0 group to
support wideband channels. Locations of performance are: Lockheed Martin, Sunnyvale
Calif. and Northrop Grumman, Los Angeles Calif. No funds have been obligated. This
work will be complete September 2008. The Space and Missile Systems Center, Los
Angeles Air Force Base, Los Angeles, Calif., is the contracting activity
(F04701-02-C-0002, P00043).

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