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The Uncensored National Rumor

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     Iraq, Impeachment, Terrorist Attacks and Revolution
        Is The World Getting Ready to Return to Cold War Status?
     12-18-98 Aptos, CA RMNews--
        The United States House of Representatives is getting ready to
impeach the President. The President is attacking Iraq. Saddam Hussein is
asking other Arab nations to attack the United States. Secretary of Defense
Cohen tells the American people to prepare for terrorist attacks. China,
Russia and France denounce the U.S. Russia cancels the signing of the
START II treaty and puts its Navy AND Air Force on high alert. Rumors in
the former Soviet Union say its Communist leaders see Clinton's "Wag the
Dog" folly  as their opportunity to bring back the Cold War.
     The timing of the President's attack on Iraq has caused
leaders around the world to speculate that President Clinton
attacked Iraq in a last ditch attempt to sidetrack Congress and the
American people, and avoid an impeachment vote.
           On Wednesday, December 16, 1998, the vote tally in the House of
Representatives showed  there were enough votes to impeach President
Clinton. All of the nation was preparing for the Impeachment vote which
should have taken place Thursday, December 17th. President Clinton would
have  become  the only second President to be impeached,  in the history of
our 200 year old nation.
     However, vote on impeachment  did not happen. As of today, it
STILL has not taken place. What prevented the impeachment vote from
        President Clinton attacked Iraq.
     His timing could not have been worse. The Pentagon says more than
200 missiles rained down upon Iraq without warning about 24 hours after the
chief U.N. weapons inspector reported that President Saddam Hussein was
once again thwarting his work.
    Did the While House Orchestrate a Crisis?
           Scott Ritter, the former inspector for Unscom (the United Nations
Special Commission,) who resigned in protest this summer, accusing the
United States of sharing its information with Israel, now accuses President
Clinton of provoking Iraqi defiance. Did the White House orchestrate a
crisis?  Ritter also accused Richard Butler, executive chairman  of the
Unscom, of  conferring with the Clinton administration's national security
staff on how to write  his report of noncompliance before submitting it to the
U.N. Security Council Tuesday night.
     The former inspector said the White House wanted to ensure the
report contained sufficiently tough language  on which to justify its decision
to bomb Iraq.  Ritter did not mince his words when he said, "I'm telling you
this was a preordained conclusion. This inspection was a total setup by the
United States. The U.S. was pressing [the U.N.] to carry out this test. The
was very provocative. They were designed to elicit Iraqi defiance."
     As Tomahawks began destroying Iraqi  targets Wednesday, Defense
Secretary  Cohen was asked if he had any  advance warning of the report's
contents.  "No. There was some speculation about what it might contain," he
answered. "And frankly, we had assumed that  it might be mixed. We didn't
     Scott Ritter replied to the Cohen comment, "If Bill Cohen said he did
not know this report was not going to trigger a military  response, he is
disingenuous. On Tuesday they worked closely with  Richard Butler to make
sure the report had no wiggle room. The concept this is the first time they
saw the report is ludicrous. They orchestrated with Richard Butler."

Ritter went on to say  that  he is criticizing the timing of the attack  Mr.
Butler has become a "tool" of the White House and has "corrupted" Unscom's
  Wag The Dog May Cause the Cold War to Return
     It appears to many Americans and world leaders, that President
Clinton has used the "Wag the Dog" technique one more time. One day
before Monica Lewinsky was to testify before the Grand Jury, President
Clinton attacked a pharmaceutical plant in Sudan and so called terrorist
bases in Afghanistan. His tactic did not work. The press paid attention for a
day or two and then turned their attention back to the Monica-mess. With this
track record, President Clinton must be either desperate or insane to try a
"Wag the Dog" tactic again.
     Reaction around the world, to the President's attack on Iraq, has been
swift  condemnation. President Clinton's credibility with world leaders has
been so strained that many of our former allies now believe the President
will do anything to hang on to the Oval Office.
 What Signal is the former Soviet Union Sending?
     The reaction from the former Soviet Union portends an ominous
return to the days of  Cold War,  Iron Curtains and bomb shelters. If
President Clinton's "Wag the Dog" tactic causes the Communists to return
to power in Russia,  not only will President  Clinton have the stain of
impeachment on his record, but he will go down in history as  the American
President who single handedly restored the Soviet Union and brought back
the Cold War.

>From UPI
Russia outraged by attack on Iraq
            Thursday, 17 December 1998 19:32 (GMT)
(UPI Focus) Russia outraged by attack on Iraq
   MOSCOW, Dec. 17 (UPI) - Russian politicians from across the political
spectrum have expressed shock and outrage over airstrikes against Iraq
by the United States and Britain despite Moscow's firm opposition to
such action and last-minute attempts to rally the U.N. Security Council
to block the use of force against Baghdad.
   The Kremlin and the Communist-dominated State Duma, which oppose
each other on most issues, today were united in their condemnation of the
military action against Iraq.
   Yeltsin said the bombings unravel "years of hard work...toward the
dismantlement of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction and delivery
     In an ominous warning to Washington, the Russian General
Staff ordered an alert in several naval and air force units.
     Prime Minister Primakov said he is shocked by the attack. He said the
strike "has not been provoked by Iraq and is on the U.S. administration's
     Ivanov said the "system of international security has been endangered"
by Washington's disregard for the opinions of other Security Council
   Russian leaders have voted to postpone hearings on ratification of the
START-II nuclear disarmament treaty, planned for today.
   Communist leader Gennady Zyuganov ("ghen-NAH-dee zoo-GAH-nawf")
said the hearings should be taken off the agenda and the Russian arms
budget should be increased.
   Reviving terms not heard since the Cold War, Zyuganov called
for the creation of a "global front against war-mongers,"  the
front will consist of Russia, China, France, Germany, Arab states
and others who today condemned the U.S.-British attack on Iraq.
     The Communist leader also said Russian lawmakers should consider the
prospect of Russian military and other aid to Iraq if the attacks continue.
    Clinton Called International Terrorist:
               Russia will be Next
   Ultra-nationalist leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky ("vlah-DEE-meer zhee-
ree-NOV-skee"), known for his extreme statements, called Clinton an
international terrorist and said the U.S. bombing of Iraq was just the
beginning, adding, "We will be next."
(enlarged type added for emphasis by RMNews)

     The Russians have been angered and mystified by President Clinton's
bombing of Iraq. They even debated drafting an appeal to Monica Lewinsky.
The following is from AP.

           Thursday, December 17, 1998; 10:58 a.m. EST
            MOSCOW (AP) -- Russian legislators considered a motion Thursday
appealing to Monica Lewinsky to help halt the American attack on Iraq.
        ``The State Duma appeals to Ms. Lewinsky to undertake corresponding
measures to restrain the emotions of Bill Clinton,'' said the motion by
nationalist lawmaker Alexander Filatov.
       ``Many people link it (the attack on Iraq) with Clinton's impeachment
and his intimate  relations with a certain person, but if these relations
develop into such acts of vandalism, then all of U.S. democracy is (not)
worth  a penny,'' Communist leader Gennady Zyuganov told a Duma debate
on the Iraqi crisis.
    The Arab World Reacts With Condemnations
      Reactions from Arab leaders could be expected. Syrian president Abdel
Qader Qaddoura, of the People's Council (or parliament), described the
overnight air strikes "as an unjustified action (that) took place outside the
United Nations resolutions." He said Syria "denounces and condemns this
aggression and called on the international community to end it immediately."
      Egyptian President Mubarak expressed worry and is watching closely the
developments. The Qatari government expressed  "deep worrisome"over the
air strikes, which resulted in harming innocent civilians.
     An Omani Foreign Ministry spokesman called for immediate efforts to
allow the resumption of required cooperation between Iraq and the United
   In the West Bank city of Ramallah, Secretary-General of the Palestinian
Council of Minister Ahmed Abdel Rahman said the U.S.-British military
strike "is condemned and unjustified" and "reveals hidden intentions against
Iraq and its people." He  called for holding an emergency Arab summit to
confront the deteriorating situation in Iraq.
     Iraqi foreign minister Tariq Aziz accused President Clinton of having
an ulterior motive. Aziz said the President  bombed Iraq "to change the
subject from his visit to Israel and another matter, which I don't want to
address." (He probably means either the Lewinsky scandal or the
impeachment.)  During a news conference, Aziz said that U.N. chief Iraq
arms inspector Richard Butler tailored the report of the U.N. Special
Commission to justify the aggression. Aziz cited a report saying Butler
informed Clinton of the contents of the report last Sunday, three days before
the strikes were launched.
     Aziz denounced Butler as a "cheap pawn" in the hands of the United
States and repeatedly called Clinton and his advisers "Zionists."
Madeleine Albright Continues to Repeat the Party Line
     Reaction from Secretary of State Madeleine Albright was predictable.
Sweeping aside unusually strong protests from Russia and China against the
sustained bombardment of Iraq, Secretary of State Madeleine Albright says
she has been gratified by the level of support for the Anglo-American
military operation. She and her aides acknowledge, however, that Arab
nations have expressed reservations over the failure of U.S. policy to offer
anything but continued deprivation for the Iraqi people.
     Russia has withdrawn its ambassadors from the United  States and the
United Kingdom. China, France and Russia, who are all members of the
United Nation Security Council, have condemned the United States for its
bombing of Iraq. The three members nations of the Security council state the
unilateral bombing of Iraq took place before the Security council had
approved the action. In other words, the United States and the United
Kingdom attacked Iraq on their own, with no approval from the world
     Is There Hidden Meaning Behind the Name, Desert Fox?
     A Russian newspaper says there was a meaning behind the name the
United States and Britain gave to their bombing campaign against Iraq. "The
name the Americans picked for their operation is somewhat surprising.
'Desert Fox' was the nickname given to the talented German Field Marshal
(Erwin) Rommel, who during World War Two inflicted more than one defeat
on the allies in  North Africa,'' the daily Izvestia wrote in Friday morning's
edition. The Russians went on to say,``It is difficult to imagine that people
in Washington were unaware of the codename for Hitler's military chief. The
name of the operation against Iraq has  already called up painfully delicate
historical analogies,''
     The Defense Department said the name was only a coincidence. A
Pentagon spokesman said the name was chosen by Secretary of Defense
Cohen. Could Secretary Cohen be ignorant of history? Did he not know that
the original "Desert Fox" inflicted many losses on American troops during
WWII. Erwin Rommel was highly respected as an officer and a gentleman
by his enemies as well as his comrades. Hitler rewarded Rommel for his
victories in North Arica by making him Field Marshal in charge of France.
     What is not widely known is that Rommel was part of the conspiracy
to assassinate Hitler. When this was discovered, Rommel was given a choice,
be arrested and brought back to Berlin to stand trial, or commit suicide.
Returning to Berlin  meant his family would have been implicated and  sent
to concentration camps. Standing trial in Berlin held the prospect of
public humiliation and the probability of being hung nude while the piano
wire around his neck slowly strangled him to death.
     Because Rommel was  a war hero and loved by Germans, Hitler gave
him the chance to commit suicide. A German Luger was handed to Rommel.
He used it to commit suicide. His death was reported as an accident caused
by anti aircraft fire.
    The Original Desert Fox Committed Suicide
     It strains credulity to believe  the person who named the current
bombing exercise in Iraq did not know history. It appears that the Russian
officials who stated there was a meaning behind the name Desert Fox might
have a point.  The code names picked for United States Operations many
times hold secret meanings for those who are clever enough to figure them
     In light of the world reaction to the bombing of Iraq, and the strong
statements made by the former Soviet Union, could the name Desert Fox
imply the self inflicted destruction of something? And if this is the implied
meaning. What is being destroyed?

            Is the Name "Desert Fox"
  A Code  For the Destruction of Bill Clinton?
     Since the President is the one with the most to lose if his strategy
goes wrong, has he made any exit plans? If the world turns against the United
States, the United States will offer up Bill Clinton to appease the world
opinion. At the moment General Pinochet is being held in house arrest in the
United Kingdom, awaiting a court decision on extradition to Spain. Spain
wants to put him on trial for murder and torture while he was the President
of Chile. If precedent is set in the Pinochet case, William Clinton could
easily face trial as a war criminal in the Sudan, Afghanistan, Iraq and
possibly Iran.  One of the missiles intended for Iraq, fell in Iran.
     After the wedge William Clinton has pounded into the American
nation, there would be little resistance offered to an international
request to extradite him to another country to stand trial. Could the name
"Desert Fox" be a code to the President that if things go horribly wrong with
his "Wag the Dog" tactic, the only honorable way out will be for him to
emulate Field Marshal Rommel, and take the gun when it is  offered to him?
              The Cold War Returns
     There is another possible interpretation for the name "Desert Fox".
If "Desert Fox" is a code name, could it be a code name for the destruction
of the so-called "peace" between the United States and the former Soviet
Union? Is Operation Desert Fox designed to alienate our allies and bring
back the cold war? And if it has been orchestrated this way, who is behind
  The World Wide Depression and World War Three
     Peace does not bring prosperity. War and build up for war have been
the path to prosperity for the last two hundred or more years. Could Desert
Fox be designed to anger the Russians to the point that they bring back their
Communist empire and start the war machine once more? If the Soviets
suddenly begin preparing for war, then the United States will have to rebuild
its military. This means people will return to work in high paying jobs and
the economy will not go into a depression.
Or Could There Be Another Hand Behind All of This?
     From 1992  to 1994 I sat in on a series of meetings and conversations
which were held around my dining room table. One of these conversations
centered around bringing back the Iron Curtain. Many of the men who were
seated at my table were the sons of former Nazi officers. Some were German
and Austrian, but others were  Hungarian and Czechoslovakians,  These men
had been brought to the United States as children and were put into the
intelligence and military community. Almost all of them were descended
from the men who were part of the Canaris Conspiracy to assassinate Adolph
     The information I overheard was about the fall of the iron curtain and
the freeing of the Eastern European countries which had been enslaved by
the Soviet Union since the end of World War II. From what I overheard, I
gathered that the fall of the Iron Curtain and the demise of the Soviet Union
was part of a plan to free the Eastern European nations and then allow the
Soviet Union to come back into power.
This was the plan  to destroy the One World Government!!
     The idea behind this plan was that if the world is fighting each other,
the New world Order will not be able to impose its One World  Government.
If each nation returns to a strong national identity and reasserts its
sovereignty, then all of the treaties signed with the United Nations will not
be worth the paper they are written on. The tensions of the Cold War kept the
New World Order at bay.
     However, there are many small steps to get from where we are, to the
destruction of the New World Order. In the article written on Hillary running
for Daniel Moynihan's New York Senate seat, RMNews warned Democrats
not to not to get too cocky. This was at a time when  they had picked up seats
in the November election and had seen Newt Gingrich resign. We reminded
them that this   play has a few more acts before it is over. We left them with
this warning, "Be careful, the friend you support today, may be the next
number in the Federal Prison system."
               A Play in Five Acts
     The Tragedy of Bill Clinton is a play in five Acts
     Act One introduced us to the Monica Lewinsky sex scandal. It
appeared that the President was in serious trouble.
     Act Two saw Democrats win a few seats in the House. After the
Democratic victory, they demanded a sacrifice. The head of Newt Gingrich
was delivered on a silver platter. The Democrats sat around drinking,
smoking cigars and celebrating their victory.
     Act Three took place in the Judiciary Committee. The parry and
thrust of the daily verbal jousts kept the nation on edge, not knowing from
day to day, who would win.  Act Three ended with the judiciary voting to
send four articles of Impeachment to the full House. The Democratic victory
celebration was short lived.
     Act Four saw the preparations for the vote of impeachment begin,
only to be shoved aside by the President when he attacked Iraq. Act Four will
also  bring world wide condemnation of President Clinton. Leaders from
other countries will lose confidence in his promises. No one will trust doing
business with the United States while Clinton is the President. Russia will
return to communism. China will prepare for a nuclear war against the
United States. North Korea will invade South Korea. China may invade the
Philippines and other countries in South East Asia. The world will be pushed
to the precipice of war. President Clinton will be blamed and the press will
vilify him.
     Act Five will see a terrorist attack on the United States. President
Clinton will try to put martial law in place. The military will not take
from him. He will be forced to resign. If he refuses, he may be offered the
Rommel way out. If he refuses to be as honorable as Field Marshal Rommel,
he may take a trip to Fort Marcy where his childhood friend, Vince Foster
was "suicided". No one will be able to understand how the President was
able to elude  his Secret Service guards. But that will be quickly forgotten
the Democrats blame the Republicans for driving poor Billie to "suicide".
     The end of Act Five has not been finalized. The ending depends on
what Bill Clinton is willing to do. Will he resign and accept indictments?
Will he run the risk of being charged with treason? Will he agree to face
in the world court for war crimes? Or will he try to plunge the world into
world wide war, just to save his place in history?
         Terrorism on United States Soil
     In the article which was written on The Coming Revolution,
RMNews pointed out that the President was manipulating world events to
bring about a terrorist attack on the United States. Whether the attack is by
foreign terrorists or is by agents of the White House, the horror of the
would be reason for the President to suspend the Constitution, declare
martial law and attack Iraq with nuclear missiles. If the former Soviet Union
thinks the missiles are going to land in Russia, (like the missile meant for
Iraq landed in Iran), then Russia will launch missiles at the United States.
Once nuclear missiles are launched, that is the end of civilization as we know
Is Bill Clinton Capable of Destroying The World
                To Save Himself?
     Was Bill Clinton capable of obstructing justice for seven months to
keep a sexual affair from being proven? Was Bill Clinton capable of
bombing a pharmaceutical factory to keep Monica Lewinsky's testimony
from making headlines? Was Bill Clinton capable of attacking Iraq to keep
the House from voting on Impeachment? If he is capable of all of this just to
keep a sexual affair from being proven, what is he capable of doing  to hang
on to his place in history and his office?
     The fact that these questions are being asked only indicates how
deeply this man's credibility  has been destroyed.
                 RMNews Predicts
     If President Clinton does not resign immediately, the United States
will see terrorist attacks on our soil. If the President tries to implement
martial law, we will see revolution. If revolution happens, we open ourselves
up to attacks from Russia and China. If this happens the world will be at war
for many years. If Clinton stays in power the whole time, he will be able to
write the history books and he will go down in history as the man who saved
the world for freedom. Is he capable of this?  What do you think?
     If we are lucky, other nations will save us. If the world leaders join
together in a profound condemnation of President Clinton then hopefully he
will resign. If he is perceived to have attacked Iraq to prevent his own
impeachment, then maybe his credibility will be so tarnished that members
of his own party will force him to resign. This is the only hope we have.
Where are the elder statesmen of the Democratic party? Where is Bob
Strauss when the nation needs him?
     If Clinton resigns, how does the nation heal the wounds he has
opened in us? There are no fence sitters in this. Democrats  support Clinton
and want him to remain in power to the bitter end, no matter what that end
is. Republicans want his head on a platter. The country is as divided today
as it was before the Civil War broke out. Even if Bill Clinton resigns, how
can this nation heal itself?
     At the moment, we need a trial in the Senate. We need it because we
need to know the  whole truth. Hopefully  the old saying regarding knowing
the truth, will  heal us and set us free. Maybe once the Senate exposes all
secrets, it will be a national purge and the nation will be able to  proclaim:
           The Truth Has Set Us Free!
Then maybe  we will be able to return to normal life, living as one family in
one nation, under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all...
Justice...even for lowly government secretaries named Paula Jones.

Update and Commentary from Rumor Mill News
P.O. Box 1784
Aptos, CA 95001-1784

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