-Caveat Lector-
Here we go again.
The 1906 San Francisco 9.11 Earthquake
Now my number references, that I call the ‘Alchemy of Numbers’, is for me a fascinating area that needs continuous and ongoing examination. The weaving of numbers into and out of other numbers is a truism that does not lend itself easily to words; for numbers are labels that can be hidden easily behind other numbers before being seen. And sometimes there is a kind of magical happening within a calculation of mixed up numbers that does amaze me, and so it does seem that there is a real ‘Alchemy of Numbers’.
The date of September 11th 2001 clearly changed the American world, and should have changed the thinking of the American Church-goers themselves.
Now much has already been said about the events of September 11th that saying more would seemingly add nothing substantial to the knowledge of this horrific event; yet there is more to say. Now most American Christians would never consider this ‘terrorist atrocity’ as more than that, a ‘terrorist atrocity’ and would never think of September 11th 2001 as the ‘Time Marker of Horus’. For most Christians do not consider ‘Time’ as something ‘tangible’ in a religious sense even though they are as ‘Time Pilgrims’ traveling along a specific path in ‘Time’ led by the Eternal One, whereas others I say are as ‘Slaves in Time’. In fact the very thought of even counting time is an anathema to many Christians.
So to the ‘San Francisco 9.11 Earthquake’
The San Francisco earthquake of April18th 1906 is said to be “one of the most significant earthquakes of all time.” And one reason was, that the earthquake caused a city-wide fire that destroyed vast areas killing hundreds of people.
The final report published in 1908, and usually referred to as the ‘Lawson Report’ is a compilation of detailed reports from more than twenty contributing scientists on the earthquake's damage, the movement on the San Andreas fault, the seismograph records of the earthquake from around the world.
At almost precisely 5:12am. local time, a foreshock occurred with sufficient force to be felt widely throughout the San Francisco Bay area. The great earthquake broke loose some 20 to 25 seconds later, with an epicenter near San Francisco. Violent shocks punctuated the strong shaking which lasted some 45 to 60 seconds. The earthquake was felt from southern Oregon to south of Los Angeles and inland as far as central Nevada.
So to show how the Adversary has shown himself in the horror of September 11th 2001, the horror set in train by using the minds of men known and unknown.
It is thanks to the seismograph stations in southern New York, northern New Jersey, western Connecticut, and Pennsylvania, for recording the impacts of the two airliners that crashed into the towers, and the collapse of the South Tower was at 09:59:04am and the collapse 2, whereas the North Tower fell at 10:28:31am Tuesday, September 11th 2001.
The time the Great 1906 San Francisco Earthquake happened was at very close to 5:12am April 18th 1906, that is year 1906.2935495 and so there are 94.5002809 years.
OK, the usual suspects are hovering around in the invisible realm at the moment of the earthquake and at 9:59:04am Tuesday September 11th when the first tower collapsed.
The main suspect for the catastrophe is Horus, the Ancient Egyptian falcon masked god, the merciless killer of the sky, with his reference number 61, and his Great Pyramid, called the Pyramid of Cheops, has a full volume of 91,575,000 cubic feet. And 6.1000e+39 x lots and /Pi and square root twice, is equivalent to 91,575,000 cubic feet x 95.4000005 years, so Horus is there on the day that nearly 3,000 died in the destruction of the Twin Towers.
Please note, the reciprocal of 91,575,000 cubic feet is 1.0920010920e-08 and 10920 inches is 2,730 feet. Now the World Trade Center consisted of the two 110-story buildings of the Twin Towers and five smaller buildings designed by architect Minoru Yamasaki. And Tower One was 1,368 feet high and Tower Two was 1,362 feet high so both two towers add up to 2,730 feet x 12 is 10,920 inches. (And 273 days is the average gestation period for humans, the human reference number, and the reference number 954 is made up of blood at 681 + humanity at 273. So Horus set his clock so show the date of the San Francisco Earthquake and 9.11.
Now to some serious number crunching, in that the Serpent, (and the Serpent at 17 + eagle’s wings at 44 is Horus at 61) at 170 + 170 is 340 (is the falcon at 61 + the Serpent at 170 + Fire at 109) and 34 x 34 is twice 578 and this is the symbol for the Cross Bones, (legs) and the symbol for the ‘Alien Flag’ the ‘Trilateral Insignia’ and 578 feet is from ‘Pit to Point’ of the Great Pyramid. And 34 x 34 x 8 is 9,248. Next I use 9.2480000e-09 and reciprocal and square root is equivalent to Fire at 1090 x 95.4002673 years.
Then I go to Horus 610 x his unused sarcophagus in the King’s Chamber with an internal volume of 41.6862516 cubic feet x 7 times and /6 and Pi and cube root 5 times and /100 the reciprocal is 95.4002943 years.
Thus, the average time of the 95.4002673 years and 95.4002943 years is 95.4002809 years, and added to 11 seconds before 5:12am April 18th 1906 year 1906.293549, it is precisely 9:59:04am Tuesday, September 11th 2001, the year 2001.69383006, and the time the first of the Twin Towers collapsed is I start counting 11 seconds before 5:12am and so probably the time the earthquake actually began.
So the Serpent of Fire and 95.4002673 years x the 95.4002943 years fashioned and formed out Horus and his sarcophagus, the average time is that of the Great San Francisco Earthquake of fire to the destruction of the first tower.
Although, I used the Horus and the sarcophagus to establish the number 95.4002943 I could have used Moon time or Martian time, for a very similar result.
Thus Horus when all dressed up as an archangel of Fire at 340, that is the Serpent at 170 clothed in Fire at 109 wearing the falcon’s helm at 61 is 340.
And by using his reference 340 and that of Moon or Martian time he caused the Twin Towers to collapse on time, when counting from the Great San Francisco 1906 Earthquake.
Now, I don’t think Osama bin Laden knew of such a calculation.
John D. Miller
Moon and Martian Time
Horus and Sarcophagus Time. Horus, the Ancient Egyptian falcon masked god, at 610,000 x 7 x the unused sarcophagus of Horus in the King’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid at 41.68625 cubic feet and quartered and cube root is 12 lunar months of 29 days 12 hours 44 minutes 4.15 seconds.
The planet Mars has an orbit time of some 686.98 days. And 686.98 x 686.98 x Pi + 686.98 and x 30 and cube root is 354.3761853 days, that is 12 lunar festival (synodic) months of about a perfect 29 days 12 hours 44 minutes 3.75 seconds.
Now the planet Mars as mentioned has a given orbit of 686.98 days x 686.98 x Pi + 686.98 is 1,483,335 where as hours at 610,000 x 24 lots and /Pi twice is 1,483,342.1 so a slight difference, and a difference equivalent to 2 minutes 23 seconds per Martian year at 686.98165125 days.
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