-Caveat Lector-


School Pedophilia Scandal Shakes Portuguese Society By Craig S. Smith 10/9/03 "Mr. Silvino, witnesses charge, not only helped himself to the unprotected children of Casa Pía, but also furnished other pedophiles with young victims, too, delivering affection-starved boys and girls to private homes in the capital where they were molested or raped and occasionally paid with money, stereos, clothes or shoes. After a local journalist wrote about Lisbon's dark secret last November, doctors called in to examine Casa Pía's 4,500 children said they had found more than 100 who had suffered repeated abuse." http://www.nytimes.com/2003/10/09/international/europe/09PEDO.html

Peaceful sleep may restore memories Scientists: Our brains sort the day's events during slumber AP 10/8/03 "A study found that sleep apparently restores memories that were lost during a hectic day." http://www.msnbc.com/news/977515.asp?0dm=C15MH

Local Peace Group Infiltrated By Government Agent
by Mike Rhodes  San Francisco Bay Area IMC 
Sunday 04 October 2003
Peace Fresno was infiltrated by an agent working for the Fresno Sheriff's Department. Aaron Kilner, known by Peace Fresno activists as Aaron Stokes, attended several Peace Fresno meetings. Peace Fresno activist Nicholas DeGraff remembers him taking voluminous notes and several members say they saw him at peace vigils held at Shaw and Blackstone.
....The obituary went on to say that he was "assigned to the anti-terrorist team." Local activists believe that this "anti-terrorist team" is, in fact, the Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) that has recently been formed in this area..

October 5, 2003 -- EXCLUSIVE
Morale among some war-weary GIs in Iraq is so low that a growing number of soldiers - including some now home on R&R - are researching the consequences of going AWOL, according to a leading support group
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