-Caveat Lector-

Tuesday 14 October 2003, 9:46 Makka Time, 6:46 GMT

Guantanamo guards embrace Islam

 Could contact with prisoners be having an effect?

A number of the US troops guarding the 660 suspected al-Qaida and Taliban
detainees in Guantanamo Bay have converted to Islam, according to an Algerian

Hasan Aribi, who chairs his country's committee on the Guantanamo question, has
negotiated the release of 18 detainees from the heavily-guarded detention camp
at the eastern tip of Cuba.

He claimed that the freed detainees told him that some of their American guards
had converted to Islam as a result of daily interaction with Muslim prisoners
for the past two years.

The US military refused to comment when contacted by Aljazeera.net on Tuesday.

Release of prisoner

Aribi made his claims at a seminar in Egypt recently which was covered by Islam

Speaking to the Cairo seminar, he said his negotiations, held in Washington
before the Iraq war, resulted in the release of eight Algerians and ten other

"They told me that the American guards were very sympathetic with them to the
extent of buying the detainees' needs (with) their pocket money," Aribi said.

Aribi appealed to other Arab governments to act immediately for the release of
their citizens, held without charges in Guantanamo.

He said 90% of those held had "no relation whatsoever with al-Qaida or Taliban.
They were working with humanitarian relief agencies and were only arrested as
part of an American campaign against possible suspects."

The detainees are being held outside US legal jurisdiction

A New York representative of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
said he had also heard reports of US guards converting to Islam in Guantanamo.


No comment was immediately available from the camp. US military officials have
imposed stricter reporting limits since the arrests of a Muslim army chaplain
and two interpreters.

The arrests involved civilian interpreter Ahmad Mihalba, a naturalised US
citizen from Egypt, allegedly found with classified documents from Guantanamo
and Air Force Airman Ahmad al-Halabi, an interpreter accused of espionage for
allegedly sending classified information about the camp to an unspecified

Army Capt James Yee, a Muslim chaplain, has been charged with disobeying orders.
He is accused of leaving the base with a layout of the prison block.

All three say they are innocent.

Red Cross speaks out

The International Committee of the Red Cross has complained on Friday that the
camp denies prisoners basic rights and is leading to mental health problems
among them.

"We've witnessed growing anxiety and a rather serious deterioration in the
psychological health of the detainees, linked very much, we believe, to their
ongoing uncertainty," said Amanda Williamson of the ICRC's office in Washington.

The public protest is highly unusual for the ICRC, which traditionally raises
concerns about such conditions privately.

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