-Caveat Lector-
Firstly, I should say that this posting should not be read by Skeptics who have little imagination, for these people are permanent debunkers of anything that is paranormal, metaphysical, supernatural or spiritual, and so have a naturalistic philosophy.
Like the ‘Skeptical Inquirer’ magazine, the paranormal appears to be that which is not acceptable within their naturalistic philosophy. The journal claims accuracy and honesty, yet debunking is too often executed with dogmatism and scorn. And it seems however; the journal presents a confused picture of skepticism in that it is skeptical about most philosophical approaches while it openly accepts the philosophy of naturalism, a philosophy that excludes the supernatural. So they have don’t hold with the ‘God is Dead’ attitude, but that ‘God is Not’.
Skepticism is a concept that can be used to destroy itself for when carried to the extreme, skepticism leads to doubting everything, including itself. The aim of intellectual inquiry is truth, not skepticism and skepticism, when pursued to the extreme, can lead away from truth, while inquisitive inquiry can lead towards the truth.
The Skeptics usually reject conspiracy theories saying I suppose something like, “Modern humans are hardwired to look everywhere for patterns and connections that can result in coincidences and so called conspiracy theories, but if analyzed critically 99% of such will be found to be the result of self deception.”
Now as yet I have offered none of my findings to ‘CSICOP’ the ‘Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal’, a group is said to encourage the critical investigation of paranormal and fringe-science claims that come from a responsible and scientific point of view. Anyway, my stuff may simply not be acceptable to them.
Now to arithmetic of a very simple kind, that of where a number is that of a reference for something, no more and no less, but a reference which has the terrific ability to mix, merge, and transform itself by coming into contact with another reference. So I want to offer up a curious ‘Conspiracy Theory’, the proposition that numbers themselves are in fact more ‘puppeteers’ than simply ‘puppets’ of a massive conspiracy, a ‘Conspiracy by Number’ but who pulls the strings of the puppeteers?
A conspiracy theory obviously involves a ‘conspiracy’, which is a secret agreement to perform an illegal act, and those joining together are the conspirators. The popular television X-Files series has fed the minds of many who are convinced that shadowy forces have subverted the U. S. Government and continue to do so, with some believing that aliens, a form of angel, are guiding such a shadowy Government force.
The Golden Calf Twin Towers of the AntiChrist?
September 11th 2001 was "The Day That Changed The World", a day I say was a ‘Time Marker’ for demonic puppets who use the date of September 11th 2001 to ‘attach’ their time-lines’, and ‘time-lines’ that are part of supernatural ‘Time Laws’ of the Puppeteers. This for me begs the question, “Did a person who chooses a date for a special and significant event so to ‘create’ a relevant number reference when counting to the 9.11 Time Marker of September 11th 2001?”
And did the Architect Minoru Yamasaki design the World Trade Center so that it would symbolise the ‘Golden Calf’ that represents the ‘Skull and Crossbones’ the flag over the ‘Gates of Hell’?
The World Trade Center consisted of two 110-story buildings, the ‘Twin Towers’ and five smaller buildings. Architect Minoru Yamasaki Twin Towers were among the tallest buildings in the world with Tower One at 1,368 feet tall and Tower Two at 1,362 feet tall. And each tower had 21,800 windows. Also each Tower had foundations 70 feet deep, making the combined height of both Towers, including the depth of the foundations at 2,870 feet. And the reference number 287 as days of gestation, represents the bull calf, (for it had not grown its power horns and so another reference number). And the number 2,870 symbolizes the ‘Skull and Bones’ flag, the ‘Banner of No Mercy’ to those onboard.
OK, now there are two ways of considering the number 2,870 the first is that of the Ancient Egyptian falcon masked god Horus, the merciless killer of the sky, who is the Serpent at 17 x the Serpent wearing the falcon’s mask at 61 is 1037. And 1037 less the tithe is 933.3 the reference in this case for the AntiChrist. And 1037 + Hell that is 1833 is 2870. And Hell is made up of the Skull and Bones flag at 611 + 611 + 611 and 611 is the ‘Skull’ the ‘Dragon’ at 322 + the ‘Crossbones’ the ‘Serpent’ at 289 (17 x 17).
So the Feathered Serpent or the Plumed Serpent, who is Quetzalcoatl, or Kukulcan (KKK) of Central America has the AntiChrist reference number 1037 + the Hell’s own reference 1833 is 2870, the ‘Golden Calf’, symbolizes by the ‘Twin Towers’.
And Horus, the falcon helmed Serpent, at 61 x 17 at 1037 and the Skull and Bones at 611 x 611 and /360 and + 611 + 611 + 611 is the 2,870.0027 feet the reference for the Twin Towers and that of the Golden Calf, who is that of the Feathered Serpent who is a transformation of Lucifer, that is Satan, the Devil.
Not forgetting that Quetzalcoatl shows himself as ruler of the Earth that has a radius of some 3,936.1 miles x 10 at 39,361 + 287 x 287 is equivalent to Horus at 61,000 + 61,000.
In fact the Golden Calf could also represent Adam, the Red Man, with power, meaning that the Dominion of Adam over all was taken away and given to Satan, the Adversary, when Adam sinned against God. And so Adam and Eve, (one flesh) could have  been numbered 287 + 287 which is equivalent to a son of Man who resides in Hades at 126, or ‘Eye of Horus’ + 127 the reference number for Eve, reveals the number 321. And Room No.321 is the ‘crown, sword and skeleton’ room next to Room No.322 the Sanctuary, in the ‘Tomb’ building of the Skull and Bones Society. So the Pharaoh had the Eye of Horus, the falcon masked god, the merciless killer of the sky, meaning the Pharaoh had a mind influenced by the thoughts of Horus, and so can other leaders, dictators, prime ministers and even presidents of AD2003. And so with the influence of such an ‘Alien’ mind within a normal brain, then watch out for the trigger finger, for the mind of Horus is determined to fill his Pyramid with death, so to take the dead down below. For we live in dangerous times with all this mind bending going on. And the Skull and Bones 6.11000e+134 x 4 and cube root thrice is curiously equivalent to Room No.321 x Room No.322.0097.
 Time and the 9.11 Golden Calf’.
 “And Moses turned, and went down from the mount, and the two tables of the testimony [were] in his hand: the tables [were] written on both their sides; on the one side and on the other [were] they written. And the tables [were] the work of God, and the writing [was] the writing of God, graven upon the tables. And when Joshua heard the noise of the people as they shouted, he said unto Moses, [There is] a noise of war in the camp. And he said, [It is] not the voice of [them that] shout for mastery, neither [is it] the voice of [them that] cry for being overcome: [but] the noise of [them that] sing do I hear. And it came to pass, as soon as he came nigh unto the camp, that he saw the calf, and the dancing: and Moses' anger waxed hot, and he cast the tables out of his hands, and brake them beneath the mount.
And he took the calf which they had made, and burnt [it] in the fire, and ground [it] to powder, and strawed [it] upon the water, and made the children of Israel drink [of it]… And the children of Levi did according to the word of Moses: and there fell of the people that day about three thousand men.” Exodus c.32.
Thus Moses came down from the mountain and saw the Golden Calf surrounded by naked dancing and singing Israelite worshippers, and so Moses called forth the men of the Levitical priesthood, who went and killed 3,000 of the worshippers. And coincidently 3,000 was nearly the number killed when the ‘Golden Calf’ of New York fell, that is in the destruction of the Twin Towers.
And so the link between Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, the Golden Calf and 9.11.
Once upon a time, that is on May 16th 1983 a man I know well, saw in an open-eyed apparition, a wilderness of another world with some simple geometry, a 10 x 10 metre square with four circles filling the square, in the form of four interlocking circular tents.  This man next had a manifestation of Satan, who is Lucifer, the Devil, the Serpent and the Dragon, and symbolized by the Golden Calf, for he is like such multipart magic actor, who is not acting, but transforms himself to suit the occasion and visitation. And on that day Satan took on the form of the Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, and like an immaculate wax-work, she slowly began to melt from head down, (Moses made the Israelites melt down and eat the Golden Calf). And the wax-work Prime Minister, having melted there standing in her place was Satan himself. And this man was telepathically advised to consider 10 years after the end of the political career of Margaret Thatcher, Prime Minister of Great Britain, (namely November 28th 2000). By Wednesday November 28th 1990 the packing had been done; Margaret Thatcher was ready to leave Downing Street for the last time. At 09:10am the Prime Minister came down to the hallway of 10 Downing Street, and in tears, she shook hands with her secretaries and assistants, before making her way out to bid farewell to the British nation. And counting from 9:10am November 28th 1990 + 10 years is 9:10am November 28th 2000, and so counting to a few minutes after the second ‘merciless killer of the sky’ hit the other Twin Tower, that is Flight 175 at 9:02am September 11th 2001, is 287 days, the reference for Lucifer, the Golden Calf and the Twin Towers. (I  feel sorry for the Skeptics at this point in my posting, for even though I had the vision and was told of the ten years, I never knew about the coming horror of September 11th 2001 but Satan did.
USSTRATCOM and the Golden Calf.
 I will start my saying that I have allowed my imagination to reject the conspiracy theory that some of the executives who worked in the Twin Towers had any fore knowledge of the event of September 11th 2001 when they agreed to attend an unpublicized charity event that day at the U.S. Strategic Command or USSTRATCOM, a command and control headquarters located at Offutt Air Force Base near Omaha, Nebraska. Let’s just say they were very lucky men indeed who were so invited.
One of nine unified commands in the Department of Defense, U.S. Strategic Command or USSTRATCOM, is a command and control headquarters located at Offutt Air Force Base near Omaha, Nebraska. Representing all four branches of the military, the command has
extensive ties with defense agencies, the Department of Energy's national laboratories, and other sources of support. USSTRATCOM integrates and coordinates the command and control capability to provide accurate and timely information for the President, Secretary
of Defense, and regional commanders. 
The command consists of a Joint Forces Headquarters for Information Operations and four directories: Combat Support, Global Operations, Policy Resources and Requirements, and Strike Warfare. Service commanders retain primary responsibility for maintaining the readiness of USSTRATCOM forces and performing their assigned functions of organizing, training, and equipping forces for employment when called upon to support USSTRATCOM's global mission. (www.stratcom.mil/overview&organization.htm)
When the Strategic Air Command was disestablished on June 1st 1992 the US Strategic Command, a unified command, was activated the same day on June 1st 1992.  And since then Offutt AFB has undergone many changes and continues to be vital to the US military.
USSTRATCOM exercises command authority over various task forces and service components in support of the command’s mission. During day-to-day operations, service component commanders retain primary responsibility for maintaining the readiness of USSTRATCOM forces and performing their assigned functions. Their primary function is to provide organized, trained, and equipped forces for employment when called upon to support USSTRATCOM’s global mission
And so to number crunching USSTRATCOM and to this I need the reference number for the Law of the United States of America, that is 46, found in the 46 inch length of the silver US Mace. And 4,600,000 divided into 8 parts and by the Golden Calf at 287 is 2,003.484321 and this is equivalent to 215.90965 years x 9.2792717 years.
And counting from Independence Day of July 4th 1776 to USSTRATCOM Day is 215.90965 years, and from USSTRATCOM Day to 12:02:30am, that is 2.5 minutes after midnight on September 11th 2001, that is 9.11 Day, or Golden Calf Day, the day the Twin Towers were seemingly destroyed by US Law.
So I blame the Skeptics for not having imagination and are restricted to thinking without added value, be it good or evil, and so evil reigns thank to the Skeptics.
John D. Miller
JFK was killed on just before 12:30pm November 22nd 1963 and counting from the day his presidency started on January 20th 1961 until 12:24pm, that fateful Friday is 1,037 days, that is 17 x 61 or the Plumed Serpent, that is the Serpent wearing the mask of the falcon the merciless killer of the sky.
 "We must speak the truth about terror. Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories concerning the attacks of September the 11th, malicious lies that attempt to shift the blame away from the terrorists themselves, away from the guilty." GW Bush speaking before the UN General Assembly 11/10/2001
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