-Caveat Lector-
Michael Ledeen and Manucher Ghorbanifar are well-known operatives for the Israelis, and were key ringleaders of Iran-Contra.  Here they are again, deeply involved in neocon schemes to ignite World War IV through the dissemination of lies and disinformation that are ridiculous on their face.
Michael Ledeen is a leading advisor on international affairs to Karl Rove.  George W. Bush's policies are being hatched by Ledeen and his confederates at neocon think tanks.  Since Bush doesn't read newspapers or text in any other medium, apparently, Ledeen must sound like quite an impressive authority to him.
Featured in News

Iran-Contra Figure Re-emerges As Middleman For Iraq Information

Published on 10/16/2003

Washington — A central figure in the Iran-Contra affair of the 1980s has passed allegations to the Bush administration that $150 million in enriched uranium was smuggled from Iraq into Iran five years ago and some may remain hidden in Iraq. The information was relayed to the administration through a conservative author, Michael Ledeen. And Ledeen is now accusing the CIA of failing to aggressively check the allegation because of a long-held distrust of Manucher Ghorbanifar, a middleman in the Reagan administration's Iran-Contra swap of arms for hostages. The CIA agrees it is dubious of information from Ghorbanifar, saying he has “proven to be a fabricator.” 

© The Day Publishing Co., 2003

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