-Caveat Lector-

The ‘Black Bulls’ of Israel

It seems that someone in the United Nations decided to ensure metaphysical young ‘Black Bulls’ were to roam the new State of Israel via the measurements therein.

The new State of Israel came into being American-wise at 6:11pm Washington time, May 14th 1948 in the eyes of President Truman, and so eleven minutes after the British mandate ended over Palestine and the Union Jack lowered and folded up.

The Zionist leader David Ben-Gurion was celebrating as the midnight hour struck, and the new State of Israel was established with an area of 7,992.6 square miles, which included 108.1 square miles of the Dead Sea.

OK, ‘Darkness’ has the number 177 for Gravity speed at 177,000 miles per second or 177 + 177 at 354 days, the cycle of the Moon in Hades, the symbol of Darkness, or ever 59 + 59 + 59 the insignia of the Pharaoh as a Ruler of Darkness.

Counting from American Independence Day, that is July 4th 1776 until 6:11:50pm Washington time Friday, May 14th 1948 is 171.862442 years, when America accepted the establishment of the new State of Israel.

And counting down from the destruction of the North Tower, of the ‘Twin Towers of Time’ at 10:28:31am Tuesday, September 11th 2001 it is 12:00:11:50am on May, 15th 1948, (and equivalent to 6:11:50pm Washington time May 14th 1948 when America accepted the establishment of the new State of Israel) is 53.3269837 years; and multiplied by 171.862442 years x 365.242198 days, x 10,000 is equivalent to the ‘Black Calf’ at 287 x 287 x 287 x Darkness 177 x 8.

Thus counting to the destruction of the second tower of the ‘Twin Towers of Time’ at 10:28:31am Tuesday, September 11th 2001 from Washington time 6:11pm Friday, May 14th 1948 and the establishment of the new State of Israel, reveals ‘young bulls of the Moon’ or the black Skull and Bones flag waving over the ‘Gates of Hell’, that of Lucifer dressed in black, as the Ruler of Darkness.

OK, the Moon above, is also the symbol of the Ruler of Darkness, and has a diameter of about 3,476km and so about 2,159.825 miles, and x 287 x 287 x 287 x 10 is equivalent to 7,992.60 square miles, the very land area granted to the new State of Israel.

Imagine, both ‘time and space’ for the new State of Israel has the numbers 287 x 287 x 287 and 287 represents the Golden Calf and all the other evil manifestations, including Lucifer who walks up and down the land.

To show an American influence, consider the Statue of Liberty at 151 feet 1 inch or 1,813 inches high standing on a 154 feet high pedestal.

So the Statue of Liberty at 1,813 inches seen at the gateway of America + her own reference number for that of Eve or Sarah of 127, at 1,270 is 3,083 x 10 is equivalent to ‘Twin Towers’ at 28,700 + 2,130. And the number 2,130 miles is in fact the ‘Gate to Hell’ in that by descending the two levels down from the surface of the planet Earth at an equatorial radius of 3,963 miles less 2,130 miles down is the radius of Hell at 1833 miles (611 + 611 + 611). And 2,130 miles above Hell, less the ‘halo’ of 870 miles of ‘sky’ below the surface of the Earth, is 1,260 miles, that is the first level that is the land of Hades.

Thus the Statue of Liberty carries a torch, because she is welcoming the people to Hell so to speak by number, and for this the Americans can blame the French for their gift.

The business of the ‘grave, gravity and weight’ can be seen when considering the mina granite ball weight at 8,325 grains at 1,18928 pounds, and 8,325 grains x 8 mina ball weights is 66,600 grains. And the earlier New World Order of the metric kilogram weighed some 2.204 pounds, (that is 4 grains less than 2.204622 pounds for today’s kilogram). And 1,000 kilos at 2,204 pounds, + 666 is 2,870. (And 2204 less Hell at 1833 is 321 and Room No.321 in the ‘Tomb’ the headquarters of the Skull and Bones Society, is the crown, sword and skeleton chamber. And 321 is 4 x 80.25 inches at 6.6875 feet, the length of the 14th century King Edward III’s great two handed sword now hung against a granite pillar in a side chapel in St. George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle).

So Israel has been mocked, and the Devil falls about laughing when another suicide bomber kill more Israelis, in the land of the Devil’s ‘Black Bulls’.

Very sad.

John D. Miller


This could lead to understanding more about the pagan Order of Mithras.


Washington time of 6:11pm is from page 179 of 'The Secret War Against the Jew' by John Loftus and Mark Aarons, published by St. Martins Press, New York.

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