-Caveat Lector-

Hiding or Honoring the Fallen?

Saturday, October 25, 2003; Page A22

I was outraged by the Oct. 21 Federal Page story "Curtains Ordered for Media
Coverage of Returning Coffins."

Forbidding the media to cover the return of soldiers who died for this country
is abominable. Throughout human history and especially our American history, we
have honored the fallen soldier. We cannot give these men and women enough
respect and honor in life or death.

The media should be allowed to record for posterity the return to American soil
of the remains of all who fought and died for their beloved country.

And to read that our commander in chief, President Bush, has not attended any
memorials or funerals of fallen soldiers is equally frightful.

High-level civilian leaders should be required to attend the funerals of service
members, as ultimately it is they who put the soldiers in harm's way. If they
attend these funerals, perhaps some understanding of the true cost of war will
slow the next decision to go to another killing field.



© 2003 The Washington Post Company

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