-Caveat Lector- www.ctrl.org DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER ========== CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis- directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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-Caveat Lector-

How many have died so far?
1. The Project on Defense Alternatives estimates
2. There are no accidents


From: Charles Knight
Date: Sun Oct 19, 2003
Subject: Project on Defense Alternatives estimates total Iraqis killed in war

* How many Iraqis died in the 2003 Iraq war?
* What are the implications for stability in Iraq, the "war on terrorism",
and the "new warfare"?

A new study from the Project on Defense Alternatives (PDA) estimates the
total number of Iraqis killed in the 2003 war, based on hospital and
burial reports, combat statistics, and battlefield testimony from both
sides in the conflict. Uniquely, the report also distinguishes between
noncombatant and combatant civilians (non-uniformed fighters.) And it
compares the experience of Operations Iraqi Freedom and Desert Storm.

"The Wages of War: Iraqi Combatant and Noncombatant Fatalities in the
2003 Conflict" by Carl Conetta. PDA Research Monograph #8, 20 October


With two appendices:

Appendix 1. "Survey and assessment of reported Iraqi combatant
fatalities in the 2003 War" (.pdf file) --


Appendix 2. "Iraqi Combatant and Noncombatant Fatalities in the 1991
Gulf War" (.pdf file). --


* Is an all European armed force a feasible option in the future?
* What should it be like and how different from U.S. forces?

A new PDA guest publication models an integrated European Armed Forces.
It addresses the conceptual framework, strategic orientation, key
functions, posture, resources, personnel, and budget.

"European Armed Forces of Tomorrow: A New Perspective" by Lutz
Unterseher. PDA Guest Publication, 20 October 2003 (.pdf file).


Project on Defense Alternatives Commonwealth Institute Cambridge, MA USA


From:  Jim Bush
Date: Sun Oct 19, 2003
Subject: There Are No Accidents

There Are No Accidents
by Jim Bush

One of my favorite gurus once said, "There are no accidents, only karmic
chains of events." I would take this statement and say it a little
differently: There are no accidents; there are always reasons for every
event, and every event is the result of intentional acts -- whether we
see them or not.

This morning, I perused the Internet looking for an exact count of
Coalition casualties in both Iraq and Afghanistan, and found none. I
also attempted to find some semblance of an accounting of enemy
combatant casualties and, once again, found none. I then searched for a
general accounting of civilian casualties, and also found none. Though
it is, admittedly, difficult to keep track of the casualties in this war
between the Bush and Bin Laden crews, I believe it's no accident that a
closer track of casualties is not being kept. After all, it's not in the
interest of the Bush administration to count casualties, and Bin Laden
doesn't have as much access to the press.

However, by looking at the bits and pieces of half-attempts made by
various organizations to garner estimates of casualties, I could
guesstimate how many human beings have probably been killed or injured
since the US began it's military response to the attack on 9/11.

Here is my tally:
1) At least 500 coalition soldiers dead from all causes.
2) At least 2000 coalition soldiers injured.
3) At least 10,000 enemy combatants killed.
4) At least 30,000 enemy combatants injured.
5) At least 5,000 civilians killed.
6) At least 15,000 civilians injured.

(Not included in this tally are the casualties from 9/11, the
Israeli/Palestinian conflict, other areas around the world, or covert

These guesstimats add up to:15,500 human beings dead, and 47,000 human
beings injured. And this tally increases daily, with no end in sight.

Many will complain that these numbers are either overblown or under
guesstimated. Some will say that friends and enemies shouldn't be
counted together as if they are of equal value. Others will say that
unfortunate "accidents" and intentional killings should not be included
together as if they are of equal injustice. My answer is this: The
numbers are close enough to give one an idea of how horrendous the war
is becoming; and all of the dead and injured are the result of the
hatred, anger, and fear that this war has engendered -- regardless of
what side anyone was on or whether their deaths and injuries were

When human beings set out to kill each other -- especially when they
claim to be killing each other for God -- there are no real differences;
there is only death. And an invasion results in the deaths of the
innocent as well as the guilty. In an invasion all are at risk, and
there is no real difference between an accident and a non-accident.
Somewhere someone pulls a trigger, pushes a button, or turns a wheel,
and that action results in people dying or being injured. The intentions
are to invade and occupy or defend and harass; the outcome is the deaths
and injuries of human beings.

On top of this, the cavalier attitude with which both sides are killing
in this war, and the excuses or reasons that both sides are making or
giving for their acts of killing, serve only to confirm that what Bush
and Bin Laden have dragged the World into is not about God or doing
God's Will -- It's more about the human ego's will to power. God and oil
are only smoke screens -- and tools to be used and manipulated -- for
this will to power. And the term Collateral Damage is only an excuse for
that which is, in fact, the result of intentional actions.

God has nothing to do with the "War on Terror" or the "War on the
Infidel." God does not take sides with those who kill in his name, God
does not care about oil, and God does not believe in Collateral Damage!
God -- though always present -- has never been involved in the wars of
Mankind (It makes no difference what our religious leaders may have told
us)! God -- whatever one conceives He, She, or It to be -- manifests, in
fact, through Unconditional Love. The ultimate expression of
Unconditional Love is the gift of Free Will. Humankind has had Free Will
from the beginning, and, from the beginning, it's choice to go to war
has been entirely it's own. By using God's name to justify it's wars,
humanity has actually committed a sacrilege, and shamed itself before
God and Man.

In the end, there are no accidents; there are only actions that lead to
outcomes. If Humankind continues on the path of war that it's on today,
it will have no one to blame for the bloody outcome but itself. It won't
be God's Will that has determined that outcome, but Man's -- and it
won't be an accident.

Jim Bush

709 SW.16th.Ave,Apt.406

Portland, Or.,97205


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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