-Caveat Lector-

The Cross 9.11 and the Long Count

So to some serious ‘End Time’ number crunching.

I intend to show how the Maya end time date of the ’Age of the Jaguar’ is linked to the ‘Pyramid Age’ of Ancient Egypt, the Crucifixion and 9.11.

But first for those who know not how I use number references and how simplistic it is by pondering, ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’ by C S Lewis. For the lion at 98 days gestation and the Witch, that is the powerful Ancient Egyptian goddess Isis at 58, and her Wardrobe has one particular reference number of 59, and 59 consists of the serpent’s robe at 17 + vulture collar at 42 so 98 + 58 + 42 totals 215. (The Pharaoh’s insignia at 59 represents both the serpent and vulture goddesses of the Delta and Upper Egypt and is the insignia of the Ruler of Darkness, that symbolized by a frog in early France, and was later changed into the fleur de lis). And so the ‘Lion Witch and Wardrobe’ at 215 x 12 lots, and as cubic feet, is 2,580 cubic feet, the volume of the missing capstone of the Great Pyramid, and the reference number for the goddess Isis as the Biblical Abomination, who is the Mother of Whores, that is Babylon.

The Number ‘3’ and the Great Pyramid and the Coffer.

And it is curious how the number ‘3’ can fashion and form both the foundation area of the Great Pyramid, the symbol for natural death, and the symbol for spiritual death, the internal volume of the sarcophagus, called the Coffer, in the King’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid.

To do this the number ‘3’ is increased to 3.00000e+1105 squared twice x 2/10 is 1.6200000e+4421 and square root 9 times and cube root is 755.773415 feet a mean foundation width of the Great Pyramid, (440 Ancient Egyptian cubits x 20.612002 inches).

And ‘3’ increased to 3,000,000 x 3,000,000 x 10 and square root and /Pi and square root twice is the internal volume of the sarcophagus in the King’s Chamber as measured by Egyptologist Flinders Petrie at 41.6862516 cubic feet (72,033.842 cubic inches).

And a vast octahedron with all 12 edges at 755.773415 feet has a volume 203,500,000 cubic feet and halved and less 10% is the volume of the Great Pyramid at 91,575,000 cubic feet, thanks to the average base width that is formed out of the number ‘3’.

The Eiffel Tower and the Maya Time Marker

The location where Eiffel built his iron pillar over the place where on June 8th 1794 during the French Revolution, the Dictator Robespierre, (of the Mountain Brotherhood) stated that all France must now believe in a Supreme Being, and that he was the High Priest to this god. What worried the people was that now they were told they had souls once again, and this meant judgment after death. But the dictator lived only 50 days after his Mars field statement when he suffered decapitation by Madame Guillotine, by the former Frogs of the Marsh. And the ‘Iron Pillar in Time’ has the reference number 187, and this represents the Ancient Egyptian falcon masked god Horus at 61, the merciless killer of the sky + the ‘Eye of Horus’ at 126, the spirit body in all humans and released at death.

And counting 187 years back from noon June 8th 1794, the festival day of the Supreme Being, that is Horus, and then count forward one Mayan baktun period of 144,000 days, and it is September 11th 2001, when the Twin Towers were set on fire by a merciless killer of the sky, and were destroyed. The Twin Towers with a total height of 2,730 feet or thrice 10,920 inches, is the reference number for Death, the Great Pyramid, in that the reciprocal of the volume of the Great Pyramid at 91,575,000 cubic feet is 1.0920010920e-08).

And also 10920 less 1700 and 1700 and 1700 and 1700 and as day is 4,120 days, that is from September 11th 2001 to the end of the Mayan Long Count on December 22nd 2012, the end of the ‘Age of the Jaguar’ and the day I suggest will be the ‘Battle of Armageddon’.

Anyway, the Maya were an important civilization on the American continent, and it lasted for more than 2,000 years. The Kingdom of the Maya, whose mathematics, art, religious beliefs, architecture and political organization were said to rival that of ancient Egypt, had a most intriguing calendar. The Maya calendar, is a rather complicated calendar and is based on integer arithmetic. And of course lunar and luni-solar calendars do exist that are very complex, most of them are based on observation, as in starting a month when the Moon is in a particular stage, or on ‘floating point’ calculations that for all practical purposes simply replace such observation. The Maya had an enormous advantage over many calendar makers of the ancient world in that they invented the zero. And it seems that we do not know why the ancient Mayan or pre-Maya choose December 21st or 22nd AD2012 as the end of their Long Count calendar, a calendar that began the Fourth Age, the Zero Date on or about August 11th 3114BC.

Now from the Zero Date of August 11th 3114BC to the Last Day on December 22nd AD2012 is 13 baktun cycles each of 144,000 days, which completed 1,872,000 days and called ‘Great Cycle’ of the Long Count of 13-baktuns and equals 5125.366 years. So come the winter solstice of AD2012 the Fourth Age closes after 13 periods of 144,000 days, or the Long Count of 1,872,000 days.

The Mayan scholar Munro Edmonson believes that the Long Count was put in place around 355BC. This may be so, but the oldest Long Count date as yet found corresponds to 32BC. Each baktun period has 144000 days, each katun has 7200 days, and if we add up all the values we find that indicates a total of 1007640 days have elapsed since the Zero Date of So I repeat, the much discussed 13-baktun cycle is completed 1872000 days (13 baktuns) after This period of time is the so called Mayan ‘Great Cycle’ of the Long Count and equals 5125.366 years.

 The point of interest for these early astronomers seems to have been the projected end date in December AD2012 rather than the beginning date in 3114BC. Having determined the end date in AD2012 and calling it, they thus proclaimed themselves to be living in the 6th baktun of the Great Cycle. The later Maya certainly attributed much mythological significance to the beginning date, relating it to the birth of their deities, but it now seems certain that the Long Count is all about its calculated end date of December 22nd 2012.

The Maya – Isis Precessional Cycle.

Now the Maya are not generally credited with knowing about the precession of the equinoxes, and the precession of the equinoxes is caused by the slow wobbling of the Earth's polar axis. Yet I can find a reasonable link between the Maya Long Count with the number 58, that for the Ancient Egyptian goddess Isis.

The scientist Newcome once gave the measurement of the Precessional Cycle as 25,793.46 years, saying the exact value is not known. And if I use a Precessional Cycle of 25,793.13818 years, and multiplied by 5,220,000 that is one tithe less that the goddess Isis at 5,800,000, and cube root is 5,125.36614 years, or a Long Count of 1,872,000 days.

Imagine, the great Ancient Egyptian goddess Isis, the Whore, less one tithe and multiplied by the Precessional Cycle, reveals the Maya Long Count which ends on December 12th 2012, at the end of the ‘Age of the Jaguar’. And the jaguar at 203 x 18/7 is 522.

The Great Pyramid and Maya Time

Publishing her research in the scientific journal Nature, Dr Spence says her theory gives a more precise date for the beginning of construction work on the Great Pyramid. And she wrote, “The celestial north pole was only aligned exactly with Kochab and Mizar in 2467 BC, which would put the beginning of building work about 70 years later than many archaeologists, have previously thought.”

So counting from January 19th 2467BC at the Crucifixion at 9am Friday, April 7th AD30 is 2,496.212683 years and x 1982.70809 years from the Crucifixion to December 22nd 2012 and squared thrice x 2 is 7.2033842e+53. And the internal volume of the sarcophagus in the King’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid is 72,033.842 cubic inches at 41.6862516 cubic feet. (And the amount of material removed from the apex of the Great Pyramid including the capstone of 2,580 cubic feet, is 11,616 cubic feet and x Pi thrice x 0.2 is 72,033.842.

Thus the Great Pyramid’s construction date of 2467BC until the Cross and from the Cross until the end of the Maya Long Count, reveals the main reason for building the Great Pyramid in the first place that of the sarcophagus in the King’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid. So I go for December 22nd 2012 as the date for the ‘Battle of Armageddon’.

And 100,000 Sun days, at 28.4 Earth days per one Sun revolution, is 2,840,000 Earth days and /Pi + 2,840,000 Earth days is twice the Maya Long Count at 1,872,000.036 days.

And the Great Pyramid can be constructed out of Sun time, that is 10,000,000 Sun’s days at 284,000,000 days /Pi + 2,840,000,000 is 32 times 91,575,000.24 showing the volume of the Great Pyramid at 91,575,000 cubic feet. So Death is wrapped up at the end of the Maya Long Count, the end of the ‘Age of the Jaguar’.

The Maya Long Count and 9.11

Now if I use the multiplication of all three components of the Great Pyramid, the volume at 91,575,000 x the missing capstone of 2,580 cubic feet x the internal volume of the sarcophagus in the King’s Chamber at 41.6862516 x the full volume of the sarcophagus 82.4854123 cubic feet and cubed once and squared once, x Pi twice x 80 is made up of the reference number 61, for the powerful Ancient Egyptian falcon masked god Horus, the merciless killer of the sky at 6.10000e+30 x 6.10000e+30 x 6.10000e+30.

And now I need to use the multiplication of all three components of the Great Pyramid, the volume at 91,575,000 x the missing capstone of 2,580 cubic feet x the internal volume of the sarcophagus in the King’s Chamber at 41.6862516 x the full volume of the sarcophagus 82.4854123 cubic feet, at 8.123938525e+14.

Next, I count from the start of the process of the Crucifixion at 9am Friday, April 7th AD30, that is Passover Eve, until 10:13:48am Tuesday, September 11th 2001, that is the time between the collapse of both the Twin Towers, is 720,049.424 days, nearly 1,971.43 years. And so to February 1st 2003, the day at 9am when the Shuttle Columbia was destroyed over Texas, a day that I was warned of some 70 days earlier would be a ‘Ring of Fire’ (but I thought this was probably the start of the war with Iraq), which is 1.392043 years, some 508.433174 days after 10:13:48am on Tuesday, September 11th 2001. And so from the starting the Crucifixion is 720,557.8581 days, and x 720,049.424 days is an average period of 720,303.5966 days.

And 61, for the powerful Ancient Egyptian falcon masked god Horus, the merciless killer of the sky and increased to 6.10000e+30 x 6.10000e+30 x 6.10000e+30, and /80 and /Pi twice and square root and cube root is 8.12393850e+14, and divided by the average of 720,303.5966 days, and /1.0000e+08 is equivalent to 11.27849225 years, and counting from

So the Maya priesthood knew more than the majority of Americans et al today, for their very special end date even reveals the day of the Crucifixion thanks to the sarcophagus in the King’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid.

Of course the Skeptics will have to wait for Armageddon to believe in Armageddon.


John D. Miller


The Bull Calf – Twin Towers Precessional Cycle

Now if one uses 25,793.469 years, and squared, by 365.2563612 days for the Earth's sidereal year, and then multiplied again by the years of the cycle, the answer cubed x 2 is 2.870000000e+34. And the gestation period for the bull, that is a calf, is 287 days, a creature of the god Osiris, the god King and Judge of the Dead, a god of Earth time.

And I repeat, 2,870 is that of the Ancient Egyptian falcon masked god Horus, the merciless killer of the sky, who is also a Serpent at 17 x the Serpent wearing the falcon’s mask at 61 is 1037. And 1037 less the tithe is 933.3 the reference in this case for the AntiChrist. And 1037 + Hell that at 1833 is 2870. And Hell is made up of the Skull and Bones flag at 611 + 611 + 611 and 611 is the ‘Skull’ the ‘Dragon’ at 322 + the ‘Crossbones’ the ‘Serpent’ at 289. And not forgetting that Quetzalcoatl shows himself as ruler of the Earth that has a radius of some 3,936.1 miles x 10 at 39,361 + 287 x 287 is equivalent to Horus at 61,000 + 61,000.

The World Trade Center consisted of two 110-story buildings, the ‘Twin Towers’ and five smaller buildings. Architect Minoru Yamasaki Twin Towers were among the tallest buildings in the world with Tower One at 1,368 feet tall and Tower Two at 1,362 feet tall. And each tower had 21,800 windows. Also each Tower had foundations 70 feet deep, making the combined height of both Towers, including the depth of the foundations at 2,870 feet. And the reference number 287 as days of gestation, represents the bull calf, the 'Time Towers'.

So the Feathered Serpent or the Plumed Serpent, who is Quetzalcoatl, or Kukulcan (KKK) of Central America has the AntiChrist reference number 1037 + the Hell’s own reference 1833 (the ‘Skull and Bones’ at 611 x 3) is 2870, the ‘Bull calf’, symbolizes the ‘Twin Towers’.

And so Earth Time is revealed by the fallen 'Time Towers'...           

Of course Lucifer also uses similar numbers to that of God, for example Christ has the reference number 9333 (a fact) and 9333 is one tithe less than 10370 and that is the number for the Lord of Hosts and is equivalent to 170 x 61 the Serpent God, wearing the helm of war. Whereas Lucifer prefers the Skull and Bones at 611 x 611 and /360 and + 611 + 611 + 611 is the 2,870.0027 feet the reference for that of the Golden Calf, who is that of the Feathered Serpent who is a transformation of Lucifer, that is Satan, the Devil, (the AntiChrist has the reference 611 x 611 and /40 is 9333.0250 and x 90 and square root is the ‘Tree of Liberty’ at 916.50 the tree Jefferson said should be fed with both the blood of the enemy and the patriots alike).

OK, the the Seal of the United States likes the number '13' and so 130 x 130 x 4 is 67,600 and 67,600 x Horus, the falcon masked god at 61 x 61 x 61 reveals the Bull Calf came down as an angel of light, at 287 x 287 x the speed of light at 186,282.65 miles per second in a vacuum. So 130 the usual reference for Rebellion by Horus really does show a fallen Angel of light in the form of a Golden Calf.

Another example, if I take light at 186,282.456 miles per second by the Bull Calf x the Bull Calf at 287 x 287 and square 4 times I have 16 times 5.90000e+162 and 59 x 6 is 354 days, that's the cycle of the Moon in Hades according to the Book of Enoch. So the Bull Calf of light speed reveals the Moon, the Bible's symbol of the Ruler of Darkness, at 3540 which is twice 1,770 that is the reference number for the Bible’s Black Trinity, the Dragon, Beast and False Prophet, the thrice Frog. And 59 is a reference for the Kinghts Templar, who are as Rulers of Darkness who are of the Angel of light. 

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