-Caveat Lector-

Below, the story states that, "Free speech advocates sued a manufacturer of
electronic voting machines Tuesday, demanding it stop sending legal threats
to groups that publish company documents leaked by a hacker."  As I
understood it, this stuff was online available to any that would sort
through enough pages to find it.  Let's ask the people at Black Box Voting
dot Com (Cc'ing to [EMAIL PROTECTED] ).

The media, the supposedly LIBERAL media is spinning this story already,
slanderously and erroneously and they are HIDING right wing connections to
the lack of integrity of the new electronic voting machines, i.e. they are
programmed by people of questionable connections and leaked memos indicate
that companies like Diebold are attempting to hide the fact that these
rightist sponsored programmable machines are severly flawed.  Some LIBERAL




Electronic Voting Firm Sued Over Threats
Tue Nov 4, 8:13 PM ET
By RACHEL KONRAD, Associated Press Writer

SAN JOSE, Calif. - Free speech advocates sued a manufacturer of electronic
voting machines Tuesday, demanding it stop sending legal threats to groups
that publish company documents leaked by a hacker.

Voting activists who have received the cease-and-desist orders, including
students from at least 20 universities, claim the documents raise serious
security concerns about Diebold Inc., which has more than 50,000
touchscreen voting terminals nationwide.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation and Stanford University's Cyberlaw
Clinic filed for a temporary restraining order in federal court.

Diebold executives could not be reached for comment Tuesday. But spokesman
Mike Jacobsen said in late October that the internal documents aren't
necessarily authentic.

A hacker broke into Diebold's servers in March using an employee's ID, and
copied thousands of company announcements and internal e-mails. Jacobsen
said the documents might have been altered afterward.

The hacker e-mailed the data to voting activists, some of whom published
stories on their Web logs. A freelance journalist at Wired News also
received data and wrote about it in an online story.

In one series of e-mails, a senior engineer dismisses concern from a lower-
level programmer who questions why the company lacked certification for a
customized operating system used in touch-screen voting machines.

On Monday, a California advisory panel refused to certify new Diebold
voting machines, saying it plans to investigate uncertified software and
hardware that may have been used in a recent election.


On the Net:

EFF: http://eff.org/
Cyberlaw Clinic: http://cyberlaw.stanford.edu/about/cases/
Diebold: http://www.diebold.com/

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