-Caveat Lector-

fwd. Gavin.

<< Summit Free Press
 >P.O. Box 8386
 >Breckenridge, CO 80424
 >November 1998
 >Jewish FIJA board member takes issue with Judge Ryan's letter to Free Press
 >Having read the long (and mostly frivolous) arguments of Judge Ryan, I
 >only have two things to say.  First and foremost, it is always distressing
 >to see a judge with so little regard for the truth as Jeff Ryan displays.
 >As a Jewish board member of the Fully Informed Jury Association, I find
 >his claims that FIJA is anti-semitic or racist to be no more than vicious,
 >baseless lies, and I find them personally offensive- and reeking of
 >desperation, from a man who knows he is on the wrong side of the issue.
 >Imagine the utter arrogance of a judge who thinks that if he lets jurors
 >consider questions of justice, that they will necessarily vote on whim,
 >bigotry, and prejudice - but that he (and the legislature, prosecutors
 >and police, of course) should be trusted completely to always do the right
 >thing. The low esteem in which this judge holds the citizens who voted for
 >him is appalling - perhaps, at the next election, they will remember his
 >opinion of them before pulling the lever.
 >Ryan out and out lies about FIJA, misstates the history of jury
 >nullification, fails to comprehend the role jury nullification plays in
 >perfecting and protecting the rule of law, ignores how the criminal
 >justice system works or the part jurors have played in the development of
 >those same defenses he now says prove jury nullification is unnecessary,
 >and writes in the most condescending possible way about those who sit as
 >I have written a book spelling out those items judge Ryan errs on.
 >However, if he wishes, I will be glad to make myself available for a
 >public debate on these issues, wherein I will gladly document my claims
 >and show that jurors instructed in their right to acquit if the law is
 >unjust or unjustly applied can be counted on to deliver more just
 >verdicts, more often, than those who feel that they must rubber-stamp the
 >judge's version of the law.
 >Clay S. Conrad
 >Houston, TX
 >P.S.  The book is entitled "Jury Nullification: The Evolution of a
 >Doctrine," and is published by Carolina Academic Press.  Order it online
 >                     Re-distributed by the:
 >             Jury Rights Project <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 >            Web page: <http://www.lrt.org/jrp.homepage.htm>
 >         To be added to or removed from the JRP mailing list,
 >   send email with the word SUBSCRIBE or UNSUBSCRIBE in the title.
 > >>

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