-Caveat Lector-


American Workers can safely say, Bye, Bye to the Slice of the American Pie
Norma Sherry

11/11/03: (ICH) I’m just going to blurt it out; tell it like it is. In the
words of the venerable, Walter Cronkite, “that’s the way it is”. Here it is
folks; outsourcing is tantamount to legalized slave labor.

Of course, it’s much more than that to the American worker. Ask anyone who is
out of work, out of unemployment, on the verge of losing their home and all
that they worked for and thought was their American dream come true. Their jobs
by the multi-millions have left the shores of the U.S. for greener, cheaper
labor. Slave labor.

A dollar an hour versus twenty-five or fourteen, or even ten, you figure the
math, big business, not-so-big business, even the little businesses are moving
in droves to lands faraway. The problem with doing so, however, is

For the millions of American workers who have lost their jobs, the prospects
are very dim. Jody, who has worked as an IT professional for twenty years, lost
her job when her company outsourced its workforce to a foreign land and foreign
workers. In five months, she hasn’t been interviewed even once despite her very
marketable skills. When her unemployment runs out, she fears she’ll have no
recourse but to sell their home.

Beverly says, “I completed my graduate degree in engineering and truly thought
that I was living the American dream.” That is until three years ago when she
and her co-workers watched as the jobs dwindled down and were shipped first to
Mexico and then elsewhere. All the years of bettering herself, securing her
future in the finality were measured in her ability to instruct her replacement
to do her job. Humiliation and degradation were her reward.

Fern was in healthcare for thirty years. She watched as nursing jobs were given
to immigrant nurses rather than American graduates. Sadly, she laments
observing sweet, dedicated and idealistic young women she trained become
hardened and embittered.

How did this happen. Where were we? Did we have our heads buried in the sand?
Or were we preoccupied with the realities of everyday life? Perhaps that’s what
our policy makers counted on. But I can tell you one thing for certain. It
didn’t happen overnight.

In fact, it began to surface in the late 70’s championed by the very
conservative Heritage Foundation. Under the auspices of President Ronald
Reagan, free trade “throughout the hemisphere” was borne.

But truth be known, the seeds were sown long before Ronald Reagan. Richard
Milhous Nixon was the first President given authority in the 1974 Fast Track
Bill. It was awarded every president thereafter through 1998.

Fast Track gives the President sole authority over trade negotiations.
Congress, after the fact, can accept or reject the negotiation, but it cannot
amend it in any way whatsoever. In effect, Fast Track effectively removes
Congress from the process of world trade negotiations.

Ronald Reagan, however, was the first to propose a free trade agreement in his
1980 presidential campaign. Proudly, The Heritage Foundation boasts its role in
articulating President Reagan’s vision in no less than three dozen reports.

The Heritage Foundation predicted that free trade would, “over a fifteen-year
time span, create the world's largest market: some 360 million people, with an
economic output of more than $6 trillion a year.” Moreover, they asserted that
NAFTA would guarantee that American workers would remain the most competitive
in the world. That American consumers would continue to have access to the
world's finest goods and services.

They also emphasized that NAFTA would assure Americans cheaper goods while
increasing U.S. exports to the rest of the world. Moreover, the American
workforce was told NAFTA would stimulate and create an estimated 200,000 jobs

Later, The Heritage Foundation wrote, “Economists are virtually unanimous in
their conclusion that the NAFTA will have a strongly positive impact on job
growth throughout the US, with most estimates in the hundreds of thousands.”
They also predicted NAFTA would effectively reduce illegal immigration from
Mexico, would be instrumental in tackling drug trafficking, would strengthen
Mexican democracy and human rights, and above all else, would serve as a model
for the rest of the world. It all sounded so cheeky.

Lofty predilections. The only aspect that has proven true for Americans is
“cheaper goods.” Instead of the 200,000 promised new jobs yearly for Americans,
American workers are losing their jobs – to date, conservatively speaking by
2.7 million. The rate of which is growing steadily. As a matter of fact,
200,000 additional jobs were lost to American workers in September alone.
However, The Heritage Foundation and the Office of the US Trade Representative
(USTR) say the converse is true.

The USTR offers, “Too often, bad news grips the imagination, while good news
goes unheard. In a dynamic economy such as ours, it is not surprising to hear
of some firms closing shop. However, in a typical month, our country gains a
net of over 150,000 jobs.” My guess is these jobs are akin to a hologram.
Sarcasm aside, the numbers simply don’t jive.

As to the remaining gobbily gook, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know
the dire state of the American economic picture. According to the Congressional
Budget Office, the forecast looks very bleak with the national deficit expected
to reach $480 billion next year with unemployment continuing to rise.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported, “Long-term unemployment is at
its highest in over a decade”. The BLS stated, “The last time the share of
long-term unemployed surpassed this level was 20 years ago, in September 1983.
BLS also reported the startling decline in education employment as the largest
one-month loss since July 1982.

There are 1.4 million individuals stuck in the quagmire of personal bankruptcy.
According to foreclosures.com, foreclosures are at record highs, especially
homes in the upper six figures. Bank One in Chicago anticipates a tidal wave of
foreclosures in 2004. Bleak, how about downright abject gloom?

Perhaps we overlooked the loss of jobs because, well, they were just factory
workers, after all—and besides, clothing was never cheaper. Cheaper is the key
word, not merely less expensive, but threadbare cheap, made to literally fall
apart after a few month’s of laundering.

Then words such as, “child labor”, “slave labor” and “abusive, horrendous
working conditions”, started seeping into the American psyche. Clothing
designers went on the defensive, but they needn’t have concerned themselves,
the uproar was short-lived. The consumer greed won out. After all, cheap is
cheap—and nothing wins like saving money!

The consumer then began to notice that there were fewer and fewer American-made
automobiles. Advertising agencies expounded on the consumer concern and began a
national advertising campaign to buy, “Made in America” automobiles, etcetera,
etcetera. However, despicable as Corporate America is, the truth that nearly no
part of an American car or truck, van, or SUV is made in America mattered not.

NAFTA has made us partners with the countries of the world with whom we do
business. It has made us culpable to the abuses and horrifying conditions
workers of the world work under. And we know it. Our legislators know it.
Corporate America knows it—and yet, we allow it to continue.

A famous film company reportedly pays Bangladesh workers between eight and
nineteen cents an hour toiling in deplorable, sub-human conditions for 14 to 15
hours a day. Corporate America knows it, so do our legislators, and yet we
still buy their products. Corporate America rushes to their shore anxiously
bringing their contracts and opening their factories.

The World Trade Organization (WTO) protects corporations but abashedly,
blatantly ignores the torturous existence of laborers. Burma, ruled by a
military dictatorship since 1962 is a very poor, yet resource rich country. It
is also a haven for sweatshops and many American corporations.

Until 2000 and adverse publicity threatened their bottom-line, Anheuser-Busch,
Apple, Estee Lauder, Hewlett-Packard, Macy’s, Ralph Lauren, Oshkosh B’Gosh,
Levi-Strauss, Liz Claiborne, and many more did business with Burma. Colgate,
General Electric, Ford, Halliburton, Gillette, Jordache, Lockheed, Nautica,
Adidas, Chase Manhattan Corp, Proctor and Gamble, and Perry Ellis are among the
businesses that continued to do business with Burma after 2000.

In Burma, Unocal was named in a human rights lawsuit in the course of building
its pipeline. The suit charged Unocal knowingly used forced labor. Hundreds of
eyewitnesses testified that the government’s military provided Unocal with
unpaid labor by forcing thousands of villagers to work at gunpoint. Reportedly,
women who refused to work were raped or murdered.

In 2000, a California Federal Court found Unocal blameless because they did not
have direct participation in the wrongful acts. The case and the appeals are
stalemated. In 2003, the Bush Administration filed a brief on behalf of Unocal
arguing that allowing the case to go to trial could interfere with US foreign
policy and even disrupt the war on terrorism.

Eight months ago, when I called my Dell Computer Support Department to register
my new laptop, my phone call was routed to India. The helpful young man on the
phone and I became chatty. He was very excited about his new job, although he
still had to live at home with his parents and couldn’t afford to marry. He was
34 years old. He was on his twelfth hour of a fourteen-hour day. He earned $9 a
day! A day—and he was happy. Before Dell, he earned less than a dollar a day.
When I hung up the telephone, I cried.

Yet, in India, a country that Corporate America is actively outsourcing
American jobs to in record-breaking numbers is a country that purportedly
exploits and abuses children as laborers. Working conditions are often filthy
and many bosses are worse than inhumane. NAFTA and WTO turn a blind eye; so do
our rich and super-rich corporations.

Rajesh is a partner in an executive search firm. He is well educated, from the
Indian Institute of Management – Ahmedabad, as are many of his counter-parts.
Rajesh refers to his alma mater as “The Harvard of the East”. He also bemoans
regrettably, that so many of his brethren with MBA’s are applying for call
center jobs. A waste of their impeccable and hard-earned degrees. But until
America actively sought employees from India, opportunity was dismal.

Rajesh's firm offers accent trainers to teach Indians to speak like a Yankee;
there are soft skill trainers teaching how to approach an American client. He
has an event manager that updates and teaches about American events and
festivals and he says they have doctors on the premises and on call because
working odd hours, Rajesh says, “has its consequences. Health is definitely a

Obviously, Rajesh is not one of the employers that disregard his employees. In
fact, he is a man of great sensitivity and grace. He struggles with the
concerns of Americans and he worries about their anger about their jobs going
abroad. “So much money has been invested. So much controversy. Such
The sole winner for outsourcing is Corporate America. Everyone else loses.

After 9/11, President Bush announced to the world “that if any country
harbored, fed, housed, or protected terrorists, then they would be as guilty as
the terrorists.” Does the same not hold true for us if we do business with
countries that abuse workers; that enslave women and children? Does it not
count because we have the entitlement of NAFTA and WTO? Are we not breaking the
greater laws of human dignity?

Now our President wants to Fast Track NAFTA and WTO and open free trade to all
of Latin America. Considering the supreme success NAFTA has been to the
American worker, his motivation is very clear indeed. Money talks…
Pointing fingers and assessing blame is a favorite pastime of the left and the
right, the democrats and the republicans. It would appear that there is plenty
of blame on both sides of the fence. Richard Nixon may have grandfathered the
concept that begot NAFTA. It may have been Ronald Reagan that first introduced
it and George Bush, Sr., who endorsed it, and Bill Clinton who signed it
momentously into law. But of all the candidates running for the office of
President of the United States, only one promises to repeal NAFTA the day after
he is sworn into office.

Perhaps it is time for the electorate to put our elected officials on notice.
Perhaps it is time that we find our voice and express our displeasure in the
only way they seem capable of hearing. Perhaps we should write our legislators
and let them know that we are adamantly opposed to The Thomas Bill, HR 3005,
because it will catapult the further decline of the American worker. NAFTA and
WTO and President Bush’s new Fast Track are designed to destroy the American
worker and to further demoralize and destroy the countries on faraway shores
and keep everyone beholding to Corporate America.

It’s time to just say, No!

Ó Norma Sherry 2003

Bio: Norma Sherry is co-founder of Together Forever Changing, an organization
devoted to educating, stimulating, and igniting personal responsibility
particularly with regards to our diminishing civil liberties. She is also an
award-winning writer/producer. Her Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


There are no states, just corporations. Every body politic on this planet is a
corporation. A corporation is an artificial entity, a fiction at law. They only
exist in your mind. They are images in your mind, that speak to you. We labor,
pledge our property and give our children to a fiction. - Stephen Kimbol Ames

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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