-Caveat Lector-

scroll for news articles - discusses gov't and cult abuse

Cult expert Margaret Singer dead at 82 11/25/03  AP Berkeley, Calif. - "Psychologist Margaret Singer, an expert on brainwashing and cults, has died. She was 82.....Born in Denver, where her father was the chief engineer at the U.S. Mint, Singer received her degrees from the University of Denver. She began studying brainwashing in the 1950s at Walter Reed Institute of Research in Washington, D. C., where she interviewed U.S. soldiers taken prisoner during the Korean War." http://www.bayarea.com/mld/mercurynews/news/local/7346254.htm

Info on Singer is at  http://www.towardfreedom.com/may98/messing.htm
"Messing with Our Minds - With links to CIA mind control experts and accused child abusers, the false memory movement turns "blaming the victim" into a science
"Still another false memory luminary is Margaret Singer, professor emeritus in psychology at the University of California-Berkeley. Long in the research loop of the "military-industrial-intelligence complex," Singer's involvement dates back to her experiments on returning Korean War veterans. Scrutinizing the behavior patterns of what were described as "collaborators," "non-collaborators," and "active resisters," she noted that the "collaborators showed more typical and humanly responsive reactions" than the other groups, whose members "tended to be more apathetic and emotionally barren and withdrawn."

from http://members.aol.com/SMARTNEWS/Sample-Issue-12.htm
The following letter was sent to the American Family Federation in response to an article adapted from "Cults in Our Midst: The Hidden Menace in Our Everyday Lives" by Margaret Singer and Janja Lalich, Jossey-Bass, 1995....
(please note I do not agree with Singer and Lalich)
...an article in VOL. 2, No. 4, 1996, I was very dismayed at what I read in the following paragraph of the article "Aspects of Recovery" (page 3, column 1, lines 28-40). And I quote, "And what is wrong with cults is not just that cults are secret societies. In our culture, there are openly recognized, social secret societies, such as the Masons, in which new members know up front that they will gradually learn the shared rituals of the group....In (cults), there is a deliberate deception about what the group is and what some of the rituals might be, and primarily, there is deception about what the ultimate goal will be for a member, what will ultimately be demanded and expected, and what the damages resulting from some of the practices might be. A secret handshake is not equivalent to mind control."

(In the rest of the article I rebut this statement.)
excerpt from my reply about her statement
"This is only one of the rituals the Masons...perform. This ritual has many aspects of an alleged cult, including a vow of secrecy, dissociating experiences, and threats of death for divulging secrets. Masonic rituals are not (to my knowledge) monitored by outside groups nor are their rituals a matter of public record. A secret handshake may not be equivalent to mind control, but highly disorienting rituals and death threats may be."

in 1997 :  Margaret Singer (co-author of "Cults in Our Midst" was a member of the FMSF  (False Memory Syndrome Foundation) Scientific and Professional Advisory Board. 
in 1997 : Margaret Singer, Ph.D., member of the FMS scientific and professional advisory board is also a member of the AFF's (American Family Foundation's) board of directors. AFF disseminates recovery information about cults and psychological manipulation.

In a recent AFF News Briefs,  April - Vol. 2, No. 2,  1998, American Family Federations upcoming Annual Conference,  Children And Cults, May 29 - May 31, 1998 in Philadelphia, PA, the following speakers were listed:
An Evening with Margaret Thaler Singer and Louis Jolyon West: Reflections   Across 50 Years of Studying Mind Control and Psychological Abuse
It has been alleged that Louis Jolyon West has connections to CIA LSD experiments as well as alleged connections to MKULTRA. Further information on this can be found in "The Search for the Manchurian Candidate: The CIA and Mind Control" pages 62-64.

info on west is also at http://members.aol.com/smartnews/Sample-Issue-35.htm
"It has been alleged that Louis Jolyon West had connections to CIA funded LSD projects. From "The Search for the Manchurian Candidate: The CIA and Mind Control," John Marks, p. 63: "Suddenly there was a huge market for grants in academia, as Sid Gottlieb and his aides began to fund LSD projects at prestigious universities. The Agency's LSD pathfinders can be identified : ....Louis Jolyon West at the University of Oklahoma..."

No need to read with advisers like Dubya's LINWOOD BARCLAY 11/24/03 George W. Bush has admitted publicly that he or watch news on television. He doesn't think much of the media spin on things, the way they make all the really wonderful things he's doing look positively stupid.

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