-Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-

ah ha finally admission to what we suspected

Joint Task Force Told Face to Face, Blackout was a
Military Test

Oliver J. Midelson

At an under publicized public comment meeting, which
was publicly 'announced' by a Department of Energy
news release, Michael Kane outlined his report,
published at Global Free Press, stating that the
August 14th blackout was part and parcel to a
multi-faceted military test. The Task Force was very
attentive, attempting to take notes as fast as Michael

His comments can be heard in Windows Media player
format (now playing). They were the last comments made
to the panel.

It was a snowy Friday afternoon in Manhattan and very
few people showed up. Both Forbes and the Akron Beacon
Journal left out Michael's comments in their
"coverage" of the New York pubic comment meeting. Once
again the mainstream media completely fails the
public, and Global Free Press is the only publication
brave enough to run the real coverage of this
so-called 'public' comment meeting. How public can it
be if no one reports it? The "New Media" such as GFP,
FTW, INN, SGTV, and many more are proving to be our
only salvation.

Michael made the only interesting comments given the
entire day with the exception of Carole Dortch-Wright,
who spoke on behalf of New Jersey Governor James
McGreevey. The NY Times, who had a reporter present at
this meeting, seem to have provided no coverage in
their Saturday edition. For the record, I personally
saw Michael's report handed to the NY Times reporter.
Hopefully they are saving it for their Sunday edition,
but I won't hold my breath.

Very few people showed up to the public comment
meeting in Cleveland, Ohio on December 4th, prompting
Rep. Dennis Kucinich and four other members of
Congress to accuse the D.O.E. of failing to adequately
notify the public, according to the Akron Beacon

The first point Michael made was that the Task Force
Interim Report failed to address the possibility of
Electro Magnetic Pulses causing the blackout. He noted
that it is known HAARP was turned on at 4pm on August
14th, just 11 minutes before the blackout occurred. He
stated the Air Force should be contacted and required
to turn over all documentation pertaining to what
HAARP was used for on that day.

Michael detailed the aerial aerosol spray operation he
witnessed the night of the blackout, as well as
referencing the proximity of the Determined Promise
'03 national military drills announced just one day
after the blackout. He also mentioned he received a
report that the Canadian border was militarized at 1pm
on August 14th, just three hours before the blackout,
in the Mohawk River Valley region. Why?

article and audio here:

Joint Task Force Told Face to Face, Blackout was a
Military Test

Dr. Nawal Kamel appeared to be pleased to hear Mr.
Kane's comments, as he was the only person who
appealed to the Task Force as a citizen void of any
special interest. In addition to this, Senior Policy
Advisor James Glotfelty was nodding his head up and
down as Michael began to speak of PD-16.

Wayne Madsen has revealed National Security
Presidential Directive 16 (PD-16) gave the president
authority to wage cyber-warfare against other
countries, including bringing down their power grids.
Michael pointed out we do not know if any elements of
PD-16 pertain to North America.

He continued by referencing Tommy Franks' recent
comments in Cigar Aficionado. General Franks' stated
if another terrorist attack occurs in America, the
Constitution would be scrapped for a military
government. Visibly upset by this outrageous
statement, Michael put down his prepared statement and
made a much-needed comparison to the current
'independent' commission to investigate 9-11.

He noted how the victims family members were terribly
disappointed with the 9-11 Commission, and that it is
clear the commission will not withstand historical
scrutiny. He ended by warning this Task Force the only
way for them to avoid the same destiny is to address
the questions outlined in his report. He then offered
to hand his report to any one interested in reviewing

At this point, Alison Silverstein, co-chair of the
Electric System Working Group (ESWG) threw both her
hands out, prompting Michael to personally hand his
report to all nine Task Force members.

I asked Michael what he thought of the Task Force's

"I wanted to appeal to their hearts as well as their
minds," said Michael in the Park Central Hotel Lobby,
"…I think I may have touched one or two hearts in
there today."

WORLD BAD AIR ALERT --- Global Chemtrail Spraying

I'm sorry, this isn't very good news; but if we get
this stopped it
will be
VERY GOOD NEWS. Please pass this on to everyone you
know. TOGETHER we
stop this global insanity.

People in the UK, USA, and in many other countries,
are getting
sick because of the massive spraying in the sky and
air of toxic
chemicals -- such as barium stearate and aluminium
This 'Chemtrail
Spraying' started in West USA around 1991, and became
severe over many
countries in 2001 and 2002.

Over the past few years millions of people will have
died from, and
millions are now sick with, these conditions and
complications from
massive 'Chemtrail' spraying operation occurring over

Examples of Symptoms related to Chemtrail exposure:

Allergies, sore and blocked sinuses -- Dry, hacking,
cough --
Nosebleeds, blood in mucous -- Swollen, burning, teary
eyes with
mucous --
Flu-like, fever, sore throat -- Pneumonia, upper
respiratory --
infections -- Migraine or splitting headaches -- Pain
in back of neck,
particularly at the top of the spine, extremely stiff
neck --
Disorientation, foggy brain, sudden dizziness --
Extreme fatigue,
inability to concentrate -- Loud ringing in your ears
-- Depression,
attacks -- Gastrointestinal distress, bloating --
Diarrhoea, bloody
stools -- Joint pain, Aching joints and muscles --
Thirst (your pets,
or loss of appetite -- Loss of bladder control, tics
or spasms --
fungal infections -- Metallic, oily or corrosive smell
and taste.

I have been trying (along with many, many others) to
coalesce action
to stop
this madness for 36 months, but now this spraying is
becoming very
severe -
so, I am trying again. In a chemical-filled storm
(caused by planes
their chemical loads into approaching weather fronts)
here on the
Isle of
Man a few weeks ago, I heard first-hand of many babies
being taken to
hospital with breathing difficulties. Now is the time
to tell this
story and
to unite people, because most people are now beginning
to understand
that we
have some pretty mad people making many of the biggest
decisions on
If you are new to the subject of 'Chemtrails' ask
around a few
friends and
contacts and you will find people who have known about
this for some

There are many, many health emergencies connected with
this massive
pollution. A key recent connection may be the 'Flu'
outbreak in
central USA.
Doctors have been unable to identify what virus is
causing this
however huge spraying of Chemtrails were reported
across central U.S.
in the week or so prior to class rooms being emptied
and children
because of this 'outbreak'.


If we follow every avenue we can to distribute this
information and if
everyone raises an outcry, we can stop this mad abuse
to all life on
Most people in Britain (and in many other countries)
already know
very strange is going on in our sky -- if you give
them information on
'CHEMTRAILS' they will KNOW what is happening. You can
also simply
tell them
to search on the Internet for 'CHEMTRAILS' and they
will find masses
information dating back at least four years.

Poisonous Chemtrail spraying is being organised by the
same powerful
who control George Bush Junior and Tony Blair. These
are the people
organised 9-11 and the phony 'War On Terror'. They are
the people who
hidden 'Free Energy' from the world for over 40 years.
These people
are mad.
If we unite together, we can defeat them.


This is a simple OVERVIEW of 'CHEMTRAILS':

'CONTRAILS' are the normal trails of jets and comprise
of ice crystals
formed from moisture emitted in the engine exhaust and
within a few minutes of appearing. Contrails are
usually only made and
observed at fairly high altitudes, in most cases, in
above 25,000 feet. Contrails are ICE.

'CHEMTRAILS' are laid down in a similar way to normal
contrails, but
do not
dissipate; instead they linger in the air, disperse
widely and at mid
lower altitudes form a greyish, streaky cloud-like
cover which can
last all
day. They are not made of ice crystals, but of solid,
very fine,
matter. And will therefore land on the ground, water,
sea, and in our
as widely dispersed, but nevertheless, SOLID physical

'CHEMTRAILS' are widely observed in NUMEROUS
countries: Britain, USA,
Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Germany, Sweden,
France, Switzerland,
Military and civil authorities in these countries are
reluctant to
information on exactly what is being sprayed by
aircraft to cause
this new,
man-made type of 'cloud' cover. One suggested
explanation is that it
is to
reduce the effects of 'Global Warming'. However,
current information
suggests the spraying of toxic and therefore poisonous
INCREASES local ambient temperatures.

HEALTH: There appear to be serious consequences to the
health of
animal and vegetable life onto which the spray falls.
There are
reports of
Chemtrail spraying going back to 1991. Around 1993,
many countries
began to
experience a large increase in illness of many types,
with respiratory conditions. Also: pneumonia,
influenza, viruses,
etc. From around 1998, there seems to have been an
extra increase in
Chemtrail spraying, and likewise, an increase in
illness in humans and
animals, and abnormalities to vegetation.

BRITISH ISLES: Chemtrails seem to be badly affecting
the British
Isles. On
many days you will notice the trails of planes linger
in the sky for
hours, forming a wispy, untidy, low-level 'cloud'
cover, obscuring
the sky
above and reducing sunlight. A large increase in
illness occurred all
the British Isles around 1993/94. In recent years,
there has been a
increase in the incidence of asthma, pneumonia and
bronchitis. Also,
nagging coughs, flus, and viruses which are very
severe and in many
never seem to clear up. A constant and debilitating
infection is
very common.


NOTES: You will find a large number of groups and
websites on the
and from these websites and groups, you can follow
links to other
and groups. The amount of information on the Internet
on Chemtrails is
increasing at a high rate. There are a relatively
small number of
saying that Chemtrails are not happening -- please
largely ignore
'debunking' websites; on most days you can clearly see
the obvious,
affects of chemtrails in the sky above you. Now that
more of the
public have become aware of this massive discharge of
toxic chemicals
our skies and air, spray planes are dropping their
loads off-shore
approaching weather fronts to be swept inland mixed in
with the wind
weather in an effort to disguise what they are doing
-- but on many
days you
will still see planes right above you spraying thick
and messy trails
will soon reach ground level, causing allergic
reactions and sickness.


Phone everyone you can --- BRING IN EVERYONE ON THIS
--- and raise an
outcry. Babies etc. are asphyxiating because they
can't get enough
oxygen to
breath. Adults are permanently sick, depressed,
confused, and are
all manner of strange and virulent conditions. ACT NOW
- please. Bring
everyone in on this. If you are new to this subject,
and have not
the mess in our skies these past few years, please
speak to friends
who DO
know about it. And then please get into action as soon
as possible.

This mail-out is going to Magazines, Action groups,
Health groups,
centres, 'Alternatives' centres, etc. If you are a
magazine, please
information on 'Chemtrail' spraying as soon as
possible -- people know
something odd is happening in the sky, but they don't
know what it
is. If
you are a centre or run an alternatives, action,
spiritual, or health
please disseminate this information urgently, and ask
people to copy
pass the information on. People are finding it hard to
and to
feel energised - that is due to the chemicals etc. in
the spray -
the situation to them and ask them to make an effort.

If we all raise an outcry - we can stop this.

Michael Irving
World-Action and Stop-Chemtrails, Isle of Man, British



Carlyle Group clip

MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

 Carlyle Group clip

This is long - about 48 minutes, but it is very well
done and VERY much worth listening to (it's Dutch, and
the first minute and a half are in Dutch before it
switches to English) not only for its details about
the Carlyle Group, but also about the down-and very
dirty (and very well-organized!) repugnican cross-over
voters who made sure that Rep. Cynthia McKinney was
ousted from the House of Reps for questioning the
Carlyle Group!  But of course, that is just a little
diversion.  The level of corruption, control, and
outright taxpayer theft is beyond comprehension.


Influencing Behavior and Mental Processes in Covert


Intelligence networks go for Google


Intelligence networks go for Google
By Wilson P. Dizard III,
GCN Staff
The Intelink Management Office, which oversees
top-secret, secret and sensitive but unclassified
intranets for the CIA and other intelligence
organizations, has adopted the Google Search Appliance
from Google of Mountain View, Calif.

IMO director John Brantley said during an interview
this morning at CIA headquarters in McLean, Va., that
the office has purchased two Google Search Appliances,
one for its secret networks and one for its top-secret

 Rome's "OWN" declared global intentions !

In your quest for Truth: Take care,   A.O.L.

 ......God's hidden message to man....The
(Vatican-American) alliance ushering in the
FALSE-KINGDOM of Jesus Christ..  The  (New World

http://projectv.nventure.com              .......
Rome's "OWN" declared global intentions !

9/11  "The Road To Tyranny".....vhs.....



In a scathing new editorial, Wayne Madsen focuses a
spotlight on the activities of one of the meanest and
most powerful
members of the Bush cabal.

Character assassination, dirty tricks, and even death
seem to follow
the enemies of the meanest man in Washington who --
according to some
sources -- has his own skeletons to hide.

Read Now:


*The Turd Blossom's Chickens May Come To Roost

Dubya - The Perfect PNAC Presidential Puppet (Sheila

PNAC, mostly a crusty, flinty-hearted gaggle of
Iran-Contra perps such as Dick Cheney, Donald
Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Jeb Bush, Richard Perle,
Bill Kristol and Lewis Libby, knew they would likely
get but one shot at achieving world domination. The
only thing lacking was a candidate who was impervious
to human pain and suffering, and who viewed most
constitutional laws and regulations as ploys of the
vulnerable to set road blocks to progress. They needed
a candidate whose lust for power and thirst for blood
matched their own. When they looked around for an
accomplice or, better yet, a puppet, to start the
empirical ball rolling, it was only natural to
consider the Brothers Bush.

Democratic Underground

London, November 26, 2003

David Irving comments:

Fisk -- one of the greats

MEET Robert Fisk -- consistently one of the world's
greatest and bravest writers. Unlikely to win the
Noble Prize for Literature or any other "meaningful"
award; but able, I make so bold as to say, to sleep
with his conscience untroubled each night.
   A few months ago he spoke at a university in the
United States. No US newspaper (to my knowledge)
carries his despatches, and yet over a thousand
students turned up to meet and hear the British
journalist in person.
   What does that tell us about the growing might of
the Internet? And about why the traditional enemy is
taking frantic steps to control it?

Are we now to support atrocities against the 'scum of
the earth' in our moral campaign against Evil?

By Robert Fisk

IN Iraq, they are just numbers, bloodstains on a road.
But in the little town of Madison in Wisconsin last
week, they were all too real on the front page of the
local paper, the Capital Times. Sergeant Warren
Hansen, Specialist Eugene Uhl and Second Lieutenant
Jeremy Wolfe of the 101st Airborne Division were all
on their way home for the last time.

Hansen's father had died in the military. Uhl would
have been 22 at Thanksgiving but had written home to
say he had a "bad feeling". His father had fought in
Vietnam, his grandfather in the Second World War and
Korea. Two of the three men were killed in the Black
Hawk helicopter crash over Tikrit just over a week

But of course President Bush, our hero in the "war on
terror", won't be attending their funerals. The man
who declined to serve his nation in Vietnam but has
sent 146,000 young Americans into the biggest rat's
nest in the Middle East doesn't do funerals.

Nor do journalists, of course. The American television
networks have feebly accepted the new Pentagon ruling
that they can't show the coffins of America's young
men returning from Iraq. The dead may come home but
they do so in virtual secrecy.

Things are changing. At a lecture I gave in Madison
last week, there was a roar of applause from the more
than 1,000-strong audience when I suggested that the
Iraq war could yet doom George Bush's election chances
next year. A young man in the audience stood up to say
that his brother was in the military in Iraq, that he
had written home to say that the war was a mess, that
Americans shouldn't be dying in Iraq.
After the lecture, he showed me his brother's picture
- a tall 82nd Airborne officer in shades and holding
an M-16 - and passed on a message that the soldier
wanted to meet me in Baghdad next month.

But I'd better make sure I don't reveal his name
because those in America who want to keep the people
in the dark are still at work.

Take the case of Drew Plummer from North Carolina who
enlisted during his last year in high school, just
three months before 11 September 2001. Home on leave,
he joined his father, Lou, at a "bring our troops
home" vigil. Lou Plummer is a former member of the US
2nd Armoured Division whose father, unlike Mr Bush,
served his country in Vietnam. Asked for his opinion
on Iraq by an Associated Press reporter, Drew Plummer
replied that "I just don't agree with what we're doing
right now. I don't think our guys should be dying in
Iraq. But I'm not a pacifist. I'll do my part."

BUT free speech has a price for the military in
America these days. The US Navy charged Drew Plummer
with violating Article 134 of the Uniform Code of
Military Justice: Disloyal Statements. At his official
hearing, he was asked if he "sympathises" with the
enemy or was considering "acts of sabotage". He was
convicted and demoted.

Yet still the US press turn their backs on this. How
revealing, for example, to find that the number of
seriously wounded soldiers brought home to America
from Iraq is approaching 2,200, many of whom have lost
limbs or suffered facial wounds. In all, there have
been nearly 7,000 medical evacuations of soldiers from
Iraq, many with psychological problems.
All this was disclosed by the Pentagon to a group of
French diplomats in Washington. The French press
carried the story. Not so the papers of small-town
America, where anyone trying to tell the truth about
Iraq will be attacked.

And while the Pentagon is now planning to have 100,000
GIs in Iraq until 2006, the journalistic heavyweights
are stoking the fires of patriotism with a new and
even more chilling propaganda line. One of the most
vicious has just been published in The New York Times.
Claiming that Saddam's torturers are attacking
American troops - some of his intelligence men are now
working for the occupying army, but that's another
matter - David Brooks writes that "history shows that
Americans are willing to make sacrifices. The real
doubts come when we see ourselves inflicting them.
What will happen to the national mood when the news
programmes start broadcasting images of the brutal
measures our own troops will have to adopt? Inevitably
there will be atrocities that will cause many
good-hearted people to defect from the cause ...
somehow ... the Bush administration is going to have
to remind us again and again that Iraq is the Battle
of Midway in the war on terror ..."

What on earth is one to make of this vile nonsense?
Why is The New York Times providing space for the
advocacy of war crimes by US soldiers? I doubt the US
channels will broadcast any images of "brutal
measures" - they've already had the chance to do so
and have declined. But atrocities? Are we now to
support atrocities against the "scum of the earth" -
Mr Brooks' word for the insurgents - in our moral
campaign against Evil?

Amid such filth, we should perhaps remember the simple
courage of Drew Plummer. And remember, too, the
following names: Army Private First Class Rachel
Bosveld, aged 19, Army Specialist Paul Sturino, aged
21, Army Reservist Dan Gabrielson, aged 40, Army Major
Mathew Shram, aged 36, Marine Sergeant Kirk Strasekie,
aged 23. They, too, came from Wisconsin. And they,
too, died in Iraq.

© The Independent

Bikini Liberation?
Yamin Zakaria
3 November 2003
Are we now to believe that a lone Afghan woman in a
bikini – as
exemplified by Miss Afghanistan, a Kabul-born student
in California who last
week participated in a Manila beauty contest - is a
symbol of progress,
simply for having removed the ''oppressive'' veil? It
could have been
her promotion to become a university professor, a
doctor, lawyer, or
successful entrepreneur. But no! The transformation
had to involve
removing her clothes, in order for the
western-dominated mass media to
demonstrate to the rest of the world that the
liberation of the Afghan woman
has begun.

Tariq Ali's Guardian article supporting the Iraqi

Brilliant analysis of (and support for) the Iraqi
resistance to
"coalition" occupation of Iraq by Tariq Ali as
published in the Guardian in the UK.
It includes a brief review of why the UN stepping in
as an "honest broker"
to resolve the situation is no solution at all. Looks
like he is just publishing a
new book as well on the same subject.

Travis Parchman, Organizer
Philadelphia Anti-War Forum

Member, Solidarity

Resistance is the First Step Towards Iraqi

by Tariq Ali

Some weeks ago, Pentagon inmates were invited to a
special in-house
showing of an old movie. It was the Battle of Algiers,
Gillo Pontecorvo's
anti-colonial classic, initially banned in France. One
assumes the purpose of the
screening was purely educative. The French won that
battle, but lost the war. At
least the Pentagon understands that the resistance in
Iraq is following a
anti-colonial pattern. In the movie, they would have
seen acts carried
out by the Algerian maquis almost half a century ago,
which could have been
filmed in
Fallujah or Baghdad last week. Then, as now, the
occupying power
described all such activities as "terrorist". Then, as
now, prisoners were taken and
tortured, houses that harbored them or their relatives
were destroyed,
repression was multiplied. In the end, the French had
to withdraw.


Earn big money in your SPARE TIME !
Established HENHOUSE Corporation, in business since
1776, searching for WCM FOX to guard front and back
Experience with Arabs, mendacity, financial
manipulation and coercion a necessity.
Poor memory helpful.  Some WMD experience required.
Apply:  White House
(Must be willing to promise not to eat chickens.)
Bush Appoints James 'Iraqgate' Baker to Help in
'Restructuring' Iraq's Debt!

"Bush on Friday called on a longtime family
troubleshooter, former Secretary of State James A.
Baker III, to oversee the job of getting Iraq out from
under its crushing $125 billion debt... 'The future of
the Iraqi people should not be mortgaged to the
enormous burden of debt incurred to enrich Saddam
Hussein's regime,' Bush said." Hey Bush, Jim Baker
helped Saddam accrue that debt, with loans through the
Dept. of Agriculture, under the specific direction of
your Daddy! Bush-Baker were leaders of the Iraqgate
scandal -- in which arms, including Weapons of Mass
Destruction, were sold to Saddam Hussein! Baker and
your Daddy left the American taxpayer holding $2
billion in Iraqi debt with their weapons sales! And
now you are putting this thug in charge of handling
Iraq's debt? Baker is the family 'fixer' -- such as
his key role as the spokesman for Bush's election
theft -- and his law firm is representing Saudi royals
in the 9/11 lawsuit! (Enter 'iraqgate' 'baker' in

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