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"Welcome to Terrorland"Â
Coming in February!
The two-year long investigation into Mohamed Atta & his contacts and associates in Florida.Â
English and German editions.Â
Order a signed copy now.

December 05--Venice, Florida
by Daniel Hopsicker

FBI agents harassed and intimidated witnesses to the 9/11 terrorist conspiracyâs activities in Florida, issuing warnings to avoid talking with reporters,ÂÂÂ report current and former residents in Venice, Florida.
At least one eyewitness, who knew Mohamed Atta because he lived next door for a time, received regular visits for six months after the attack from FBI agents eager to ensure she continued to remain silent. Several said they felt unfairly singled out because what they saw and heard is at considerable variance with the official story ofÂthe terrorist cadreâs time in Florida. Â
An American girl named Amanda Keller, for example, briefly lived with Mohamed Atta in Venice, according to both local news reports and numerous eyewitnesses.
She possessed presumably âscorching-hotâ details of life with a terrorist ringleader.ÂBut we never saw her being interviewed by Diane Sawyer.
The FBI had other ideas.Â



In a land where the newspapers no longer report what happens every day, appearance can replace reality...at least until its too late to do anything about it.Â
September 11th was surrealistic enough. Now we know that the flight school where Atta learned to fly in Florida is not a âflight school.âÂ
Its owner is not a âflight school owner.âÂ
Today Florida has replaced California as the epicenter of national weirdness, a place where nothing is as it seems.
Venice, Florida is he biggest September 11th crime scene that wasnât reduced to rubble.ÂAnd a big piece of the 9/11 puzzle will fall into place when we know the answer to this question:Â
âWhat was going on in Venice, Florida?â

The true owner of the flight school which served as home away from home for the two pilots who took down the World Trade Center, Wally Hilliardâs Rolodex includes everyone from Whitewater scandal figure Truman Arnold to Evangelical Christian mover-and-shaker Jerry Falwell to Latin American dictator Fidel Castro.
Hilliard owns the only air carrier claiming regular service to Havana, where he has made numerous trips, courting Castro for business concessions through the simple expedient of passing out âhand-fulls of Presidential Rolex watches.

(Sadly, its more than most of us have got. )

We recently settled a libel lawsuit filed against us in Texas by an individual who felt we mis-spoke ourselves about him in âBarry & the boys.âÂ
After a year and a half during which the suit kept the book from receiving distribution, we settled, and agreed to take out the offending chapter.Â
Hereâs what we learned:Â
1.There is no ACLU in Texas. Not one that would return our calls, at any rate.

2. In the land of the George W. Bush Memorial Freeway, justice is a commodity paid for by the pound.Â


The MadCowMorningNews has been on hiatus while we wrote âWelcome to Terrorland.âÂ
Someone asked a famous writer how he wrote his books. Thereâs no secret to it, the author replied. Its just one damn word after another.Â
The bookâs done. Weâre back.Â
Only the conspiracy rolls on unimpeded.Â


Too many people died. Too many people know.Â
Too many people are maybe even utterly disgusted.Â
But this wonât be like Kennedy, we donât think.Â
We think this one will be solved.Â
Please donât quote us on this however, especially if it doesnât come to pass, because:Â
1. Weâre only human.Â
2. Humans live on hope.Â
3. All hope is false.Â



You can count on the fingers of one hand the American journalists who have investigated the 9/11 terrorists activities... and pick your nose at the same time.
Time for a change.


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